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  1. P

    Slime Algae

    wouldn't that kill my plants if i left the lights off for two weeks?
  2. P

    Slime Algae

    I have blue green algae spreading all over my tank, having read various articles and changed my lighting, i think it is due to a lack of nutrients for the plants (something about how i have to make phosphates the limiting factor). So can i just buy any old aquatic fertiliser. Does anyone in the...
  3. P

    Dead Leaves

    Im in the middle of cycling a tank. Its full of plants that mostly seem to be doing well. What do people do about the odd dead or dying leaves on reasonably vigorous plants, do you remove them, let them rot away, or are they actually a reason to have snails. I plan to introduce some corys and...
  4. P

    Friday Afternoon Question

    Friday afternoon question folks. If you had a straight fish fight between an Angel Fish and a Pearl Gourami, who would win?
  5. P

    Sand instead of gravel

    yes, very funny Gadazobe, tease us like that and not tell us what t is you are using...
  6. P

    My Tank is Ready !!

    Hi There i think you need to keep adding amonia, Im putting in a little each day whilst i wait for my pesky nitrites to start falling.
  7. P


    Hi, welcome to the group, feel free to post anything, i've posted a few dumb questions and had good answers, so post away!
  8. P

    Co2 System

    I've got one of these, only been going a week or so, so I cant comment. I just sit there and stare at the bubbles.... :hyper:
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    RO Units

    I'm thinking of buying an RO unit for my 4ft tank and have a question. The unit i saw comes with an adaptor to fit to an external tap, perfect so i can run it outside (though not during frost apparently). But can i just attach it, run it for awhile to get the water i want, then disconnect it and...
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    wild caught fish

    A guy in the LFS told me that wild caught cardianls are actually a sustainable resorce of the area and actually prevent deforestation through providing an industry that requires the rivers to be in good condition. I looked around the web and found this if anybody wants to find out more.
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    Water Changes

    Thanks for all the replys guys, quick point, CFC, isnt pure RO water bad for fish?
  12. P

    Test Kits

    At least its not just me then, trying to distinguish between two very similar looking shades of purple, one for amonia 7.8 and one for 2.5 or something ridiculous has been a bit of a 'mare.
  13. P

    Test Kits

    Ive read all these posts with people confidently stating their amonia/nitrite/nitrate levels, yet when ive tested mine with the test kit i find it hard to match the colour in the bottle to the colours on the cards with any great accuracy. Any tips? Can i buy a meter that gives me a reading...
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    Sand instead of gravel

    I thought that you werent supposed to have sand in tanks, the guy at the LFS muttered about anerobic bacteria and how sand was not a good medium to grow plants in?
  15. P

    Water Changes

    (dumb question part II) .... Do you use water from the hot water tap, or do you boil tap water?
  16. P

    Snail Removal

    Ive got a new tank and dont really want to introduce snails, whats the best stuff to treat my plants with before i put them in the tank?
  17. P

    Water Changes

    Any tips on water changes, how do you get it up to temperture, do you condition it, do you put it in straight away. Any hints would be great.
  18. P

    Lighting & Feeding

    Okay, here's a puzzle, I've read that I should keep my light on in the tank for 12-14 hours a day. I'd like to view the fish in the evening up to a bedtime the earliest of which would be say 10pm. But I leave the house at 6am! So, I could put the light on a timer to say, come on at 8am, but...
  19. P

    what is cycling and how do you do it

    Can/should you introduce plants whilst cycling?
  20. P

    Another Newbie

    its a 4ft tank and i'd love to have a couple of big shoals of tetras and maybe a few decent specimen fish, was thinking of discus, but they sound a bit specialist, so not too sure at the moment.
  21. P

    Aquarium Books

    Hi, I'm returning to fishkeeping after a 20 year absense and am on the lookout for a couple of decent books, one on plants and one on tropical fish. Things seem to have got a whole lot more complicated than they were 20 years ago. Could someone recommend a couple of reference texts on plants and...
  22. P

    Another Newbie

    Hi, thought i'd say hello, havent kept fish for a good 20 years when i had a small tropical tank as a lad. Finally ordered another tank and trying to work out whats changed in the world of fishkeeping in the last 20 years. Someone told me that guppies were no longer industructible, can this be...