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    Elm And Oak

    I would think if the same preparations were taken say for driftwood, it would be ok, but like you stated some woods are poisonous, so maybe do some research on which ones are and aren't before they go into the tank.
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    Need Help Making A Water Bridge

    The tanks have to be level for a water bridge (at least pretty close). If the tanks are "one on top of the other" you'll end up siphoning all of the water out of the top tank and overflowing the bottom tank.
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    Plexiglass Warping, How To Correct?

    I'm not exactly sure what you're trying to end up with, but I'll take a stabe at it... If there is warping only on one side, try to use that as the back then screw the shelf into that plexiglass panel to snug it down and take out the warping. If the only option for the front is the piece which...
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    Glass Is Cut, Now To Start Building!

    You can silicone the lamp connections to make them better suited for aquatic life, and you can remote mount the ballast (say have them 3' to 4' away and run the wires back to the tubes). The further away from the tubes you mount it, the less power the tube will actually get, so take that into...
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    Glass Is Cut, Now To Start Building!

    Wow, what a wonderful find!!! I know dreams of a 6 1/2' x 2 1/2' x 2 1/2' x 1/4" tank would be expected, but a tank consists of 5 pieces of glass, front, back, left side, right side and bottom. Since one sheet is slightly smaller, there will need to be edges trimmed off all of the sheets (if I...
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    Building A Costume 100 Gallon Tank, Is It Possible

    Well the main problem with building your own is the fact the glass prices are higher than what you would pay for the same size tank at a LFS until you get to the 200+ gallon range. I was quoted $300 for the glass needed for a 29 gallon tank and it only went up from there. Thou a custom sized...
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    Wanting An Indoor Local Fish (lake/river) Tank

    I would think you are correct, but I don't have the time or money to study a 2" fish in a 50,000,000 gallon lake. I think for a more practical study of breeding behavior, a backyard pond will do quite nicely.
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    Wanting An Indoor Local Fish (lake/river) Tank

    Actually the only species which will eventually get to large for the tank/pond will be the cat fish. They will more than likely end up in my father-in-law's stock pond where he feeds them catfish pellets daily.
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    Wanting An Indoor Local Fish (lake/river) Tank

    Nort American Native Fish Association
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    Wanting An Indoor Local Fish (lake/river) Tank

    During my research, this topic was one of my main concerns. After reading some websites (I'll see if I can find them again) I've learned that most state actually encourage the keeping of native fish and in some cases will give the keeper compensation (fish farms for instance, though I'm not...
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    Wanting An Indoor Local Fish (lake/river) Tank

    Very good points and I agree 1,000%. Though me pointing out hypocritical sounding statements were directly related to the topics at hand (keeping native fish which would be care for as properly as could be provided), I believe my neglect to elaborate on the setup fully was the main fault (and...
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    Wanting An Indoor Local Fish (lake/river) Tank

    I understand everyone's concerns, and promise I have been doing a lot of research on the subject as the starting point for the project (probably a year or more away from breaking ground). There are several local Native Fish associations and clubs, which I will be diving into their websites and...
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    Diy... No More Water Changes!

    Unless you simulate the conditions of a natural spring, which has plants, fish, etc living in a constant flow of fresh clean water. I think the main concerns are to remove the chlorine/chlorimate from the incoming water and have plenty of oxygen (for the fish), and maintain macro and micro...
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    Wanting An Indoor Local Fish (lake/river) Tank

    I assume you mean leave them in the lake or river. If you keep fish, then this seems like a hypocritical thing to say.
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    Angels? A True Cichlids?

    In my reseach, I was trying to figure out what general classification freshwater angel fish fall under. An online fish store has them under Cichlids, but I'm not exactly sure if where they originate: Amazon from what I can find/South America? I'm jump starting my research for the fish I wish...
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    Wanting An Indoor Local Fish (lake/river) Tank

    Well I understand there will already be bad stuff in the water they currently live in, but if I have 1500 gallons, sand, gravel, plants, and filters; I think they'll be used to the conditions enough that the minimal amount of stress I put on them shouldn't make them ill. If anything their living...
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    Wanting An Indoor Local Fish (lake/river) Tank

    Well I completely understand your concerns, but I don't see how a disease could get into the tank if everything in the tank is from their natural habitat. I will definitely consider your concerns and appreciate your reply (I will research the subject more before making the final decision)...
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    Diy... No More Water Changes!

    I know in some areas there are water restrictions, and some areas have bad water conditions. Personally, I don't see the need in my planted tank to change out all of the water every week. Now in a fish only tank or for breeding conditions, it probably wouldn't hurt at all but the plants need...
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    Mine's 9" How Big Is Yours?

    Very nice, got any pics? Don't worry with a little TLC it'll get bigger. Mine grew 3" in 2 years.
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    Mine's 9" How Big Is Yours?

    These are fish forums not fedish forums right? LOL j/k. Yeah, I thought it would be a funny title that would catch people's eyes and give everyone a chance to show off their large plecos! I went browsing in my LFS and saw a pair of 18" plecos that almost blew my mind. I knew they could get to...
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    Diy... No More Water Changes!

    Sounds like it might work all right, but let me see if I can follow what you are trying to do and why. The float switch would be the exact same as you find in the back of a toilet. How often do you see those fail (personally, I have never seen one fail. I have seen some of the other stuff fail...
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    Mine's 9" How Big Is Yours?

    Yes, that is a very nice one. Hairy looking too :D
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    Mine's 9" How Big Is Yours?

    Oh, if it was a largemouth :drool: I would tell everyone. I'd have a picture and a long description telling of the fight between me and him,
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    Mine's 9" How Big Is Yours?

    SamUK -- -- Wow, 12" 9" and 6", you must have to beat off the ladies with a stick! Very nice pics. Wonderboy -- -- Dang a 14"er, is he in your 180-gallon tank? Here is my 36" hybrid bass. We call them strippers around here. He's 12" shy of the lake record (last time I checked, Possum Kingdom...
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    Diy... No More Water Changes!

    On it's way, let me know if you don't get it or if it doesn't work right.
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    Mine's 9" How Big Is Yours?

    His name is BOB (so are all of the other fish in the tank and the 36" bass I have hanging on my wall). My 1 and 2-year-old daughters name everything BOB. It's not the size of my ship (or pleco), it's my motion in the ocean 8) . With a statement like that I would have to see some pictures...
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    Diy... No More Water Changes!

    Additional ideas for the system... I would have a check valve after the filters to prevent a siphon (which may not be necessary if you have the inlet in the power filter or near the top of the water level). And have a float switch in place to turn off the water supply if the drain gets clogged...
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    Diy... No More Water Changes!

    Oops, I got my calculations mixed up. It would be (based off a 100 gallon tank) about 3 gallons per day or 1/8 gallon per hour. Still the same as a 20% weekly water change. I also meant to say, you could always keep your current filtering system in place (maybe even back it down a little, say...
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    Diy... No More Water Changes!

    Well the idea was based on the fact that a natural river is constantly being changed over (like say the Amazon, where most of the tropical fish come from). After doing some calculations of my own, here is what I think I will end up doing. Starting with the current 20% per week water changes...
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    Mine's 9" How Big Is Yours?

    My 9" common pleco (what were you thinking? Get your ming out of the gutter).
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    2 Tier Stand And Hoods

    Ok, now that I'm at home and my girls are in bed I finially got a change to find the pictures. Sorry I'm new to the photo editing stuff, so the resolution may be a little low, but they should be nice for the net. If interested I can e-mail you large pictures. Here's the front. I originally...
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    2 Tier Stand And Hoods

    I built a 2 tier style for my 90 (on bottom) and 55 (on top). It turned out very nice (though I don't have any pics here at work, so I'll have to upload them when I get home tonight). My basic design centered around 2x4 legs and a total height of less than 60". I have basically the same...
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    Diy... No More Water Changes!

    Sorry I meant nitrItes not nitrAtes. I get those two words mixed up all the time. Yes, you would have a constant flow of fresh water in and old water out. No water restrictions in the US (except for outside the house lawn watering, etc.). My current water bill is $40 ($10 water, $15 Sewer and...
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    Diy... No More Water Changes!

    Here's the idea... My idea would be base off a RO filtering system, sort of. The cheapest RO system I've found on the net is $150 with 5 stage filtering (@ Lowe's Home Improvement). After reading the purpose of each step, I think, for a planted tank at least, you really only need 2 filters and...
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    Hi From Dallas Texas Usa

    Sweet, what type of tank(s) do you have?
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    Got Some Tiger Barbs...

    My 12 tigers never bothered any of the other fish. I had them for a year and most of them reached 2"-2.5" in my 55 gallon tank. They played a lot (chasing each other and occasionally sneaking up on the tetras).
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    Breeding Black & White Tetras

    I only have 3 tetras and 1 pleco in my 55 gallon at the moment and was considering breeding the tetras. (I know they need to be in a larger school, but I had something get into my tank 4-6 months ago and almost killed everything, so I was wanting to hold off to see if it would clear up) This...
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    Tiger Barb Compatiblity

    I had 12 tiger barbs with 20 black mollies, 5 tetras, 1 (very large) pleco. Tigers are usually classified as agressive, but my school seem to pretty much stay to themselves. Danios should be find with the Tigers. How many tigers by the way because they're best in a school of 6 or more.
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    Hi From Dallas Texas Usa

    Hi everyone, if there is anyone else from the Dallas area of Texas let me know!!!!
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    Wanting An Indoor Local Fish (lake/river) Tank

    I apologize: Dallas, Texas, USA.