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  1. F

    Multifasciatus Not Breeding

    The Multi's I have are about an inch and a half. The dominant male is a bit bigger than the rest. I believe the rest to be females and non-dominant males. I'm new to these East Africans, so I'm just reporting what I've observed. I've a long way to go before I'll understand alot of their...
  2. F

    Anything Else?

    I know what you are feeling towards your jewel. A handsome fish indeed. I wanted to keep my single jewel, but he beat the living christmas out of anything I put in the tank. Whits end and desperate to avoid the damnation of only the most evil fish---the flush! I express to please try every...
  3. F

    New Chichlids

    Your tank sounds impressive! I'd give anything to have a tank like like that. But we must rememer the golden rule- 1 inch of fish per gallon of water-! How big will these fish get when they are fully grown? Being East African Cichlids, they are going to be VERY territorial. You'll need time...
  4. F

    Multifasciatus Not Breeding

    I'm in the same boat at you. Have about 5 multi's. They spawned for me only once. Not again. The first time they were in a heated tank. About 80F. Now they're in a the same size tank at 73F. They have the same shells as before. They're doing well, but not increasing in numbers. I'll...