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  1. B

    My 10G Setup.

    Yeh, i considered live plants, but for ease of use and for less to worry about, i decided just to have plastic and silk plants. I'm happy with the way the tank looks.. Now all i need is fish!
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    My 10G Setup.

    Bump for anyone who wants to have a look-see
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    Barb ?

    I had the same problem with my barbs. They would just float at an angle toward the gravel with the light on. With the light off, they quickly resumed their playing and swimming. I couldnt figure it out, except maybe they were uncomfortable with the light on. :blink:
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    Starting Over...Need recommendations and help

    I was worried about other fish nipping at the bettas long fins. I need to pick up some fish to cycle with, i think i will do that tommorow. Also, i was told not to do water changes while cycling. How often do you suggest changing the water, and how much? I may pick up some danios and keep...
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    Starting Over...Need recommendations and help

    So its either the dward gourami or the betta hmm? I've cycled with danios before. They're tough little buggers to catch if you want to get them out of the tank, which is why i asked if i could cycle with something else, since i dont want to keep danios. Is there anything else i could...
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    Crowntail bettas

    But do they flare only when threatened or is it a when they feel like it thing?
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    Starting Over...Need recommendations and help

    So, i'm thinking of going with a betta, a corydora, a dwarf gourami or two and a school of tetras. Are tetras hardy fish? Hardy enough to be used for cycling the tank? What about a betta? i've heard they are hardy adn can live through a nuclear fallout :D Would they survive cycling? (I know...
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    Crowntail bettas

    Are their fins usually flared like that all the time or only when threatened?
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    Crowntail bettas

    Ok, thanks for the info.
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    Crowntail bettas

    What makes them different than other bettas? Are they easy to find in pet stores? Do i just go in and ask for a crowntail betta?
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    Whats the difference between a crowntail betta and a regular betta? Are the crowntails more difficult to find? I want one! :D Can i just go into my local fish store and ask for a crowntail betta?
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    My 10G Setup.

    I'm running a Penguin Mini Bio Wheel. I've heard that hanging filters are much easier to run than UGF's
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    My 10G Setup.

    No fish yet, just set it up. I added 5 new plants to it and some river rocks. It looks much nicer now.
  14. MyTank.jpg


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    chip in glass tank

    This chip is about 1/4 of the way up the tank up the tank. Its chipped, but not too bad. I think i'm gonna fill it up with water and see if she leaks. This would be a great excuse to get another tank! :) Maybe a 20G? :D
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    chip in glass tank

    Well, I moved to my new apartment, and it seems i've chipped a piece of glass off of the edge of the tank where it sides to the other piece of glass. It looks like the silicone sealant is still in tact, but... Will it present a big problem? Is the tank unusable now? Can it be patched?
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    Tiger Barbs Not Active

    I appreciate the interest, and its no problem about you not seeing the other link, dont think i was bitchin at ya or anything. :D I just wish i had the money for a larger tank at the moment. But with all the moving costs, i just have none to spare. But i have found a fun new hobby. I'm...
  18. B

    Tiger Barbs Not Active

    Well SMB, i've already taken the tiger barbs back to the pet shop today and got store credit for them > I got an ammonia test kit and a filter for my bio wheel. :D I felt bad giving up on them, but since iw as also moving, i felt i might stress them too much moving to another city and not being...
  19. B

    Tiger Barbs Not Active

    Anna, Yes, i cycled the tank for 6 weeks with hardy fish, had my water tested at the local fish store and it tested fine and ready for more fish. I cycled with Zebra Dainos. I then put in the 6 tiger barbs and took out the dainos I made sure i did my homework before adding fish and made sure...
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    Starting Over...Need recommendations and help

    You wouldnt happen to know the common names of these plants would ya? :D
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    Starting Over...Need recommendations and help

    THank you for your help Anna :D
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    Starting Over...Need recommendations and help

    Well, thats exactly what I mean. i should clarify a bit what i mean by "variety." I simply mean more than one species of fish, which would probably rule out any kind of schooling fish. Fish that work well singularly, or with a partner, thus allowing me to fit a couple more species in without...
  23. B

    Starting Over...Need recommendations and help

    Well, I am moving in a week, and have decided that the most humane thing to do would be to take my tiger barbs back to my local pet store and sell them back. Hopefully, they will go to a better home than i can give them. I dont want to take them with me on the move, as i wont be able to set...
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    Tiger Barbs Not Active

    Update: Well, they're still pretty much huddling at the bottom of the tank under plants and in the cave... Maybe if i took out two of the tiger barbs and only had 4 so that the tank isnt so crowded? I seriously think it is the light though. its like they're afraid of it. As soon as the...
  25. B

    Tiger Barbs Not Active

    I rearranged the plants and the cave in the tank and kind of pushed them middle forward and turned on the light. So far they seem to be a little better about swimming all around the tank, but i think some of that has to do with them eating some of the gunk i just stirred up by digging around in...
  26. B

    Tiger Barbs Not Active

    I have a small cave in the middle of my tank. its not very big though, only room for maybe one or two to go in there. and I have 4 plastic (or silk, i dont remember) plants, 2 on either side of the cave. But i kinda placed them near the back of the tank. I guess you could say i dont have a...
  27. B

    Tiger Barbs Not Active

    Yeh, i thought 6 tiger barbs would be too much, but the guy at the pet store (mom and pop shop, not petsmart, or the like) seemed to think 6 would be fine. Dont know my ammonia/nitrate levels, i have done a 20% water change since the cycling process was finished and about a month after i put...
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    Tiger Barbs Not Active

    Hey all, i'm new to the forum, and new to fish keeping. I have been lurking here for a while though. I recently got a 10 gallon fish tank for free, and hence started my little fishkeeping hobby and i have been enjoying it. Someday, i plan on getting a bigger tank when i can afford it and...