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  1. Wonderboy

    80 Gallon Journal

    Thanks, I will try the background, and if it looks appealing, I'll keep it. I think it's just me, but I don't like the whole over hanging effect unless I wanted to go for a "shallow river" type setup... Not to mention, that's some tall growth I'd have to pull off and match with other plants...
  2. Wonderboy

    80 Gallon Journal

    Thanks everyone! Yes, but most of the bubble go right by it anyways... Sure have. I actually have one, but it has a nice, fat crease through it.... I'll have to buy another one.
  3. Wonderboy

    80 Gallon Journal

    It's been a while! But here's what it looked like last night: Closer look at the jungle: I just ripped out ALL of the glosso because I didn't like its growth during the low light period to rid the algae. I replanted it just like I did in the beginning of this tank - hopefully (with the...
  4. Wonderboy

    80 Gallon Journal

    Okay - will do - getting tons of that stuff is free for me. Funny, I actually have one, and you just reminded me to actually put it on there. Thankyou for your suggestions, criticisms, and complements - All of it helps in every way! ~ Brant
  5. Wonderboy

    80 Gallon Journal

    Nope - down to 5 hrs.
  6. Wonderboy

    80 Gallon Journal

    It's held by airline tubing and suction cups. I have E.I. ferts standing by, but I don't dose anything yet, as I am still waiting for several test kits to arrive. I change 20 % weekly. When I begin E.I. - that will up to 50 %. ~ Wonderboy!
  7. Wonderboy

    80 Gallon Journal

    I replanted the "jungle", because I did not like how some plants were beginning to get covered by larger ones. I will post pictures of the new "jungle" soon. Also, I am beginning to get a hair algae problem, so I think I may have an excess amount of phosphorus - hence me ordering a test kit...
  8. Wonderboy

    Lighting Help Please

    The bulbs you list look much more promising in my opinion - I would definetly give them a shot, as I think they would perform much better than the ones you are using now for any planted tank. ~ Wonderboy!
  9. Wonderboy

    80 Gallon Journal

    OK! There hasn't been too much noticable, but the plants are pearling and I can notice a difference in person, but anyways here it is: And here's the Jungle: And this is the glosso (which has definetly been growing horizontally quite well): ~ Wonderboy!
  10. Wonderboy

    80 Gallon Journal

    Actually - I will give that some thought! A few discus isn't a bad idea... Is there another large "centerpiece" fish that would work in this setup? ~ Wonderboy!
  11. Wonderboy


    Great size. I keep and have kept the following fish with mine: Silver arowana African tiger fish Florida gar Jardinin arowana Bala Sharks Clown knife Ornate Bichir Redtail catfish Although I never have, I wouldn't suggest keeping eels with them though - IMO - I've always worried that with the...
  12. Wonderboy

    80 Gallon Journal

    Alrighty then, I decided to organize a little, so here's a bit of DIY: I built this out of a couple wooden plate holders from Fry's: I threw this under the stand: So I could do this: Top Drawer: Tools Middle Drawer: Misc., plant tabs, lead weights, plant IDs.... etc. Bottom Drawer: Dry...
  13. Wonderboy

    Golden Zebra Botia

    Hmmmm... Thanks, I think it is worth a try for me - as I might not end up keeping shrimp after all. Thanks!
  14. Wonderboy

    80 Gallon Journal

    When it comes to experimenting with plants, that is what my 20 gallon is for. I would rather enjoy keeping the 80 a display with select species rather than splotches of different species. IMO I am done with the hardscape. I know it can be done no problem, and I will be adding riccia, but not...
  15. Wonderboy

    Golden Zebra Botia

    Will golden zebra botias eat shrimp (ie: bumble bee, amano, red cherry, etc...) Thanks, Wonderboy!
  16. Wonderboy

    80 Gallon Journal

    It's funny, while at work, I decided against the puffers, so they're out. I do plan on getting riccia in there somewhere, but I's always had a dream of having a LARGE glosso carpet, so I don't think I want to disturb it quite yet Thanks so much! I'm just as stoked as you are, believe me...
  17. Wonderboy

    20 Gallon Re-scape

    Thankyou! PLANTS: Off the top of my head, chain sword, riccia, java moss, phoenix moss, anchor moss, christmas moss, some large crypt, rotala rotundifolia, bacopa, spiral val, bolbitus, four leaf clover, anacharis, and more.... (I don't keep track of the plants in here too much because it is...
  18. Wonderboy

    80 Gallon Journal

    Thanks, right now, I am just copying and pasting from another site I started this journal on, so your questions will be answered in a couple minutes. I just wanted to catch up to where I left off at the other site...
  19. Wonderboy

    80 Gallon Journal

    This is a Journal that I started February 4th (Sunday) at another webstie, but I wanted to share with you guys as well! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Okay - after a huge wait, I finally...
  20. Wonderboy

    20 Gallon Re-scape

    Hey all - I re-scaped my 20 gallon: What fo you think? ~ Wonderboy!
  21. Wonderboy

    Sophos9 - Planted Tank Journal

    Keep the pics coming - looking good
  22. Wonderboy


    People just should not use this thing - then there would be no profit for it.
  23. Wonderboy

    Best Algae Eaters?

    My Favorites: For... green spot algae: the razor blade hair algae: american flag fish brown allgae: ottos misc algae: ottos and amano shrimp ~ Wonderboy!
  24. Wonderboy


    HI!!! Well, there's good info here, so enjoy and have fun!! ~ Wonderoby!
  25. Wonderboy

    Post A Pic Of Your Fish And Rate Fish Above You

    Ram gets an 8! (a liiiittle blurry, but still pretty!) Here's my ATF (African Tiger Fish) ~ Wonderboy!
  26. Wonderboy

    Pearl Shrimp?

    I was given this little shrimp today. It looks like a ghost shrimp, but it came bagged all by itself and was labeled pearl shrimp from the supplier. What do you think? ~ Brant
  27. Wonderboy

    2.5 Gallon Project

    Right then, will do.
  28. Wonderboy

    2.5 Gallon Project

    Well, it keeps my CO2 level right at 30ppm...
  29. Wonderboy

    2.5 Gallon Project

    Well - I can get eco-complete for $15, so I might go that route. Is there a way to get just the needed amount of ADA substrate (6 x 12 area), and how much would that cost?? ~ Brant
  30. Wonderboy

    2.5 Gallon Project

    Thanks for the compliments! And thanks for the suggestions! Ok, I fourth the substrate then, but which substrate would you suggest? I think I will put in some kind of fast grower (rotala perhaps?), as there is a very small amount of hair algae within the gravel, but, otherwise, the amanos (4...
  31. Wonderboy

    2.5 Gallon Project

    Figured I'd keep track of the progress! I actually set this up last week, but here is how it looks now: Plants: There's glosso in front, java fern on the twig, four-leaf clover in the back, and java moss hiding behind the rock wall. CO2: 3 Nutrafin units T-lined together into the filter intake...
  32. Wonderboy

    55 G Tank Help

    Lighting: instead of buying a bulb for the meanwhile, save up and get a new fixture sooner than later CO2: Watch your fish closely - if needed, try only one 2 liter bottle, and then if still needed - try none (until you have lighting) There's not a lot you can do with 1.3 wpg, but just hold in...
  33. Wonderboy

    My Pekingese

    Adorable! And spoiled!! :rolleyes: haha ~ Wonderboy!
  34. Wonderboy

    Know Your Killies?

    I have no idea what one of these are, but I do have a good idea of what three of these may be, but, with those, I want to double check... 1 2 3 4 Thanks! ~ Wonderboy!
  35. Wonderboy

    How Many Watts

    I started off low tech three years ago on my 20 us gallon - I upraded to DIY and higher lighting a couple years ago, and now I have all the pressurized CO2 and 3.2 watts per gallon on my 20, and the only problem I had was a battle with hair algae for a month - I fought that off, rebalanced, and...
  36. Wonderboy

    How Many Watts

  37. Wonderboy

    How Many Watts

    How many watts do I need for high lighting in an 80 gallon tank (apprx: 48"L x 18"D x 20"H) What kind of lighting - would this work?
  38. Wonderboy

    Is This Angel Fish?

    True, but I still feel bad - I want to know how long those fish have had to live in their "transport bag of a tank". ~ Wonderboy!
  39. Wonderboy

    New Pressurized Co2

    I recently got pressurized CO2 for my 20 us gallon tank - what can I do to figure the ppm at 28ish, and how do I figure how many bubbles per minute I need????? ~ Wonderboy!
  40. Wonderboy

    80 Us Gallon

    Here it is: