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  1. K

    Freshwater Stingray With An Issue

    it looks like my son got a hold of a piece of sidewalk chalk and colored on him, but i highly doubt that. Hes acting completely normal and everything, hes eating like a pig, swimming around and even 'playing' like usual. its not fluffy, its flat on his body.
  2. K

    Freshwater Stingray With An Issue

    I've got a Motoro ray in my tank and I noticed that he has what looks like chalk on his back near the tail. I dont know what it is, i've never had an issue with him before. If any one has any ideas or knows what it might be help would be wonderful. I've been treating the tank with melafix as...
  3. K


    Yeah we think it was Columnaris, and that is transfered humans so we didnt want to take any chances.
  4. K

    Arowana Problem.

    He was our first real fish. We'd had some community fish and stuff before him but we just kind of got addicted. Now we have 4 tanks, 3 fresh and 1 salt. Now that we don't have him we are goign to be shuffling our fish around to clear out our 90 gal and making it into another salt. See the newbie...
  5. K


    Thanks guys. We lost our first fish ever today. We will be shuffling our fish from our 90 gal fresh to the 46 or 125 and taking down the 90. Eventually after we save enough money we will be turning our 90 into another salt.
  6. K

    Arowana Problem.

    Thanks. We have had him since April 2004. He was our first fish and we started him in a 20 gal(he was only 4 inches) and bought a 55 to upgrade him and then we didn't want to get rid of him so bad we bought a 125 and have been saving for a 300gal for him.
  7. K

    Arowana Problem.

    Thanks for all your help, but our efforts failed.
  8. K


    Heres some of my tanks, don't have them all here. Heres my salt water.
  9. K

    Arowana Problem.

    We feed him the Jumbo Chiclid sticks and that is about it. He won't eat anything other than those, we've tried giving him freeze dried crickets and things like that but he only likes his nasty stinky hard to find jumbo chiclid sticks. I think we've narrowed it down to some sort of bacteria. I...
  10. K


    What's an MTS sufferer? I'm working on pics, but I can't figure out how to do it, I guess I'll just have to make a web page for my poor fishys!
  11. K

    Arowana Problem.

    that sounds exactly like what he's got going on. Thanks for that information I appreciate it. Hopefully it can be fixed though since this guy is like a dog hes so much a part of the family. Thanks again! This fish board is really useful. :)
  12. K

    Arowana Problem.

    yes...what can we try to fix it?
  13. K

    Black Ghost

    I have had a black ghost knife for about a year now. When I got him he was about 3 inches and now is about 8". When we first got him he was with our silver arowana and he stayed hidden well in order to not get eatten. We have rarely seen him eat, but obviously hes getting somethign or he...
  14. K

    Arowana Problem.

    the big scale covering the outside of the actual gill is red, there is no white just red. the body bumps are whiteish clearish, pinkish...thanks for trying to help. oh yeah and we tried melafix, it took it away for about a week and then it came right back and worse(the bumps) The gill/scale...
  15. K


    Sounds like ich. Its really easy to cure, its mostly caused from stress or water quality. I would try just uping the temperature 78-80 and adding aquarium salt. or you can find plently of medications at your LFS, i just don't like using meds unless I have to. Does it look like this...
  16. K

    Arowana Problem.

    no it doesn't look like the scales have fallen off. These are tiny little pimple looking bumps and they are on the scales. His spine is not bent and he hasn't been loosing any weight, but he has stopped growing in length. this is the weirdest thing I've ever seen. I'm not so worried about the...
  17. K

    Arowana Problem.

    He is not swimming upside down. I can not see any parasites or mucous on him at all. His gills are redish colored. He is not scratching on anything and has had no other behavior changes other than that he doesn't want to eat anything and he used to swim constantly, and now he'll just stop in one...
  18. K


    Okay, so I'm assuming we are supposed to talk about what we have... I have a 125gal freshwater with *a silver arowana *motoro sting ray *Frontosa *4 green sevrums and a *common pleco I have a 90 gal freshwater with *a baby clown knife *a gold sevrum *a silver dollar *2 red hooks (the silver...
  19. K

    Arowana Problem.

    I have done sooo much research and haven't found anything that I can figure out. I have a 2 1/2 foot Silver Arowana and he has these white to clearish round dots on both sides of his body about the size of a ..2 pencil tip. They will not go away (no its not ich) We haven't treated with...