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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. L

    Good Non-betta Tankmates For Dwarf African Frogs In 5ish Gallon

    My ADFs have shared a 35 litre Bi-Ube with some Harlequin Rasboras for about a year now with no problems. The Harlequins are quite a fast and agile fish, but half the bloodworms will drop past them while they are feeding. As the Harlequins never bottom feed, then this leaves plenty of worms...
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    Loaches + Nerites ?

    Hi, I have the beginning of a snail problem in my 3ft tank. I want to add some zebra loaches, but I`m worried that my bumble-bee nerites will be eaten too. Are nerites too big for a zebra loach to tackle - or is this a recipe for disaster ?!
  3. L

    Sick Bolivian Ram

    Yes, I can isolate her. I have a Bi-Ube (35 litres) also, which got me first interested in the hobby. Luckily, I haven't had too many fish die on me yet, so is turning a very dark colour a typical sign of the end being nigh ? The few little fish that have died (in the Bi-Ube) went a very pale...
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    Sick Bolivian Ram

    Yes, I'm starting to fear the worst unfortunately. She is still moving around, albeit slowly. If it is a bacterial infection - as you suspect - then is there a good general medication available (if it's not too late) ? Something that won't harm the shrimp and nerites too ? I have some...
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    Sick Bolivian Ram

    Hi Wilder, The tank is a Juwel Vision 180 (180 litres) with an external Eheim. The tank is well planted, including a couple of very active wysteria plants that I've allowed to spread a little - to see what the effect would be. Nitrates never seem to rise above the 5 level. Fellow tank mates...
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    Sick Bolivian Ram

    Hi there, My Bolivian Ram has started looking very ill in the last 24 hours. I've had her for about 12 months. Her body has turned a dark black colour - almost like coal. She looks lethargic, is only moving around slowly, and isn't coming up to feed (very unlike her). She has begun to open...
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    Brown Dust

    On the face of it, it very much seems that you have a brown algae outbreak - very common in a new set-up. I had a similar thing after four weeks, and was likewise unsure if I was actually looking at algae at all. Everywhere just looked like it needed a good clean or dusting, rather than it...
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    Home Made Python.

    Hi Nick, Can I just clarify something with you please ? You describe in your main write-up - after the syphon has started - that the tap can then be turned nearly off (albeit this reduces the effectiveness of gravel cleaning). Now, I would like to do the gravel cleaning part as effectively as...
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    Very Disappointed In My Biorb!

    I have a 35 litre Bi-Ube - similar thing to the Bi-orb, but cylindrical. I have to say that I've been very pleased with it. It really got me into the hobby, and I now own a Juwel Vision 180 with external Eheim filter, and all the bits. So long as you don't over-stock, the bi-orbs should work...
  10. L

    Eheim Filter

    You`ll find manuals for download here: The 2227 is down at the bottom. Can`t offer any advice though - albeit I have a 2224 and it`s bbbbbbbrilliant !
  11. L

    Uv Sterilizer For Fresh Water

    There were about 6 small fish in the tank already before I was recommended and bought it - so no, I didn`t have it from first set-up. However, I`ve left in turned on permanently ever since.
  12. L

    Uv Sterilizer For Fresh Water

    I have also purchased one of the `Fish R Fun` UV sterilisers and would recommend it to anyone. They are very cheap and couldn`t be any easier to install. They come in two sizes: the smaller (which I use in a 180 litre freshwater...
  13. L

    Angels & Cardinals

    I`m lucky and have a pair of largish angels that are very peaceful. On that basis, I`ve finally relented to my wife and put neons in the tank, and everything has been fine for three weeks now. So, you need to make an honest assessment of your angels` personalities, because if they`re prone to...
  14. L

    Home Made Python.

    Aye, well there may well be merit in that method also. However, the title of this thread is, in fairness, 'Home-Made Python'. i.e not a general discussion on the best way to get water in and out of your tank :P Interesting suggestion nonetheless though :)
  15. L

    White Dots On Tank Wall

    Hi Gir, Thank you for the reply. Alas, my knowledge isn't good enough to know if coralline algae can grow in brackish conditions - but I suspect not. Good luck with your problem, I shall lurk and see if it works out for you. :)
  16. L

    Home Made Python.

    If you read some of the American groups, then they go potty for the python. I've never seen so many people so consistently praise a product. So thank you for this wonderfully written DIY guide ! The genuine python does seem to get a fair bit of criticsm though for some of its parts breaking...
  17. L

    White Dots On Tank Wall

    Hi Fishstick - I didn't think my story fitted with yours entirely, but it might with Gir's as the description given there rings a few bells with me e.g. mineral, hard, opaque, etc. I'm still a bit of a newbie, so can't really help any further unfortunately - I still have quite a bit to learn...
  18. L

    White Dots On Tank Wall

    OK, this is a long shot: Did you purchase your tank brand-new or secondhand ? If you purchased it secondhand, then was it used by its previous keeper as a marine tank ? Why do I ask - well here's a little story of what happened to me when I purchased a used Juwel Vision 180 off eBay...
  19. L

    Can You Help A Plant Newbie Please ?

    My tank is a Juwel Vision 180 (180 litres). I replaced the standard tubes with a single 25w Arcadia Freshwater and a single 25w Arcadia Tropical. Both are in the standard Juwel light fitting. Once a week I add API Leafzone liquid fertiliser. My substrate is gravel. I don`t have any CO2...
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    Can You Help A Plant Newbie Please ?

    Yes, the wisteria is certainly a pretty plant. And it's grown so well (so easily), that it has made me feel all proud of myself - a great morale booster to try more difficult aquarium things !
  21. L

    Can You Help A Plant Newbie Please ?

    Thanks for that. It's now sat in a pot, looking a bit drenched :)
  22. L

    Can You Help A Plant Newbie Please ?

    Many thanks to those who replied. They were all very helpful, thank you ! Ted: I also didn't know that plant is not aquatic... It was bought from my LFS, who are a proper fish specialist and only sell a few plants (so maybe plants are not their speciality). So, should I remove it, or just...
  23. Non_aquatic.jpg


  24. L

    Some More Fish For The 10g?

    I'd get a couple of African Dwarf Frogs (ADFs). They're a hoot (comical little characters), and only grow to about 2.5 inches max. As they're so small, then they're cute rather than icky. With arms and legs, it's like having scuba divers in your tank - albeit scuba divers acting like clowns...
  25. L

    Can You Help A Plant Newbie Please ?

    Hi there, Hope you can help me out here please. I'm a plant newbie at the bottom of a steep learning curve ! I upgraded the lights on my Juwel Vision 180, and now my plants are growing like crazy. Refering to the picture below, can anyone help to answer these questions please: 1. What is...
  26. roots_stem.jpg


  27. L

    Rummy Nose Tetras

    I'm a Brit in E.Anglia and have to put up with (or rather my fish have to put up with) rock hard water and high pH. Sat in my quarantine tank (a 30 litre Bi-ube) my rummy-nosed tetras went through two separate bouts of white-spot, and survived both times. After three months, I finally put them...
  28. L

    Frog Question

    They could be either African Dwarf Frogs (ADF) or clawed frogs. The clawed variety get big and are aggressive - a complete no-no for your big tank. Do a google on ADFs and there`s a good selection of sites that will tell you how to spot the difference. I have a pair of ADFs in my 55gal, and...
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    I Need An Alge Eater Or 2.

    I have a relatively new set-up of a Vision 180. As per most new set-ups, I have a brown algae problem. All the plant leaves in my tank look like they need a very good dusting - the plants are covered in the bitty stuff. Last week I added three ottos. All the plants are now completely clean ...
  30. L

    Angel Fish And Ottos

    I have an Angel in my Vision 180 and added three Ottos recently to help deal with a brown algae problem. Certainly, my Angel seemed to find the Ottos annoying at first. The Ottos were doggedly taking up the brown algae from the leaves, and the Angel would try to flick them off. After about...