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  1. P

    Norman's Lampeye Fry

    Hello all! I am in two minds what to do.... I have a small 25l (UK) tank that has given me problems...... it has been running for over a year now. I bought 5 Norman's Lampeyes and all except one survived - there seemed to be a bullying issue! Water quality has always been tolerable but I hate...
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    Glowlight Tetras Dead

    Wilder - she has made a (what seems to be) full recovery! Colour has come back - no white stuff over the body and eating a treat! Other tank mates are good too! I'm going to wait a week to make sure nothing happens and then pop them in my Dad's larger tank. Thank you for your advice once again!
  3. P

    Glowlight Tetras Dead

    :good: Thank You!
  4. P

    Glowlight Tetras Dead

    Thanks once again for your help Wilder - I will keep you informed. I will probably close this small tank down and start afresh. My other tank is the 45litre version of the cube tank (like in PFK) and I'm using a Rena XP1 external filter that sits under my kitchen worktop. I'm stuck with not...
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    Glowlight Tetras Dead

    I understand what you are saying about them. My Dad has got a lightly stock 60litre.... Do you think it would be safe to move the Danios down there tomorrow? I feel really bad about them..... At least this forum has got experienced and helpful people. The water change is almost done here.
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    Glowlight Tetras Dead

    Just noticed one thing with the Tetra - for every gill movement (take in of water), every fin is moved/twitched with it.....
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    Glowlight Tetras Dead

    Before I knew about stocking etc - I listened to the shop and they didn't mention about the tank being small for the fish I have. You did mention before about it being overstocked. It is a 15litre! With 4 Danios, now 1 Glowlight, 2 Otos and a Algae shrimp. I do 10% water changes every 3-4...
  8. P

    Glowlight Tetras Dead

    I'm in Gloucestershire...... Would you have any explanation why two apparently healthy Glowlights would die on the same night? Then this one just started to get this happening?...... Would it spread to my Danios and 2 Otos? I cannot see anything abnormal with the gills.... I have owned all...
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    Glowlight Tetras Dead

    I've noticed her fin has been getting worse to Wilder.......
  10. P

    Glowlight Tetras Dead

    Pic a comin!
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    Glowlight Tetras Dead

    Thanks Wilder! It is like icing sugar!! Wierd way of describing it I know!
  12. P

    Glowlight Tetras Dead

    Thanks for replying Wilder. The stats are as follows: Temp - 24 celcius Ammonia - 0.0-0.1 colour between both Nitrite - 0.1 Nitrate - 0.0-12.5 colour between both Two of my Danios were rubbing up against plants and rock but I cannot see any sign on parasites.... The last (the largest)...
  13. P

    Glowlight Tetras Dead

    Hi all. I did my 10% water change last night as I have done many many times to the wake up this morning to find one glowlight dead and another one laying stiff as a board but will still gill movement. My female glowlight (last one now!) is still fine but swimming around to try and find her...
  14. P

    Algae Eater For A 10 Gallon Uk Tank?

    I'd personally say two Otos should be fine as long as you are keeping up on your water changes.
  15. P

    How Much Light

    I can't really comment on your requirements but I just want to say DO IT!!! I replaced my fake plants a few days back and what a difference!!! The tank looks much brighter and more like it should!
  16. P

    Whilst Cleaning Out

    Yep! I do! Say if I'm doing a small water change - 6.5 litres treated tap water (enough to do 7 litres) and 0.5 litres boiled water to bring the temperature up a little.
  17. P

    Do You Think That Tank Under 5 Gal Should Be Banned?

    I voted no as I'm sure many of us do not have a massive house and may have the aquarium in a bedroom (I have mine in the front room of my flat). I would have bought the largest tank I could of but then I'd not have room for anything else. As a newbie (parents kept fish over 15 years ago) I...
  18. P

    Zebra Danio Buoyancy Problem?

    Woke up this morning to expect to see it floating and it is back to normal - Phew! Weird! If it was consitipation, would they develop this type of problem? Thank you for your comments once again.
  19. P

    Zebra Danio Buoyancy Problem?

    Thanks Wilder! I'll do the pea thing shortly...... I understand now about the flake food but what kind of veg would you recommend? I'll buy some daphnia tomorrow. I'll see what I can do with tank too! Keep you updated and thanks once again! PS - What do you think the chances are of this...
  20. P

    Zebra Danio Buoyancy Problem?

    Thanks for reply: 30 litres 4 Zebra Danio 4 Glowlight Tetras Fish fed on King British Tropical flakes Tank temp = 25C PH - approx 8-8.5 I checked the other readings last week as both nitrate and nitrite was getting too high so have been doing 10% water changes every two days. They have been...
  21. P

    Zebra Danio Buoyancy Problem?

    Hi all! I've just noticed that one of my Danios is swimming around with apparant buoyancy problems. He/she is easily floating to the surface when stopping and has to swim with its head down and therefore its tail is up to get about. It is also chasing the others away too! This is the first...
  22. P

    Hi All!

    Hello! I'm Ian. I've been waiting for the water levels to get right in my tropical tank and last Friday I got four Zebra Danios - I've only started out with a 25 litre. They're doing really well and I can't wait to get a further two/four small fish in the next month. Below is a photo of one...