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    Acceptable Temperature Deviation?

    The temperature difference shouldn't be more than 2 degrees.
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    Water Changes

    You should keep the ammonia less than .25 ppm and the nitrite at less than 1.0 ppm. The water changes won't slow down the cycle that much, and it's so much better for the fish. :)
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    What Tail Type Is He?

    Thanks everyone. I wasn't sure he was a straight veiltail. Someone told me he might be a cross. I do like him. :P I was pretty shocked to find him at PetCo. Of course, everytime I go there I have to look at the bettas, but I'm running out of room! I've got him in a 2 1/2 g bowl now...
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    My First Betta.

    Wow, he is gorgeous!
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    What Tail Type Is He?

    I just got this Betta at PetCo on Saturday. He was sold as a veiltail, but is he? I just got him because he is a cool color, and he was real lively and flaring. What do you think? Is he a mix of types? Opinions please. Timmie2 :)
  6. Chamelion_15_2_5_06.jpg


  7. Chamelion_12_2_5_06.jpg


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    Yet Another Stocking Question

    I've been thinking about getting another 29 or 30g tank. If I do, would this stocking even be doable? I was thinking about a tank with 4 corys, 4 platys, and 4 female bettas. The tank would have many plants, caves, and hidey holes. I currently have 1 female betta in a tank with platys and...
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    Serpae Tetras

    My husband recently saw some serpae tetras at the store and wants to get some. I've done a little research and it seems that though they are listed as 'peaceful community fish' -_- at the store, they may not be so peaceful. Are their any fish that get along okay with serpae tetras? Would a...
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    I always use bleach to clean my equipment, and so far no problems. Just rinse, rinse, rinse, then allow to dry before reusing. Also overdose with declorinator. Gets rid of the nasties! Timmie2
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    Crowntail Betta Splendens

    Here are Henry and Max.
  12. Max_flaring_4_12_18_05.jpg


  13. Henry_4_11_13_05.jpg


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    Betta Accomodation?

    Timmie lives in a 10g with 2 cories and a snail, Henry lives in a 5g flat-back hex with a snail, and Charlotte and Max each have a 5g bowfront with a snail. They all live in heated, filtered tanks. They're spoiled. :D Timmie2