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  1. S

    I thinks he's dying

    Iiii have verysad news :sad: :-( :-( :-( :-( :sad: :sad: my plechas now pass away this is very strange as my water is prefect and every other fish is very healthy and now Iwill get sold a different type of plec if I go to myfish shop as he was selling that plec as a marble plec. :sly...
  2. S

    I thinks he's dying

    thanks for the advice water its prefect I have notice a small bold spot on the bottom of him I havent got number 9 and I dont know how long hes had it as they r not much of a mover anyway. :sad: :sad: :sad:
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    I thinks he's dying

    :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: I think my bristlenose plec is on his way out he was floating the wrong way up but he's still alive at the mo but I don't think he will last the night, any advise plz :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:
  4. S


    :sad: :sad: one of my guppy fry has a deformed tail do you thing it will grow out or should I put it out of its misery now as it could cause pain to it later in life???????? :sad: :sad: :sad:
  5. S

    Fish of the month

    :D :D wetwetwet is a Gold Nugget Pleco, it grows Up to 8 inchesand is slow growing, I dont the price of them tho :sad: , must be abit thodon't you thing,, -_-
  6. S

    feeding mollies

    :lol: your right about the algae wafer my mollies do this everytime I put one in as my plec is a shy guy the eat it all up before he realises its in the the tank, but I havent seen him fight for it as he is very shy. :hyper:
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    just saying hi!!!!

    thanks youguys for making me welcome, I have had a few days of fun trying to catch my fry and putting them in a breeding net with was some fun, couldnt seethem most of the time,
  8. S

    just saying hi!!!!

    just found this forum from a search looks like a friendly place, I'm new to fish keeping, I have only had my tank up and running for a month and a bit it had some trouble to begin with and I lost some fish :sad: but its on the right track now. I have a 60 litre tank as thats all I could afford...