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  1. F

    New Fry, Going Away For The Weekend

    Can someone help me. One of my Guppys just dropped a large load of fry, I lost count after 42. Anyway I have them in a breeding net right now in the main tank, I am going away Friday morning and not returning until Sunday afternoon. Will the fry make it without being feed that long? I am...
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    Guppy Tail Fin Missing

    UPDATE It has been about a month and my female guppy's tail is almost fully grown back. Yeah !!! she is also ready to drop another batch. One of her fry from 2 batches ago is showing lots of color on her tail. Looks just like her Mom :D
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    Guppy Tail Fin Missing

    Thanks for the replies. I am glad to hear it will grow back
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    Guppy Tail Fin Missing

    My female Guppy is missing about half her tail fin. I think it was possibily bit off as it is missing down to the base. She was fine with a full tail at lunch time. She was very pregnant, infact I noticed part of her tail was missing when I glanced in and noticed she was having her fry...
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    Platys Begging For Food

    Does anyone else have this problem. My platies always are begging for food. I feed them twice a day. but anytime I walk by the tank there they are at the top waiting to be fed. Even when I open the lid to get a water sample to do a water test there they are as if theyare saying "where...
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    Too Many Fry Help

    Ok I need some suggestions I have a 20 gallon tank with 6 platys 4 female 2 male and 3 albino corys. 2 of my females have dropped a load of already. I was hoping to have maybe 2 or 3 survive well it turns out about 20-28 have survived and are happily swimming around the main tank. They...
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    My Platies Are Sick?

    Hey I need some help I have 3 platies in my 20 gallon tank (tank is fine temp 78F, amm 0.00 nitrite is 0.00 Nitrate is 20 ph is 7.2) However most of the time they just seem to be sitting on the bottom hiding, with clamped fins. I do not se any signs of ICK which s what I thought it might be...
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    Help I Think My Platies Are Sick

    Hey I need some help I have 3 platies in my 20 gallon tank (tank is fine temp 78F, amm 0.00 nitrite is 0.00 Nitrate is 20 ph is 7.2) However most of the time they just seem to be sitting on the bottom hiding, with clamped fins. I do not se any signs of ICK which s what I thought it might...
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    New Tank Cycling How Much Longer?

    Thank you I hope you guys are right hope it is soon. Not much fun looking at a empty tank. I already know I want some Albino corys, a dwarf Gouramni, a few platies and some guppies
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    New Tank Cycling How Much Longer?

    To answer the questions posted to me. My tap water contains no detectable amounts of Nitrates. My tank is a 20 us gallon. I dosed the tank this morning at 11:00 to bring my amm level to a reading of 4.0ppm i just tested a little while ago the reading is now .25ppm so in a short few...
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    New Tank Cycling How Much Longer?

    Hello everyone has given such great information in the past, I have another question. I am currently cycling my second tank. I am fishless cycling this time as I learned a lession the last time when I cycled with fish and did not want to make the fish suffer this time. Ok so here is my...
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    New Fry

    Ok I am sure this has been asked a million times, but how long does it normally take for fry to show their colors? I have a tank with a few Platy and Guppy fry. They are not that old yet a little bigger than a grain of rice. I can tell that it looks like some of them are going to be...
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    Help Fry Population Is Going To Get Out Of Control

    Now that my first 20 gallon tank has been cycled for over a month my guppies and platies are dropping fry like crazy. I plan to keep a few from each batch and raise them then give them away to friends or LFS. But I have way too many and one of my guppies is so prego I don't know how she is...
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    Starting A Second Tank

    Ok I have just purchased a second 20 gallon tank that I plan to set up this weekend. I amgoing to do a fishless cycle this time. I don't want to put any fish through a cycle again. I do have a cycled 20 gallon tank running already. My question is if I do a partical water change on my...
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    Guppy Tank

    I am going to start up a new 20 gallon tank. This time I am going to use a fishless cycle. I learned a lession with my first tank which is cycled finally, but don't want to have to watch the poor fish suffer while the tank is cycling. Ok so I want to add about 3 Albino Corys, and Id like...
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    High Nitrites

    Hello can anyone offer any suggestions on how to lower my Nitrite level. My tank has been cycling since Oct 25, It is a 20 Gallon with 5 platy, 1 guppy, 3 peppered cory and about 7 tiny fry. My temp is 78, Nitrites is 1.0 Amm is zero and it has been at zero for the last month. Nitrates is...
  17. F

    My Platy Is Pregnant

    Can anyone tell me any signs when a platy is about to give birth? I have a Twin Gold Bar Platy that I am sure is pregnant, I do not see a gravid spot but from what I have read there is not always one. However she is not only big she is HUGH, her belly is so big that it the coloring is not...
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    Getting New Corys Help

    Ok yet another question about my Corys.. I have 2 Peppered Corys, Yes I should have gotten more but Like I keep saying I am new to this and still learning. I am planning to get another 2 peppered corys next week, with the old corys accept the new corys and be buddys and swim with them or...
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    Need Help Feeding My Corys

    I have a 20 gallon tank with 2 peppered corys, I am getting 2 more next week, I did not know they are happier in bigger groups. My mistake but I am still learning. But anyway I am concerned that they might not be getting enough food. They look healthy and have grown some since I got them. I...
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    Strange Platy Behavior

    Two of my male platies seem to be acting strange, or maybe they are not. Hopefully someone here can answer my questions. First I have a male mickeymouse platy, he is the largest platy i have at about 2 inches. I am guess he must be the dominant fish in the tank, he chases everyone at first...
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    Correct Way To Read Water Tests

    Ok I have a really dumb question. What is the proper way to read the water test. I am using the API test kits withthe vials and drops. when you read the test kit do you hold the vial up to the white area and compare colors without placing it directly on the card? If I put my nitrite test...
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    Pregnant Platy

    :bday: :bday: :bday: Ok I guess I found out about my platy. I looked in the breeding box and there are 4 little fry in the bottom, Yeah I just wonder what they will look like when they grow up. None have any color to them I thought maybe some would be red since momma is a redwag...
  23. F

    Pregnant Platy

    Hello, I think one of my Platys is very pregnant, Atleast that is what I am guessing. She is very very fat, and her belly is getting box shaped. I can not see if she has a gravid spot because she is a red wag and too dark to tell. She started hiding a bit more or she just swims up and...
  24. F

    Platy Gravid Spot

    Does anyone know about how long after a platy is pregnant that you will see the gravid spot. I have a gold twin bar platy and she has been in the tank for about 2 weeks, I have 3 males as well as 3 other females. I would have thought she would have gotten gregnant by now. I am askingthis...
  25. F

    Help I Think I Made A Mistake

    Hello all. I thought my tank was slowly cycling things seemed to me moving along however, I did a water change on Saturday because my Amm was going over 1.0. I was getting reading for Amm, Nitrites .25-.50 and Nitrates at a little over 5.0 maybe around 7.0. I did not add anything to the...
  26. F

    My Platys Acting Strange?

    I am wondering if my platys are doing anything strange, first they seem to keep nibbling on all the tank decorations, but I do not see anything there, no left over food no algee, am I not feeding them enough are the hungry? I feed them twice a day. I do not think next thing is a probelm...
  27. F

    Tank Still Cycvling?

    Hey all. I just took my reading again am I am a little confused. Temp 79, PH is 7.0-7.2, Amm .50 to .75 NitrItes 0.00 Nitrates is around 7.0 slightly higher than 5.0 but less than 10.00. Water is very clear and fish are swimming around and eating everytime i feed them. I did so a...
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    Tank Is Still Cycling

    Hello I posted a few weeks ago about my tank cycling. I got lots of good advice, However my tank seems to be "stuck" temp is 79 PH 7.2 Amm .75 NitrIes is .25 NitrAes is 7.0 The water is nolonger cloudy, and is almost Crystal clear. 20 gallon with 7 platies 3 guppies and 2 cory cats...
  29. F

    My Platies Are Not Pregnant

    I have a question. I have sevaral female Platies, a Red Wag, Tuxedo, and a little blue one. I have had them for about 6 weeks and I still do not see that any of them are pregnant. I also have 3 male platies. I would have though by now I would have had atleast some little guys. The Male...
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    Adding Another Cory

    Help Just a question, I have 2 Peppered Corys in my tank already, They are fun to watch, They will sometimes hang out together but most times they are just swimming around on their own. I want to add another 1 or 2 corys, will they ones I have in the tank accept the new ones and...
  31. F

    Pregnant Guppy !

    Thanks for the replay. I have a 20 gal. with 3 female guppy 2 male, 3 female platy 3 male platy 2 cory cats. Yes she has a gravid spot and looks hugh. Yes she is hiding amoung the plants and under a rock decoration. Is there anything I can do to make her more comfortable or do I just...
  32. F

    Pregnant Guppy !

    I am fairly certain one of my guppys is pregnant. can anyone tell me if she will have the fry soon. I noticed this morning she did not eat anything, infact when everyone else was having breakfast she was at the bottom on the tank with her head down and tail up. Now she is hiding in the...
  33. F

    Help Is My Tank Finally Cycling?

    Hello I believe my tank is finally starting to cycle, can someone confirm this. My temp is 79 PH 7.2 Amm is 1.0 Nitrites .50 Nitrates 5.0. I know it is suppose to be cycled when Amm and Nitrites are zero and I get a reading on Nitrates. I guess my question is is it normal for...
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    Help Cycling Forever

    Ok I just tested my water again, can anyone tell me if I am on the right track? Hopefully I am. Temp 79 PH 7.2 Amm 1.0 Nitrite .25 Nitrate 5.0. I thought that amm and Nitrite need to be 0.0 before I see Nitrate readings. Also the water is still a little cloudy any advice? thanks
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    Strange Behavior

    Ok I have been noticing some strange behavior with my fish, I have platies and guppies. I have my tank directly next to and behibd my office desk. When I first go to sit at my desk the fish stay mostly to the right side of the tank, which is closest to my desk, if I get up and walk to the...
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    Help Cycling Forever

    Thanks everyone for your replies. Keep them coming. Can't wait to get this tank cycled. I want to get another tank after the holidays. I found 2 tiny fry the other morning, i guess the others got eaten :-(, oh well the 2 i have are in a net breader. I don't know if they are guppies or...
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    Help Cycling Forever

    I need some advice. I am new to this whole thing. Yes I realize now I made a big mistake. I bought a 20 gal tank about 2 months ago. I added 7 platies, 5 guppies. They seem to be doing fine. I even have little fry. however mytank seems to be forever cycling. my amm. is 1.0 Nitrites 0...