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  1. J

    Tankmates & Setup Advice For Discus

    Setting up a Discus tank. Is it better to just keep purely Discus or are there any suitable/desirable tankmates that would fit in well? Also what is the ideal setup for them ref substrate etc? Plants? Real or fake acceptable?
  2. J

    Helping A Friend Get Back Into The Tropical Fish Hobby?

    Rainbows always look nice.
  3. J

    Pics- 55g Planted Mbuna (mostly) Tank

    Nice tank m8 unusual to see a planted one but looks cool :good:
  4. J

    Hello Good Evening And Welcome

    Hiya my name is James and I'm a newbie but not to fishkeeping. Nice forum. :good:
  5. J

    Hmm Can Some One Help Me Out

    Probably because it;s lonely? Theres safety in numbers and they should be kept in larger numbers not on their own.
  6. J

    My Tank Cycling, Does This Make Sense?

    that depends on whether they have nitrates naturally ocurring in the tap water surely?