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  1. L


    please help me my golden apple snail has been in the same place for 2 days now it was lyin on its sid but i moved it with a net n it still not moved .... is it dead
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    Please Please Help

    hi how do u know if the golden apple snail is dead as mine has not moved since yest morning and was even lying on its side, i got him in my net and moved him but he didnt move please help me
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    My Plants :'o(

    hey i have a plant in my tank and a few leafs have gone brown a few days ago my friend unplugged my heater without reallisin and the water was very gold the fish were fine but a day or to later the plant had browm leafs on it and it was fine befor i just wounderd if it was this that caused it...
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    Baby Fish........

    thank u all so much the mollies are gettin a little bigger now so i think they will soon be ready for my tank the barbs are only small to at the mo, i am guna let the mollies get a tad bigger as i dont want to take them out of a good enviroment to a bad one my barbs dont seem to agressive but...
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    Betta And Snails?

    hey i have a golden snail and i have no problem with my plants but they do come out at night and like to wounder up the plants so it maybe him, keep the real plants as they are good for the water my tank is new and my real plants provide great oxgyen and the fish love them, the snail is also...
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    Baby Fish........

    thanks for the advise my mate has them in his tank but im just concerned as the barbs are the only ones in the tank at the mo and i dont want them to be agressive they are baby mollies
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    Baby Fish........

    hey a friend of mine has some baby fish he says i can have some for my tank my only worries are will my tigger barbs eat them?? :fun:
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    Neons And Barbs

    thanks for the help
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    Neons And Barbs

    thank you very much i have some places they could hide maybe i could try them i may go with the bigger ones just to be sure any problems ill take them out thanks
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    Neons And Barbs

    :S ok guys maybe u will help me....... the pet shop say.... neons will be ok with tiger barbs but personally i thought tiger barbs would have to be put with fish little bit bigger than them as they could be agressive... i really want neons but dont want to take the rise ................. HELP PLEASE
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    How Odd

    :D hey thats great news im getting 2 mollies at the weekend they are beautiful fish..... what fish bullied them? i have 4 small tiger barbs i hope they will be good together :S
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    My New Tiger Barbs

    i didnt even notise i put barns haha sorry. its about a 24g tank and only the barbs and golden apple snail live there i just wasnt sure if the barbs would hurt the mollies
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    My New Tiger Barbs

    hey there all, im a very new fish keeper and have wanted to do this for years i have got 4 tiger barbs in my tank. now i know these can be a little agressive at times but mine seem fine i was just woundering if having 2 black mollies would be ok in the tank? thanks