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  1. F

    Dwarf Pygmy Puffers

    ok, thanks. Oh no, i do have knowledge about them it was just this question i wasn't sure on because of their size and wondered if anyonw had anything to say about them. Thanks for the comment. :)
  2. F

    Dwarf Pygmy Puffers

    Hi, i have recently got hold of two really cute pygmy puffers and was just wondering if they actually puff? If anyone knows any information on these little guys i would love to know!!! :good:
  3. F

    Which Fish

    How about bumblebee gobies?? They are very pretty fish and also peaceful.
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    Dead Guppy

    I experienced the same thing with a guppy of mine and later found it to be swim bladder. He swam at he top of the tank for a couple of days and then the bottom. HOwever it could also be syptoms of stress. Have you got all community fish?? :)
  5. F


    I have recently bought a tank and have filled it with different livebearers. A couple of which are mollies. I originally had 1 male and 1 female however I now have two males. Does anyone know anything about this kind of thing? :look: