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  1. T

    Do You Eat Fish ?

    Fish is good for me! Except salmon, this has to be the most over-rated fish in the history of man- its gross!!!
  2. T

    Floating Base Tanks

    Well, slight typo there - meant floating base tank! The base of the tank doesn't touch the floor, because the sides of the tank come down about an inch lower. No wonder I hadno replies- no one knows what the hell I'm on about!
  3. T

    Floating Base Tanks

    What are the fors and against of tanks with a floating base? I am after getting a new tank, I have seen a 4 footer without a floating base for under £100, are this type inferior or what? Advice please - dont want to make a costly mistake! -_-
  4. T

    Problem With Snails - Best Way To Bait Them

    I have heard of using cucumber to catch the snails, a lot of people seem to find it works well - I have never tried it as I haven't had a snail problem - yet!
  5. T

    Frozen Bloodworm - Question

    I defrost a cube and feed them to the fish on the end of a toothpick, didn't know you could keep them in thefridge tho' I end up throwing most of them away - this thread could save me a fortune!