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  1. C

    Stressed Sae

    Different account, same poster! I've always been sure they are true sae. They have lived together for 6 years with no agression.   But just to be sure... Black line extents into tail and tapers into the centre of the tail. I can only see 1 set of barbels, one on each side. Clear fins, no sign of...
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    Algae Eaters

    I wouldn't get Siamese algae eaters either. I bought 4 about 6 years ago. gave 2 to a friend, but the other two haven't touched algae for about 5 years and they are about 6 inches each and account for a huge chunk of my bioload. They are in a 210l tank so no problem directly, but I would love to...
  3. C

    Help! Sick Fish!

    Am I right in thinking the average life span of a beta is only 24 months? How old might he have been when you got him? Cathy
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    Sae 'breathing' Fast

    RIP. No problems in main tank. I don't think it's O2. It's not heavily planted just java fern and a few crypts. Standard Jewel lighting for 7 hours a day. I've got the bubble attachment on the filter and I've understocked. Looking closely at the body their are red patches under the white...
  5. C

    Sae 'breathing' Fast

    Getting worse. Lying on side now :sad:
  6. C

    Sae 'breathing' Fast

    I have 3 adult SAE (I'm guessing about 4 year old) and one is behaving oddly. It seems to be breathing very fast and is less active than usual. It seems to be exhausted, lying much stiller than usual and leaning over to one side. I can't see any damage on it. It was in a part planted Juwel 180l...
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    Breeding Neon Rainbows

    I've got young neon rainbows - but by accident!! I had some java fern with fuzzy algae on it and set up my hospital tank so I could lave them in unchanged water for a while. 2 weeks later - neon rainbow fry! :hyper: The eggs must have been stuck on well as I rinsed the plants to get rid of a...
  8. C

    Unexpected Fry

    The fry are a lot bigger now and I can tell they're not danios - no stripes, not harlequins - fins much too flat, nor cories or ottos - still swimming at the top of the tank in the middle, gouramis were out because they weren't in a bubble nest. So they must be Blue Neon Rainbowfish!! (forgot...
  9. C

    Unexpected Fry

    Thanks Colin, Either danios or harlequins would be great! The liquid I've got sort of explodes as you let a drop fall on the surface of the water so I'll put it in a little water as you suggest. I've also got some baby fish powder feed, so I'll start using that in about a week. Cathy
  10. C

    Unexpected Fry

    Hi All I've been having problems with black brush algae on my java ferns and read that not changing the water helps. Not wanting to stop water changes in my main tank (180L) I set up my little tank (40L) and put the ferns in along withe the bogwood pieces and rocks they are growing on after...
  11. C

    Pearl Gourami

    I've got a rio 180 (180 litres) part planted tank, stocked at present with: 10 Harlequin Rasbora 5 San Juan corydoras 2 Julii (or trilinius) corydoras 6 zebra danios 5 otos 4 amano shrimp 2 white cloud mountain minows Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 40-80 (40 out of tap) Rather hard water (south...
  12. C

    Green Algae

    If it is blue-green algae (the bacterial 'algae', cyanobacteria, slime algae) I got rid of mine by syphoning/scraping up all I could see up (It was mainly on sand and glass), cutting back all infected bits of plant, adding an airstone as the ventilation was going to be reduced, then covering the...
  13. C

    Stocking Suggestions Please :-)

    Personally I wouldn't drink water that comes through a water softener. We have one, but there should be at least one tap that supplies untreated water for drinking/cooking purposes. We have 2 - the cold tap in the kitchen and the outside tap in the garden. Water softeners use salt to recharge...
  14. C

    Green Pond

    Hi everyone, My 1000gal pond (with 6 4" koi , 6 assorted 6" goldfish and lots of newts) had to have a major clean this spring (for various reasons mainly to do with large lily deciding to go walkies around the pond) and this, along with the horrible weather we've been getting, has caused a few...
  15. C

    Algea Growing Between Filter Housing And Glass? Cant Think How To Clea

    I'd also get some black backing sheet, cut it to the size of the filter and stick it on the outside of the tank to cover the filter from the outside. No light = No algae. And you can't see the horrible filter box. I've got a rio 180 but luckily that side of the tank is against the wall. CS
  16. C

    Hoping For Better Luck With San Juans

    Thanks for your input. They all seem to be doing okay together at the moment but it's early days. The two remaining Julii seem more active with the San Juans than they were in a group of 5 of their own kind. I hope this continues. I don't intend getting any more cories unless I lose any more...
  17. C

    Hoping For Better Luck With San Juans

    After losing 3 out of 5 julii (sold as such but, from reading here probably not), I went back to the LFS and asked what I could be doing wrong. I've got them in a 180 litre tank at 75F with danios, WCMM, ottos and amano shrimp. The tank has sand substrate and is partly planted, water stats have...
  18. C

    If You Live In The Uk

    I'm in Sutton Coldfield too!! :hyper: You not the only fish-keeper in the village! (Apologies to Little Britain!) CS
  19. C

    Ridding My Tank Of Bga

    Blackout for 3 days got rid of mine, but after about a month it came back. It's not as bad as it was and I keep clearing it off to try to keep it under control. I used baco foil - no light was getting through that! I've added stacks more plants, including hornwort which is supposed to have...
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    Just How Long Can I Reasonably Expect A Light On An Aquarium To Last?

    Light in my brand new jewel tank lasted less than 3 months! I've changed brand now! CS
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    I lost 5 danio fry a couple of weeks ago. about 3/4 inch long - too big to be eaten. I spent ages covering up the top inlet holes to the filter (jewel) with a piece of tights. Within 10 minutes they had all been sucked into the bottom holes that I hadn't blocked. :sad: I didn't notice the...
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    What! Noooooo. Don't tell me that. You've spoiled everything. Next you will tell me that a lion cub can't grow big and strong living with a meercat, eating bugs. And there aren't any mermaids, or dwarves. And toys can't talk and move when I'm not looking. Cats really can play jazz. And dogs do...
  23. C

    Cycling A New Tank *another Update*

    Your water dechlorinator/conditioner should deal with metals. I've got a Rio 180 and there's room for 6 sponges (plus the thin white pad) in that, but I've got 4 in plus some ceramic media from my little hospital tank to keep it cycled. There's stacks of room. CS
  24. C

    Cycling A New Tank *another Update* download the manual - it should tell you all you need to know! By the way don't bother with the carbon sponge unless you are clearing medications from the water. Put another blue sponge in instead. CS
  25. C

    Tablet Food For Bottom Feeders

    I use these tablets for my ottos but I don't know how much they get, as one fat danio guards it from all the other fish. She seems to thing it is her private food supply! CS
  26. C

    Retarded Development Of Danio Fry

    Thanks Millym, This could very well be the answer, as I haven't been able to do many water changes. First 'cause I didn't know the fry were there, then with my hols. I'll move the 'BIG FOUR' out and do a decent water change and see what happens. CS
  27. C

    Oak Wood To Put In Aquarium

    Don't forget that it may not sink! Most wood floats. You may go through all that palavah to get a raft in your tank! CS
  28. C

    Retarded Development Of Danio Fry

    These fry have a strange, if lucky, background. I got a new tank in mid august and moved the adult fish into it with the filter media to clone the new filter. I left the old tank - 10 uk gal, 60x30x30cm - until I had more time to strip it down. After about two weeks I went to do this and...
  29. C

    Retarded Development Of Danio Fry

    Hi everyone, I've just come back from 2 weeks on holiday and found my danio fry have survived being cared for by my mother in law. (What would we do without them? She's great, even if she knows nothing about fish.) The adults have been out of that tank - which was my only tank up til then -...
  30. C

    Very Disappointed In My Biorb!

    Move the media from the old filter to the new one, and move all the fish over at one go. If you leave out the nitrate sponge and the carbon sponge out of the jewel filter you should have room (for the media -not the fish!!). I did this to move from a trio in a 10g to a rio 180. Cut up the old...
  31. C

    Very Disappointed In My Biorb!

    Mine is really noisy! It's a good job it's in the living room competing with the TV for sound. If I had been for the bedroom I'd have moved it! CS
  32. C

    Bug Id Required

    Thanks everyone. It's going in the garden - into the pond! The fish in there can eat it if they want to, they're big enough. I'm not risking putting it back with the fry. CS
  33. C

    What's This Bug?

    Thanks everyone. It's going in the garden - into the pond! The fish in there can eat it if they want to, they're big enough. I'm not risking putting it back with the fry. CS
  34. C

    Expired Melafix

    If it was urgent I'd use something a little out of date - Say 4 months out of date if I'd had the bottle 4 years - but only because it would be better than nothing. Things generally 'go off' over a period of time not overnight, but you would have to judge it against the problem you are trying...
  35. C

    What's This Bug?

    Thanks, Wilder. I've done that.
  36. C

    Bug Id Required

    Can't attach piccies here so please follow the link. This creature was in my fry tank, now in a plastic cup awaiting a verdict from the jury. Chuck in the garden or back on the tank? :sick: Votes so far are for the former - including my...
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    What's This Bug?

    I don't seem to be able to post pictures to chit-chat so I put it here. There isn't a 'File Attachment' box on the post form. CS
  38. C

    What's This Bug?

    Can anyone identify this bug that I found in my fry tank? It's about 15mm long (3/4 inch). Is it one of the good guys or should I throw it out in the garden for the birds? CS
  39. bug.JPG


  40. C

    Fry In Tank That Was About To Be Stripped Down

    They're okay at the moment. I'll keep testing. Thanks for your help.