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  1. P


    130ltr tank, now stocked with: 6 zebra danios 6 leopard danios 2 yem shrimp 4 head and tail light tetras 3 glowlight tetras 1 bristlenose 4 bronze corys 3 honey gourami no plans to increase the tank contents but have we pushed the envelope out a bit too much and overstocked or is this an ok...
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    Red Gills - Danios

    will do a new test tonight and then 25% water change.
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    Red Gills - Danios

    Unless the test kit has been wrong. I will buy another independant kit today and re-test tonight. Paranoia combined with new fish owner = consistent water testing.
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    Red Gills - Danios

    finished fishless cycle 130Lt (UK) cm 1week fish arent gasping or lethargtic
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    Red Gills - Danios

    bad work firewall so might lose part of this: Tank as sig, dimensions: 68 x 38 x 78 roughly. 12 danios in total ammonia 0, nitrites 0, nitrates under 40 tank contents: lava rock, bogwood, mangrove root ornament, terracota pot, misc plants (cant rem names) red gills showing on danios last day...
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    Typical symptoms of diseases or false alarms

    >reposted to correct forum<...
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    Could I Keep Shrimps In My Tank?

    We now have amanos and indeed danios (12), and the shrimp are going perfectly well. :D great addition to the tank -
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    Nitrates Won't Fall

    rdd1952 You misread my post im not looking for a fall of nitrates, it is nitrites i was trying to get lower :D
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    Ok, So I Wanna Do This Right.

    found a good thickness of MDF works well, although marine plywood works better :D
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    Nitrates Won't Fall

    got this problem too :( ammonia spiked nitrite spiked trying to get nitrate spike but nitrites just dont seem to be falling much at all :( le sigh
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    Cycling Temperature & How Many Fish To Add

    homebase in the UK has household ammonia which will work, its in the household section mate.
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    Maidenhead Aquatics

    Just thought this might be of interest, again, not sure where i should mention this. Was recently in one of the Maidenhead Aquatic stores, fact it was the one near aylesbury (UK) The Salesman was one of the most patronising guys it was been my misfortune to meet. Essentially he completely...
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    General Plant Queries

    will look at low-light thx
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    General Plant Queries

    *work firewalls sigh* I have a few generalized questions if i may, after reading through the forum lists for plants. It is clear I need approx 2inches of silica sand (or other substrate) for our plants - will a gravel/sand mix suffice? C02 is not an option either as an injector or as a diffuser...
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    Heaters, Filters, Etcc..

    Wolf, you're my new hero. a fantastic site. cheers
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    Heaters, Filters, Etcc..

    I am sure plenty of people out there think ho hum worrying about nothing.. but with prices going up across the board in the UK, esp electricity, gas etc.. I kind of want to get a feel for how much power is used by an average heating unit/filter for a large fish tank on top of normal monthly...
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    Ammonia Sources in the USA, UK &

    It is not advisable to ship pure ammonia since it is seen as a toxic and hazardous chemical.
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    New To Forum

    Bucks, lurking around the MK/Aylesbury Area
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    New To Forum

    Just to follow the trend a little .. a big HELLO .. from a small patchwork. After a long and thoughtful debate with my partner (who will/has also joined this forum) we decided that we had always wished to keep fish, thus with apprehension we bought an Aqua One AR620T tank on Saturday. We are...