Dwarf Pygmy Puffers


New Member
Oct 23, 2006
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Hi, i have recently got hold of two really cute pygmy puffers and was just wondering if they actually puff? If anyone knows any information on these little guys i would love to know!!! :good:
Yes all Puffers will Puff as a last resort in defence. Also why did you buy Puffers without knowing anyhing about them?

read the threads on here and also The Puffer Forum is a wealth of info on the species as a whole.
Yes all Puffers will Puff as a last resort in defence. Also why did you buy Puffers without knowing anyhing about them?

read the threads on here and also The Puffer Forum is a wealth of info on the species as a whole.

ok, thanks. Oh no, i do have knowledge about them it was just this question i wasn't sure on because of their size and wondered if anyonw had anything to say about them. Thanks for the comment. :)
they do puff, but it isn't good, it means they are stressed basically and if they inhale air it can be bad.

Some puffers do puff for 'practice', fahaka puffers are known for this
My Salivator Male puffs when i come to the tank and pay attention to the female and not him :rolleyes:
Once i start paying him attention hes deflated and up and down the glass like a nutter :D

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