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  1. kribensis12


    They are a hybrid between parrot cichlids and convict cichlids.
  2. kribensis12

    Top Fin Vs Aqueon Tanks

    Bought 2 55s from Petco (Aqueous) and there is a generous amount of silicone. Seem to be pretty durable.
  3. kribensis12


    I'm assuming that you've figured out what to do with the babies? Also, Polar Cichlids are Hybrids so this belongs in a different forum.
  4. kribensis12

    Prolapse? What killed my Angelfish??

    I'm sorry, I miss-typed. I have Levisamole HCL that I could use as a dewormer. It's also known to stimulate the immune system either way. I too don't want to toss a random anti-biotic in there, especially when the remaining 4 seem very healthy. I have, over the years, found Kribensis to be...
  5. kribensis12

    Prolapse? What killed my Angelfish??

    I have extensive experience with Callamanus worms (unfortunately) and in my experience they are a slow killers and the red worms are easily visible from the anus. This fish died very quickly and I have seen no evidence of worms. I do have some Metro on hand that I could mix into their flake -...
  6. kribensis12

    Prolapse? What killed my Angelfish??

    Hello, I have 5 Koi Angelfish (from angels plus - IFKYK) that I have been growing out and attempting to pair off. This morning, one had what appeared to be part of its intestines/anus hanging outside of its body. It swam around like a phantom and did not eat - strangely the other Angels did not...
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  9. kribensis12

    Methylene Blue

    I may end up needing to do Methylene Blue.... I've got two gorgeous breeding pairs of EB Rams and they've each had 4 batches of eggs fungus. Rams are semi-known for being bad parents, but I've had good success in the past. Going to give them one more try!
  10. kribensis12

    What happened to my Apistogramma cacatuoides double red.

    Were you aware that cockatoo apistogramma are all born female? I can't remember the study on this, but it was very interesting to read. At roughly the 30 day mark, the environmental influences determine their gender. There is a breeder is S. Africa who has a male Cockatoo that successfully...
  11. kribensis12

    What happened to my Apistogramma cacatuoides double red.

    Just dropping in to share an experience. Line bred Orange Flash Cockatoos for 2 years. Sometimes the tanks were are small as 10g. Females owned the territory. Males fought each other, but not females. I successfully kept a M/F pair in a 10g and it worked very well. There were 3x where I...
  12. kribensis12

    Kribs and dwarf crayfish

    The kribs will not eat the crayfish. I would not recommend the mixture, but the crayfish would not be killed.
  13. kribensis12

    Methylene Blue

    Can you define what you mean by "which kind"? Also, what are you planning to use it for? It will stain the silicone in your tank (and maybe decorations). It's typically (in my experience) used by aquarists who are trying to hatch cichlid eggs w/o their parents.
  14. kribensis12

    Unknown Killer

    Thanks for your advice, sorry for the delayed reply. I did apply tetracycline and after 24 hours, there was no change. After having kids, not seeing a change in 24 hours is a bad sign. I stopped, did a 50% water change, applied carbon and afterwards treated with an anti-parasitic medication...
  15. kribensis12

    Unknown Killer

    Thanks for your replies!! I am thinking that it could be parasitic and/or bacterial. I went to the store last night and picked up Tetracycline to dose the tank. I did a 50% water change before treating and have increase aeration. The bacterial medicine I was using before is out of date (I did...
  16. kribensis12

    Unknown Killer

    Hey! Thanks for your feedback. All of my tanks are in a fish room (3 20g, 1 30 g, 1 15g tall, 3 10g) and they are all side-by-side. They all get water changes the same day, get fed the same food assortments etc. The room is carpeted and gets 0 foot traffic; I'm the only person who comes down...
  17. kribensis12

    Unknown Killer

    This 10g is temporary housing. Only been in there for a month. I was actually planning to move them to 30g this week... Obviously not now since they are sick. Thankfully, this female betta is non-aggressive. I've raised her since she was 1/8 inch and she is very placid. I do not believe...
  18. kribensis12

    Unknown Killer

    So, this has happened 3 other times now. Last Instance: Say It Aint So Previous time: Killer Tank Strikes Again Previous time: Poisoned? I have a 10g (one of many tanks) which has the exact same care routine of all tanks. 30% water change once a week (with gravel vac). Feed 2x daily. Temp is...
  19. kribensis12

    Fish Room Lighting

    You and I are kindred spirits! The room is probably 10 by 11. I am hoping to expand in a few weeks to Multis, Brichardi + I have rams and kribs currently.
  20. kribensis12

    Fish Room Lighting

    Hey ya'll. I'm wondering if anyone has ever tried to light their fish room with a single fixture? I'm not looking to have amazon swords in my tanks, but the possibility of keep a low-light plant alive would be nice. Just trying to simplify my set up as I have quite a few tanks running.
  21. kribensis12

    German Blue Ram Fry are hungry

    Your best bet with ram fry is live bbs. You can get a hatchery for about $20 and do it that way - I have a favorite one that I can share a link to if interested. What is nice about BBS is that the stomach of the fry changes color due to them, so you can ensure that they are getting a good...
  22. kribensis12

    Old Age?

    Well, this may be correct, but.... I just went to go feed them and the female was dead. I'm very sad; she was gorgeous. I've got some fry at the 1 inch mark but my WC male is HUGE. Like pushing 4 inches, so that won't work. Wish I had easy access to another female, but without spending $50...
  23. kribensis12

    Old Age?

    I posted this in the AC section, but that area doesn't get a lot of traffic so I'm hoping someone here might be able to advise. "Hello, I have a wild caught pair of Kribensis "Moliwe"; I've owned them for a little over a year and they arrived fully grown (so at least 1.5 years old). They...
  24. kribensis12

    Dithers For Kribensis

    It seemed you were wanting the OP to know there was no such thing as too many tanks. I thought it would be helpful to know that the OP is no longer active on the forum (last seen in 2016). Sometimes people get lost in the search function and don't realize the age of the post itself. I was...
  25. kribensis12

    Dithers For Kribensis

    FYI this post is from 2011.
  26. kribensis12

    Old Age?

    Hello, I have a wild caught pair of Kribensis "Moliwe"; I've owned them for a little over a year and they arrived fully grown (so at least 1.5 years old). They have had several successful batches of fry that I have raised. They were very easy to breed and took excellent care of their eggs...
  27. kribensis12

    Ram cichlid injury/illness need help identifying!!

    To give a different perspective, Rams are notorious for getting Hole In The Head (HITH). I would encourage you to monitor closely and it it appears to be getting worse at all, to treat it with Metro. It may just be a fresh wound, so water changes and general husbandry would help. If it gets...
  28. kribensis12

    Kribs and rams

    As others stated, no-go on Kribs and Rams. I suspect in a fight the Krib would win but in that situation no one really wins... Tank mates: Anything that is not a cichlid or a bottom dweller (within reason). I have found that Lemon Tetras look good with kribs in my opinion. I'll PM you, but I...
  29. kribensis12

    Cloudy Water (not another thread about it!)

    I found another article for corroborating: Sounds like the last two water changes must have been colder than before, causing the water to become cloudy. I don't normally do as large of a water...
  30. kribensis12

    Cloudy Water (not another thread about it!)

    I'm not opposed to doing new things based on evidence, but I would say empirically I've never had a fish by affected by that disease and I have never added water that is the same temp as my aquariums. If my aquarium were to have supersaturated water, I would think all of my Angels would show...
  31. kribensis12

    Looking for Opinions/Suggestions

    Typically it's either a runt or an internal parasite. It can be hard to tell because I've grown out batches of fry that exhibit those exact symptoms who are just genetically inferior and need to be culled. If it was very active when you purchased it, it leads me to think you might be dealing...
  32. kribensis12

    Cloudy Water (not another thread about it!)

    I do a 50/50 mix between R/O and tap. Water was clear when placed into the tank. I gravel vacuum every week. Temp is not the same, I've never matched the temp of a water change to the tank TBH. In my OP it's way to much work and would probably lead to me doing WCs less. That being said, this...
  33. kribensis12

    Cloudy Water (not another thread about it!)

    That's the thing - no overfeeding, tank has been established for 3 years and fish were added 5 weeks ago (only inhabitants to this tank). Cloudy water only shows up after water changes. I'm curious as to the cause, because as you pointed out, the most common reasons for it don't apply.
  34. kribensis12

    Cloudy Water (not another thread about it!)

    Hey all! I have a (for me) really exciting project going on. I am raising 7 Koi Angels which have 90% coverage (black and orange on 90% of their body!) with the hopes of getting a breeding pair of two out of them. I got them at "quarter" body size in the beginning of January and they are...
  35. kribensis12

    The End of an Era...

    Shipping fish is actually pretty easy, in my opinion! Just shipped some out via Aquabid to two different sellers the week before last. I used 1 24 hour heat pack and insulated well, it took 3 days for the fish to arrive and they were in perfect condition. I had a lot of apprehension the first...
  36. kribensis12

    Best substrate for German Blue Rams?

    Best of luck. They are notoriously bad parents the first few rounds - egg eaters big time. One of my new EB Pairs just spawned 2x in 8 days and both batches went bad and were eaten. The other EB pair had about 50% success rate on first spawn.
  37. kribensis12

    Possible Restart...

    What are the fish that died? How long have they been in the tank? Did you verify it was completely cycled? Did you add anything new to the tank (even a water change)? Did you spray any chemicals near the tank? Sorry for your loss.
  38. kribensis12

    Repackaging/Resale of Fish Food

    I checked their website out and I am intrigued. I don't see pricing anywhere. Do you know if I can find that without calling?
  39. kribensis12

    Repackaging/Resale of Fish Food

    That is really great to know! I ordered live food from him this time last year.
  40. kribensis12

    Repackaging/Resale of Fish Food

    That's really cool. I had no idea he made his own. I've used Fry Crack before, but my favorite fry food beyond BBS is called "Golden Pearls". Again, to me, it seems unlikely that the large portion of available "specialized" dry fish food is all homemade. Then again, I could be wrong. Just ask...