Search results

  1. P

    Tiny Little Bugs

    Hmm... it really doesn't seem overstocked to me, the most adult fish I have are maybe 6, the rest are like half their size.... But I guess I should plan on buying a new tank soon. Thanks
  2. P

    Tiny Little Bugs

    Hi, I have a 10 gallon tank with about 10 Platies, 2 Swordtails, and 35 Guppies (mostly baby & teenage ones). I do all the required water changes, PH seems to be normal, but just today I noticed very tiny little bugs crawling around the gravel in my tank, they were around 1 millimeter long, or...
  3. P

    Food For Fry

    Ohh I see. Thank you very much for your help. I worry a lot about the little ones.
  4. P

    Separating Guppy Fry

    Yes, I can see the gonopodium on some of the males...
  5. P

    Food For Fry

    Will lettuce be good?
  6. P

    Separating Guppy Fry

    Well I would say they're about a month old, maybe a month and a half. And no I'm not going for a specific trait.
  7. P

    Food For Fry

    I've recently began looking for different food for my fry, something more nutritius than flake food. Do any of these sound good for Guppy fry? Microworms: Thriving microworm culture, ready to feed. Microworms are the perfect 1st food for fry, they are nutritius, don't swim away and live up to...
  8. P

    Separating Guppy Fry

    Hi. I have about eight teenager Guppy fry. They're beggining to get color on their tails, and I can tell apart the females from the males (gravid spot is visible & fins). I was wondering if it would be a good idea to separate the females from the males, I remember reading somewhere that...
  9. P

    A Trip To The Lake

    Great pictures, looks like a very peaceful place.
  10. P

    Creepest Thing Iv Ever Seen

    LMAO Nice.... Nice house btw
  11. P

    Hello Everyone

    Thank you. Actually I like small fish a lot better than the bigger ones, I guess they look cuter to me. But who knows. I wish in the future I can go into fancy Guppy breeding. That would be awesome. I had 2 Mollies in my 10 gal tank (a male and a female) but they both died, maybe because I...
  12. P

    Idk Where This Goes

    :) I like the game. Very entertaining.
  13. P

    Hello Everyone

    Hi. I'm new in the forums :). My name is Marie, I live in Florida. I've been into raising fish for about three months now, and I must say it has become very addictive :lol:. I own three small aquariums, a medium one, and a much bigger one. I have about 102 fish if I'm not mistaking. Most...