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  1. S

    Need Help!

    Went to the LFS today, my readings were correct. Basically, my water was a liquid cesspool. And yes, that even with ph @ 6, the ammonia was so high it was very surprising that the gouramis were alive. LFS recommendation - start over. Drain the tank, clean the gravel. Since I only have two...
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    Need Help!

    TThank you very much for your comments. I have an Emperor 400 (bi-wheel) and am using White Diamond Ammonia Neutralizing crystals in the media container. I changed the original filter almost immdiately from the Petsmart brand. I change the crystals every 2 weeks. I did a complete cleaning...
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    Need Help!

    I really need some advise. In the early November, I removed my 2 plecs (10" and 6" long) from my pond in order to keep them alive through the winter. My 55 tank was uncycled when I added them. I also added 2 small gouramis. As expected the ammonia started rising almost immediately and...
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    Filter Cartridge

    I've seen a number of posts that say to rinse the cartridge in water from tank, not under tap. What happens if you rinse under the tap?
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    Water Readings

    I agree with most of what has been said. Thank you so much for the response. Just want to clarify a few points... I moved 2 plecs from my pond as the weather is too cold for them to survive outdoors. The plecs were moved into an uncycled tank. The Plecs seem to be doing fine. Active...
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    Water Readings

    I have been battling high level ammonia for a week now. One the advise of a member I stopped adding ammonia lock. I've also increased water changes to twice a day 20-25%. I have a 55g tank that is cycling and am going through a bacteria bloom. Day 15 of cycle Ph readings typically 6.6 - 7...
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    Gold Fish Going White?

    I also have a goldfish in a pond. I noticed his face turning white too. No health problems at all.
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    Still Getting Very High Ammonia Levels

    It's getting worse. I came home today, water is cloudy. Ph down from 6.8 to 6. Ammonia is up to 4. I changed about 25% water with no impact on ammonia. Can I do another change today? Maybe another 25%? What about Ph? Should I leave it at 6 or try to get it up? I know ammonia is less...
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    Still Getting Very High Ammonia Levels

    Both plecos are a good size. I'm estimating the larger is 8" nose to tail end and the smaller one, at least 6". So yes, there is a lot of waste. Both seem to be doing good, I've been feeding them zucchini or an algae tab or two. They are both "nice and fat" from the days in the pond, so I...
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    Still Getting Very High Ammonia Levels

    The last 3 days I have been doing daily water changes to reduce the ammonia levels (2), but have had no luck. As I mentioned before, I removed 2 plecos from my pond as the colder water would have been fatal and added them to an uncycled tank. Tank 55g. temp 79, PH 6.8 Ammonina 2, Nitrite 0...
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    Uncycled Tank

    Sorry ! Nitrite .25, Nitrate 5
  12. S

    Uncycled Tank

    I originally posted in Newbie but now think this is a better area. I had to move 2 common plecos from my pond as the falling temp would have been fatal. Anyway, I purchased a 55g and only had it running 3 or 4 days before transferring the fish. One pleco is approx 8" nose to tip of fin. and...
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    New To Forum

    Did a 10% water change last night - ammonia level still elevated (2). I'm planning on another water change at tonight. I'll test the water before and after to see the effects the water change has on the readings. Can anyone recommend on good book for beginners? I feel very comfortable in...
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    New To Forum

    It was a quick transfer. I removed the plecos from the pond and transfer them into a 10g pail using pond water for about a week. I moved them into the tank (no pond water) after having the tank set up for a 4 or 5 days. In the pond, I would see them together in a strawberry pot that I had...
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    New To Forum

    Just joined today and already have learned a lot from reading various Q&As. I removed my plecos (2) from my pond as it was getting too cold for them to survive and set them up in a 55g tank. After reading all the dos and don'ts, it seems like I've already made a ton of mistakes, but since time...