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  1. D

    Ragged Betta Tail

    No, I haven't added anything new. But yesterday when i cleaned out his bowl, there was a dead fly in his gravel. It must have flown in there and drown. I cleaned the bowl really well, added a little more aquarium salt than usual, stress coat, and started treating with Maracyn Two. But he...
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    Ragged Betta Tail

    Hmm...I don't know how old he is. How do you know if it's fin rot? He doesn't look sick except for the fringe-like ends of his tail. I hate to medicate him if he doesn't need it.
  3. D

    Ragged Betta Tail

    I have a betta in a bowl by itself, that I have had for almost a year now. And just within the past few days his tail has gotten all ragged on the ends. It has never happened before. I checked the water chemistry and all the parameters are normal. Is this something that happens from time to...
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    Dying fish

    They were just dead. I think that it must have just been the ick. from what I read, they suffocate from it. But they never had any bumps. I have been treating them and the spots are gone, but I'm going to treat 3 days past the last sight of spots to kill the ick in the water. I have been...
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    Hundreds of little particle things in the water!

    You can add bacteria to your tank by adding a product like "Cycle" or "Stress-Zyme". It IS beneficial bacteria. I add it everytime I do a water change or add new fish. I have a Betta in a 1 gallon fish bowl with no filter. I change his water completely once a week and rinse the gravel. Make...
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    Dying fish

    I have a 30 gallon freshwater aquarium and for the last 3 days I have woken up to 1 dead fish per day. I have lost 1 flame Gourami and 2 Zebra Danios. Last week I introduced 3 Boesmani Rainbow fish, and 2 days ago I noticed that they were getting Ick. So I raised the temperature, did a 50%...
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    Water Changes

    Do I need to do something about it? It's not on every plant. Only a couple. How do you test for phosphates? My test kit only tests for pH, alkalinity, nitrates, & nitrites. Is there a seperate test for phosphates?
  8. D

    Water Changes

    Hrmmm...OK. I'll keep with my 25% water change once a week. It has been working fine for me for months - I think that maybe I did overclean the gravel this past time now that I think about it. It was really mucky do I cleaned it pretty deep (only about 25% of the area of the tank though)...
  9. D

    Water Changes

    Thanks everybody for your advice. Boy, just when I think I'm getting a handle on this aquarium thing, something new pops up and bites me in the ass. :blink: I think I'll try taking out less water for my water changes and just really keep an eye on my levels. I won't change the carbon filter...
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    Water Changes

    Filter media? Do you mean the activated charcoal Rite Size filters? I change those once a month. There are "media baskets" behind the charcoal filters, but they are empty. Is there supposed to be something in them too? Nobody told me about those.
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    Water Changes

    I have a new tank (almost 3 months old) it is a 30 gallon feshwater w/a Penguin 330 Bio-Wheel filter. As far as fish go, I have: 2 angelfish 1 dwarf gourami 6 skirted serpae tetras 4 zebra danios 1 baby bandit catfish OK. Here's my question. At the aquarium store where I bought the whole...
  12. D

    Killfish question

    Can you buy killfish live at an aquarium shop, or do you have to hatch them yourself?
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    My parrot (well, ex-parrot) got black streaks on her fins 7 tail. I did research online and looked at a book on cichlids at a pet store and found out that parrots get black streaks when they are getting ready to spawn. My parrot hid in the cave & laid eggs, then a few days later her black...
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    Killfish question

    Does anyone have any experience with the Aphyosemion australe killfish? I have a freshwater community tank and am thinking of adding this type of killfish. From what i read online, they are supposed to be peaceful & friendly, but most all of the other killfish varities were categorized as...
  15. D

    Parrots & Angelfish

    Well, I got rid of the Parrot. Not because she was still picking on the angel (after I put in another angel they stuck together & polly left them alone), but because the parrot started spawning. She took over like 1/2 the tank and chased any fish away that went on her half of the tank. I...
  16. D

    Parrots & Angelfish

    well, everyone is entitled to his own opinion. But I think the parrot is cute. They're so ugly that they're cute! :alien: The great thing about pets is that there are different kinds for everyone. There are a lot of other fish that I think are ugly and not worth the trouble of keeping...
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    Safety In Numbers

    I want to thank everyone for the great advice about the parrot fish picking on the angel. I went out and bought another angelfish tonight and added it to the tank. The altum angel immediately buddied up with the new angel and the parrot has lost interest in him completely (at least for now)...
  18. D

    Altum Angels

    A good resource for info on altums is: You can ask questions there too. I got mine from a local aquarium specialty shop, and haven't had any problems with it as far as water parameters go. My pH is slightly on the acidic side, but he seems to...
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    Parrots & Angelfish

    I added the parrot maybe about 4 days ago. The first day the parrot just hid in the cave. Now he hides in there most of the time, but when he does come out, it's only to eat or to bully the angel. Luckily the angel must be pretty quick, because his fins are all still in tact. I did notice...
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    Parrots & Angelfish

    I don't know what type of parrot it is. It is a yellowish-orange. Not red like the blood parrots I've seen on different webpages online. But I thought they were all genetically engineered. I don't know. I am pretty new to all this.
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    Parrots & Angelfish

    It's a 30 Gallon tank, but I only have the one parrot, angelfish, 6 tetras, and a dwarf gourami. They told me that was enough room for the angel and parrot - I know they get big though. Or is it just a territorial thing? The parrot isn't bothering any of the other fish....yet. :blink:
  22. D

    Parrots & Angelfish

    I have a problem I was hoping somebody with more experience could help me with. I have a freshwater community tank and the salesman at the aquarium store told me that i could add a Parrot Cichlid to my community tank. He said that they are very shy & docile and will not bother the other fish...