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    Presenting Santino Corleone

    Got a really nice shot of my Betta. I present Santino Corleone
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    Some Photos Of My 4ft

    Thanks everyone, good ideas and feedback there. With the sand, is it possible to remove half the gravel as the bottom layer and the sand for the top? Does it make any difference? Good suggestions re: background, I'll put some serious thought into that. That's definitely only one Betta in...
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    Some Photos Of My 4ft

    Thanks to everyone who offered help on the thread I started re:stocking. Some of you asked for the finished photos so here they are. The CT betta was actually meant for another tank but he was not enjoying it in there because of too much current. I have had him in this tank for a week now and...
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    New Betta Tank & Crowntail Betta

    I actually bought the same tank two weeks ago for my Betta. They're a great tank but I did find that my betta struggled a bit with the current in this little set-up. You may want to look at somehow slowing down the flow rate, it's something I'm looking to do as well but yet to figure out.
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    Should I Be Worried

    Thanks for the help on this one everyone. The fish is now back to perfect health.
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    Should I Be Worried

    Thanks for the info Wilder, I should mention that I'm from Australia. We're in the middle of our winter here.
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    Should I Be Worried

    Hi Wilder, no, the mouth seems to be fine and if my eyes are deceiving me, it looks like the white spot is fading and shrinking today. What would the bleached out mouth/fluff indicate?
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    Should I Be Worried

    Thanks Tokis, the mark hasn't changed much but what isn't obvious in the photo is that part of his top fin (dorsal?) looked like there was a chunk taken out of it. this is almost looking normal again but the white-ish mark hasn't changed for the worse or better (yet). I'll keep you posted...
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    Should I Be Worried

    Thanks Tokis, that's very useful. I bought some meds the other day so see how we go. One questtion, is it possible that what you see in the photo's is a result of a plattie bite? I noticed that one of the platies in the tank bit the gourami in that very spot yesterday. I wonder if the poor...
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    Should I Be Worried

    I read that the active carbon needs to be removed when treating with PimaFix. Can someone explain what the carbon does in this situation for a newbie like me please?
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    Should I Be Worried

    Thanks Tokis, I thought it might be something like that. I'll go and buy some today. I did a 30% water change last night as well. Let's hope it's not going to be too late for this little fellow. I'll do a good search on Pimafix on the forum on use and application.
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    Should I Be Worried

    Hello, I'm not sure I should be concerned, but does this look like it may be bacteria or fungus? If so, could someone please provide information on treatment as well as whether or not I need to isolate the fish or remove carbon etc whilst treating. Any help is greatly appreciated. Water...
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    Aquastart 320

    Well, I don't have the little betta yet, but I bought the aquastart 320 for him today. It's got an under gravel filter which I'm guessing it will be fine for a male betta. I'm also contemplating some tank mates, but I know i need to be very selective for this. I'm sure that a good search will...
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    My Community:- Advise Required

    That's fantastic feedback guys, thank you. I've purchased the Gourami's today. I'll wait about a week or so before purchasing the other cory's and mollies. Those Oto's look cute, I'll have to keep an eye out for them. The harlequinsa are also a good idea, I'll decide when i find a really good LFS.
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    My Community:- Advise Required

    Hi Folks, My tank has cycled and I am contemplating this community. Please help me identify any potential issues regarding set-up and species. Thank you so kindly Tank size L= 48" x W = 14" x H = 18" Filter = Fluval 405 Lights = Can't remember but the LFS said they were great for this set-up...
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    New Tank Some Water Test Results

    Thank you jonesy, Took another test today and the Nitrite's are down to 0.1 whilst the ammonia perists at 0.25. BTW, I wish I had discovered this website before I listened to the LFS about cycling with fish. It sounds cruel to me now not havind done a fishless cycle, but I guess they've lived...
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    New Tank Some Water Test Results

    The results are after 2 weeks of cycling, unfortunately, i didn't take readings when I only had 4 fish to cycle. These results are with about 6 platies, and 2 very small catfish and 3 small algae eaters. It's a 4ft tank, 48" * 14" * 18" tank with a fluval 405 after the initial two week period...
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    Just Saying Hello

    Hi Everyone, I've kept tropical fish for a few years but I have recently recycled my tank which also coincides with me finding this website. I'd like to thank all the members who post questions and for all the members who answer them with some much detail. For the first time in years, I'm...