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  1. M

    Question About Home Water Purifiers And Update On My Tank Stock

    Hi everyone! I have a quick question about water purifiers. We've recently gotten a home water purifier (Puronics, which is used by NASA in space to..."purify water" and by Coke and Pepsi to make Aquafina and Dasani!). It's really neat and now our tap water tastes *awesome*~ But I'm not sure...
  2. M

    Is My Planted 10G Too Full?

    I'd love to have a 50 gallon but I'd cry if the only fish I could keep were two C. acutirostre who didn't even like each other, lol. What would you recommend putting in a 50G with two C. acutirostre? I know their tankmates can't be aggressive, but also can't be too small (mmmmm delicious...
  3. M

    Is My Planted 10G Too Full?

    They are definitely Ctenopoma acutirostre. The store had them labeled as "spotted African leaf fish," but different people seem to have different common names for them (spotted climbing perch, leopard bush fish, etc.), so I just went with what the store called them, lol :) I've been feeding them...
  4. M

    Is My Planted 10G Too Full?

    As of right now, my ammonia levels are at 0.25 ppm. I think this has to do with the fact that it's heavily planted and I'm running a 20G filter on a 10G tank, but I could be wrong. According to my API kit, all other levels are normal as well D: Should I still do a large water change? When I...
  5. M

    Is My Planted 10G Too Full?

    Thank you for your reply! I had done research on them before getting them, but I thought it would be okay to keep them in the smaller tank temporarily and then move them into a larger tank. I guess I was wrong! I definitely shouldn't have gotten two, though, that's for sure. The cory was an...
  6. M

    Is My Planted 10G Too Full?

    EDIT: This might be a moot point fairly soon, as the two C. acutirostre have suddenly started swimming erratically (racing up and down the side of the tank, very out of the ordinary for this species) and folding themselves into "U" shapes. I fear that they will not be around much longer. I'm...
  7. M

    Water Changes In A Slightly Overstocked Tank

    Thank you for the advice :D
  8. M

    Water Changes In A Slightly Overstocked Tank

    I have a week-old ten gallon tank containing 5 rosy barbs, 3 long-finned rosy barbs, a few tiny feeder fish, a small female crawfish, and a 5-inch spotted bullhead catfish. All the fish are happy and healthy so far, and no one has succumbed to "new tank syndrome." I know this tank is slightly...
  9. M

    Long-finned Rosy Barbs And Regular Rosy Barbs

    I have a 10-gallon tank currently housing 6 regular Rosy Barbs and a bullhead catfish. I don't plan any more fish to that tank, as it would get a bit too crowded, but I really love long-finned rosy barbs, so here's my question: I want to get a 25 or 29 Gallon community tank and stock it with...
  10. M

    Top Of The Tank Swimmers

    Killifish usually swim near the surface! :D
  11. M

    How Do I Lower High Ammonia Levels?

    My friend's goldfish tank is experiencing super-high ammonia levels! He has two oranda goldfish, one medium-small and one small. His tank is only a 10 Gallon (I know it's not big enough for two goldfish, but it was a gift from his girlfriend who didn't know). Both fish are healthy and happy...
  12. M

    A Potentially Stupid Question About Tank Dividers

    Likely this is a stupid question, but I want to make DIY tank dividers. Is dry hot glue safe for fish?
  13. M

    Acceptable betta tankmates

    Hi! I've been keeping bettas for about a year and a half, and I've tried a bunch of different tank combinations. D: Just today, I tried to put my most timid male into a 10-gallon setup with 6 Rosy Barbs and a small bullhead catfish. *sigh* Of course, immediately, the barbs began attacking him...