Search results

  1. S

    Plant Sale

    Hi, Would this still be available ? If so could I take both please ?
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    Blyxa Japonica And Weeping Moss

    Have you still got the Blyxa available ?
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    New Hydor 300W External Heater & Tetratec 1200

    Wondering if you will post the heater ?
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    V2 300 Vecton Uv Steriliser And Hydor External Inline Aquarium Heater

    For the reasons above I am not going to change my offer, sorry not trying to drive a hard bargin but it just not worth £50 to me and I have gone in with the max I am willing to pay.
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    V2 300 Vecton Uv Steriliser And Hydor External Inline Aquarium Heater

    Nope will stick with my offer for both. I am most interested in the heater if I am honest but I can get one of those online for about what you are offering with a bit of luck on eBay and in that case it will be brand new with the box. Happy to take the slight hit on the heater (it not being...
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    V2 300 Vecton Uv Steriliser And Hydor External Inline Aquarium Heater

    My offer still stands and happy to keep it up for as long as you want (unless I find them elsewhere)
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    V2 300 Vecton Uv Steriliser And Hydor External Inline Aquarium Heater

    Completely understand I am only adding them as an extra to my setup so not something I am desperate for. Happy to leave the offer as it stands and if you change your mind will pay immediately
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    V2 300 Vecton Uv Steriliser And Hydor External Inline Aquarium Heater

    Would you consider £40 for both including shipping ?
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    Juwel Trigon 190 - Bristol

    Equipment Juwel Trigon 190 Age and condition: 5 Years old great condition no visible scratches Quantity for sale: 1 Reason for Sale: Does not fit decor of redecorated front room so have purchased new tank to suit Collection only Sales price: It's on eBay (Item Number 260880404817) With a Buy it...
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    Fluval U2 Filter For Sale

    Delivery please as I am down in Bristol, fancy PM'ing you email address and we can sort out payment (Paypal I assume?) and I will give my delivery address.
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    Fluval U2 Filter For Sale

    I will take the Lily Pipes if they are still going ? and while I am at it for the fiver I will grab the tweezers
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    Tetratec E X 1200 External Filter For Sale - London ** Not For Sale **

    Ah ok thanks will give it a miss think by the time have added all the P&P and the new media I can get a new one for not much more
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    Tetratec E X 1200 External Filter For Sale - London ** Not For Sale **

    Hi, Looks good can I check that this has only been used in a tropical tank and would come with all the media ? Also wondering what you reckon delivery will be ? (I am Bristol based so just UK mainland delivery) Thanks Ian
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    5 Foot Tank

    Ah that's good news do you have a clean shot of the entire tank so I can show my better half and see if she thinks it will fit in with the new decor ? Also are the inhabitants still included or have they been sold separately (I will have to do some research if they are included) ? And...
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    Aquarium Rena Calvados And Cabinet Large 354 Litres

    Hi, Just wondering if the Tank is still for sale and if so do you have any photos ? Thanks Shnee
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    5 Foot Tank

    Hi, Just wondering if the tank is still for sale as would suit my upgrade rather well (forced on me due to redecoration) ? Thanks Shnee
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    Tetra Tec Ex2400 For Sale

    Back now from holidays complete with tan so defiantly looking to sort the swap if you are about and still interested.
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    Converting D-D Co2 Cylinder

    Anyone please just before I procure a FE ?
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    Converting D-D Co2 Cylinder

    Ok another question have the adapter and picked up one of these today but can't workout how to depress the valve to release the CO2 does anyone have any ideas of is an FE the best way ?
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    Tetra Tec Ex2400 For Sale

    I am around this weekend if you are up this way and then all of next week however I am on holiday from Sept 4th (will leave around lunchtime) and then back after September 19th Thanks