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    How Fast To Push Co2?

    Hey y'all- a post from a planted tank newbie here. I'm working on converting an established 55 gallon fish-only tank to a moderate-heavily planted tank. Along the way, I'm learning so much it feels like college all over again. I swear I'm about ready to take the exams for organic chemistry...
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    Fish Dying- Wasting?

    Great page- thanks for that link. From the pictures and descriptions, the best match I see is under 'Bacterial Infections'. The following stuff fits perfectly: "White, clear, red/pink areas of necrosis. Occasionally slightly ragged/fuzzy appearence." "Various: lethargy, hiding behavior...
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    Fish Dying- Wasting?

    No, the bleached out patch was on the top of the fish, starting at the dorsal, and covering a bit forward of that. Down the sides from there just a touch, not to the red stripe.
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    Fish Dying- Wasting?

    The neons were gone some time ago- all 12 of them. I noticed one or two with a flesh-colored patch at the dorsal fin before they died. What I'm up to now is this- I figured that given the losses so far, it's time for triage, so I removed and euthanized two guppies that weren't looking good...
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    Fish Dying- Wasting?

    Doh. Now it's coming together- I totally forgot that I had added four new neons about a week before the guppies. I was focused on the guppies because it all started very shortly after the addition of the guppies. Big question now- I have five black skirt tetras, four zebra danios, two...
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    Fish Dying- Wasting?

    Well, it's hard to say. I thought the zebra that died this way was more curved in the spine than usual. I didn't get a picture of him, tho. I figured he was just a little droopy, feelin' bad. The curvature you speak of, is it pronunced, or fairly mild? I'd consider the sick platy picture to...
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    Fish that should be less sold of because

    I think you'll find that it's not as easy as clicking a website and sending a paypal authorization, though that's what the alarmists would have you think. Look on the right hand side of the page, under 'shipping terms', and you'll see it says 'FFL Dealer'. That means they'll only ship to a...
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    Fish Dying- Wasting?

    I've got a 55 gallon tank, it's been running about a year now, with a nice mix of zebra danios, neon tetras, black skirt tetras, cory catfish, guppies, and so on. Basically a very simple tank. I change the water about 25% every week or two (when it's evaporated about an inch or so). The water...