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  1. M

    What Algae Eater Can Go In With Brichardi Colony

    I have a breeding colony of Neolamprolagous Brichardi but I want to get a fish that can eat the algae in the tank. Is there any fish out there that can do the job and stand up for itself in a Brichardi tank?
  2. M

    Male Or Female

    There is rumours that the majority of Rams exported from Asia are actually sterilised before export so it may not actually be possible to breed them what ever sex they are. If they were originally bred in your country you may have a chance.
  3. M

    Reducing Nitrate Levels

    Aquamedic do an Nitrate Filter which is brilliant. Another option would be to buy some RO water from the local petshop. My tapwater is very hard so i find that when i do water changes using 2/3 rds tapwater with 1/3 RO water very effective. As mentioned earlier plants should also be a great help.
  4. M


    Bala sharks will be fine as they are very fast swimmers. I have a very large tank with 3 Red Necked Severums which also houses two young Silver sharks. The Severums have now grown to over four inches and one is going for the the Silver Sharks every now and again but isn't coming close to getting...