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  1. J

    Changing from gravel to sand

    Simple question how long will the fish be ok to stay in in a bucket of tank water while i make the change. Im assuming a long time but just making sure.
  2. J

    New tank set up suggestions

    This past week I gave away most of my fish in my 45 gal. high as i was gonna switch it over to a cichlid tank. But today i was given a 55 gal. Which im gonna make into a ciclid tank instead. So I'm now stuck with an empty 45 gal. Well it has a spotted rapheal and a sailfin pleco in it. Im...
  3. J

    spotted rapheal ?

    I have already found a home for most of my previous fish and by this time next week i should have made the complete change to an african tank. I'm curious if my spotted rapheal can stay with me? Hes about 5 inches. From what I've been reading he should be ok but the fish might bite his eyes...
  4. J

    How many pounds of rock

    How many pounds of rock do you think should be used to set a 55 gallon? Rocks are ridiculously expensive @ the fish store anyway. Im going to like a landscaping place tomorrow to check some out.
  5. J

    fin rot on angel fish?

    i just got home and checked out the angel. I would say the top fin looks a little red but from what i remember it was always that way. And when i said looks like a toothpick i meant the top fin in like folded over not all spread out like a sail on a boat as my other angels are
  6. J

    fin rot on angel fish?

    Its one of the older/biggest angels. The 2 big ones I bought as babies together and they never leave each others side, so i know there not biting fins and the the 2 little one never leave each others side. Its only on the silver big angel now and it looks like the baby silver one is getting it...
  7. J

    strange pleco question

    I recentily acquried a new plece i cant think of the name (hes brown with black spots) I also have a spotted rapheal. Strange question all the new pleco does is go to the bathroom to the point where its like all over the place LOL. I dont know how else to put it. Is that normal cause the...
  8. J

    fin rot on angel fish?

    I've never had a sick fish my whole life. Lately I've been noticing that one of my angels top fin is , i could best describe it as losing surface area compared to the other angels. Its like his fin rolled up and he has a toothpick coming out of him. ( I have 4 of em all together). 2 of em...
  9. J

    Newbie question

    thanks. Yeah 45 high is 36x24x12. I decided im gonna keep this tank as my tetra community and within the next few months do some more research and buy a bigger tank atleast 75g and do an african cichlid setup
  10. J

    First Time Cichlid set up

    Well I posted a topic a few days ago about mixing cichlids in with my angels in a 45g high and after getting a few responses I think I'm leaning towards giving away all my tetras to my neighbor and giving away my 4 angels to another buddy of mine. I would like to set up an african cichlid tank...
  11. J

    newbie question (Angels) compatibility

    Right now I have a 45g high which i have set up as a tetra community and basically im looking to add some color to my tank so I'm thinking about giving away my tetras and changing over to a cichlid tank. I know basically nothing about cichlids. My question is the only fish that i would like to...
  12. J

    Newbie question

    Right now I have a 45g high which i have set up as a tetra community and basically im looking to add some color to my tank so I'm thinking about giving away my tetras and changing over to a cichlid tank. I know basically nothing about cichlids. My question is the only fish that i would like to...
  13. J

    Will my cories fin grow back

    One of my cories is missing is top fin and most of his tail, he is just a body. Its kinda funny but kinda sad too. He has been living for the past few weeks but when he's not swiming around like a maniac he is laying on his back and always looks like he is dead. Over time will his top fin and...
  14. J

    kissing gourmi

    I currently have 2 kissing gourmis in my 45g high tank along with 1 blue gourmi, 4 bleeding heart tetra, 1 rainbowshark, and 4 albino coreys. For the past 2 days my 2 gourimis have been locking lips and fighting in the middle of the tank. Since then the one whocame out on top of there little...
  15. J

    kissing gourami

    I currently have 2 kissing gourmis in my 45g high tank along with 1 blue gourmi, 4 bleeding heart tetra, 1 rainbowshark, and 4 albino coreys. For the past 2 days my 2 gourimis have been locking lips and fighting in the middle of the tank. Since then the one whocame out on top of there little...