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  1. V

    snail outbreak

    Thanks for the advice. I think for the time I will ignore them as I'm pushing maximum density as it is I believe. Plus I don't think I have the constitution to squirsh them.. much less the time!! Those suckers are small and plentiful.
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    snail outbreak

    Hello all, I run a 20 gal community tank with cats, tetras a kuhli loach, etc. A few months back we decided to bring in some hornwort and pennywort, and I think it has been very good overall. I developed little red bugs for a while I managed to get rid of by sinking all the plants for a...
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    new home for my bichir

    I take full blame there. It was an impulse buy and I felt a bit funny about it when I did it. They tried to start telling me about the fish, but my mind was made and they could tell. Perhaps that is partially why LFS have become so bad about not telling people.. people like me. Oh well...
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    new home for my bichir

    Thought I'd share... My nigerian senegalus bichir found a new home today after being segregated from my tank after murdering a couple of guppies. He was really cool and I hated to see him go, but the manager at my local Petsmart said she had a good spot for him at her home. I had planned on...
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    breeding guppies is easy

    :fun: Well, if all that information came from, I will be bookmarking that one just a soon as I can.. ... uh, there it went. BM'd!! This is one of those good advice that should be obvious, yet often overlooked. Thanks for the additional help. This is a good active forum I've...
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    Me and My Wolf!

    That dog/wolf is beautiful.. I'll share my similar beauty.. ...and Her mother is Great Dane/German Sheppherd and her father is a wolf/husky mix. She is so amazingly smart and loyal. Her greatest anxiety is when we go on a bike ride and too much distance between family members causes her to...
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    my messy desk

    Umh.... messy? ok this first one is my server room before tossing some stuff, but of course it remained messy after... ...and this is about as clean as my work area will ever be ..incidentally, that 17" got moved to the right and replaced with a 21".. woohoo!! Of course the 15" got thrown...
  8. V

    breeding guppies is easy

    Eddie, Thanks a lot. I can't wait to try it out. BTW, do you know if these plants require more substantial light than my likely el cheapo lighting? I only ask because I'm not yet prepared to do what is necessary to go to that extent yet. Increase the female to male ratio = one very happy...
  9. V

    breeding guppies is easy

    Hello all, I've spent most of my edumacation time on reef sites until finally finding a good FW forum. (that would be this one...) We started off last Christmas with a 20 gallon community tank for my daughter and I was determined to "do it right." I keep a good eye on nitrite...