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  1. C

    Rocks From Estuary/beach?

    Just wanted to follow up on this topic i started. Have finally set up the tank with the new rocks from the beach, after two nights of boiling.. ( need a bigger pan if im doing it again ). Been 3 days now and fish seem to be ok. Also powerwashed the rocks before boiling to get rid of any debris...
  2. C

    Noisy Air Pump With Leds... Hydor Ario? New Filter?

    I too had the Hydor Ario colour. The noisiest air pump i have ever heard considering every site selling the item describes it as low noise. Replacing it with a Rena air 400 for my 240l tank, connected to one of them round/disc air stones... should do the job. Looking everywhere for one of those...
  3. C

    Best Position For Maximum Circulation

    Hey all, just wondered, what is the best position for the inlet and the outlet of a canister filter on a tank? I have the Rio 240 without the internal filter and currently have the inlet coming through the gap on the left hand side of the tank, and the outlet on the right hand with the 'nozzle'...
  4. C

    My Tank (newbie)

    Just changed my rocks and added a bit more. Think it looks better now myself, but now i have lots of moneys worth or ocean rock to get rid of with nowhere to keep them lol. All these new rocks were free from my local beach. Powerwashed then boiled all of them and had no problems. Also added the...
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    Fluval 305 Filter Spray

    I was using the old spray bar with my 305 with no problem, just used the fittings included!?
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    Fluval Canister Filters

    Hello everyone, wondering if i can have some recommendations. I was just looking through my Fluval 305 Instructions when tidying my tank cabinet, and i noticed the setup of media is different to how i have it running and might be the cause of my tank not filtering properly... but the way it is...
  9. C

    Rocks From Estuary/beach?

    Dont tell the taliban that!
  10. C

    Rocks From Estuary/beach?

    that is a great article.. but which of the stones listed are the ones i have? Could the be some sort of slate? Would it be better collecting from a stream/river? I just dont want to get caught as i heard it is illegal now?
  11. C

    Rocks From Estuary/beach?

    Hey all, i am desperate to change the rock colouration and formation in my african cichlid tank after seeing some pictures on this forum, but when i saw the prices you had to pay for these rocks i though ' oh dear '. I went for a walk to a 'sea wall' near where i live and saw some nice rocks so...
  12. C

    My Tank (newbie)

    many thanks for the ID. He/she has grown to such a beautiful fish and is always busy carrying gravel from one end of the tank to the other. Wish i could manage to breed them though!
  13. C

    Juwel Lighting

    Hello all, just 2 quick questions - IS there any way of having the two tubes in a Rio 240 to come on at seperate times at all? I really want to blue lights on at night to see the nocturnals. How can i go about this without having to buy the underwater blue L.E.Ds? Also... which external...
  14. C

    My Tank (newbie)

    Here is a picture of my favourite... don't know what he/she is though? Here is the best picture i have of Syn, he always hides and is camera shy... not the best picture!!
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  17. C

    Cichlid Tankmates

    I have my lights on 6 hours a day, from 5pm when i get home from work until 11pm when i usually go to bed, but my algae problem is terrible. I have green spots that are hard to scrub off appearing on the glass, followed by some white'ish' sort of hair or 'mucusy' algae that just wipes off...
  18. C

    My Tank (newbie)

    I have no idea what most of my stock are to be honest lol. I know i got 4 Yellow labs, 3 Fairy Brichardi (sorry for not right names), 2 bumblebees, about 5 zebras and a synadontis. All in all i think i counted 27 alltogether which is definitely overstocked as the tank is only a Juwel Rio 240...
  19. C

    Juwel Filter Box Removal

    I still found it hard to take mine off with a craftknife and got annoyed in the end and just ripped it off with my hands, and it was so easy. Just use the knife then to scrape the excess silicone off the glass. I did mine becuase at the time i had a community tank, and all the neons used to get...
  20. C

    My Tank (newbie)

    Just thought seeing as i am new and alot of newbies post a picture of their setup, i would follow suit. Still not finished the tank, need more rocks!!!
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  22. C

    Cichlid Tankmates

    Is it possible for me to add the bristlenose in with my Synadontis, or would i have to get rid of him? I need to get rid of some of my fish anyway, it is far too overstocked imo, 26 small-medium (4ish inches) sized fish in my Rio 240 (without the horrible black filter, if that adds a little bit...
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    Cichlid Tankmates

    Hey all, my first post here on this forum, hope i don't sound dull or anything with it, but i was just wondering if anyone could tell me if i was able to have either crabs or shrimps in my african cichlid tank? Also, i have bad algae problems, i seem to have to clean the glass and coral sub...