Search results

  1. BrownBullhead

    "flava 107.9", Winnipeg's Home Of Hip-hop And R&b

    "Flava 107.9", Winnipeg's Home of Hip-Hop and R&B (i.e. CJWV FM) is now online! The website that Winnipeg and the world waited for officially went online as of 2006-04-13. Join the "Flava Nation"! Listen live now! Currently, only 300 users can listen simultaneously...
  2. BrownBullhead

    Filtration Problem In 30" Deep (top To Bottom!) Aquarium...

    I ended up going with the Hagen AquaClear 110 (power head) and it seems to be doing the job very well. I've also become a bit more conscientous about maintenance and using filter floss inside my xP3 filter now. Thanks for all the suggestions!
  3. BrownBullhead

    Do You Keep Tropheus? What Variants? What Setup & Tankmates?

    I've gopt 4 x Tanganicodus Irsacae F0 with my Tropheus Moorii Nkonde F1 colony and all involved are doing A+.
  4. BrownBullhead

    Do You Keep Tropheus? What Variants? What Setup & Tankmates?

    Fish were 2.5" or so, and approx. two years old, according to the previous owner. I only had them about 4 months. Sold for $125 CA ($109 US) to a fellow local collector who is returning to Tropheus after a few years away from them. Signature updated for my current stock of fish. :)
  5. BrownBullhead

    Filtration Problem In 30" Deep (top To Bottom!) Aquarium...

    cujoho78: My fishes are in my message signature... :) I vacuum but not as much as I should. It sucks having to get wet to the armpit to vacuum... 24" stand, 30" aquarium, and I am 5'7", so do the math. :) I wish I had more water movement but maybe a little extra vacuuming effort would help...
  6. BrownBullhead

    Filtration Problem In 30" Deep (top To Bottom!) Aquarium...

    I've had a major issue with my 150-gallon, 48" x 24" footprint, 30" deep (top to bottom!) aquarium. A LOT of debris is accumulating in various corners and areas around the substrate. I run a Rena Filstar xP3 *and* 3 HydroSponge #3 sponge filters, but upon water change there is TONS of debris...
  7. BrownBullhead

    Pictures: Assiniboine Zoo (winnipeg) July 5 2005 (157 Pix)

    The redtail cat was about 18-20" I suspect... and the pleco appears to be a Sailfin Pleco.
  8. BrownBullhead

    Do You Keep Tropheus? What Variants? What Setup & Tankmates?

    Do you keep Tropheus? What variants? What setup & tankmates? Do you currently keep Tropheus? If so, what variants? And what tank size and tank mates? Here's what I keep... Tropheus MOORII NKONDE -> 16 fishes [unknown M/F ratio] -> 150-gallon [48" x 24" footprint] --> Tankmates: Tanganicodus...
  9. BrownBullhead

    Water Parameters In My Tropheus 150-gallon... Feedback Req'd

    I posted up some pictures of them that I took about 12 hours ago. Check for new posts, I titled it "Pictures:" something or other. :)
  10. BrownBullhead

    Water Parameters In My Tropheus 150-gallon... Feedback Req'd

    OK... so a week after my last water change (50% on a 150-gallon) my water parameters are as follows: Nitrite (NO2) = less than 0.1 mg/L Nitrate (NO3) = less than 5 mg/L Ammonia (NH3/4) = 0 mg/L pH High Range = 8.4 to 8.6 Carbonate Hardness [KH] = 420 mg/L (CACO3) = 23.5° dH General Hardness...
  11. BrownBullhead

    Pictures: Tropheus Moorii "nkonde"

    My Tropheus are fairly social, but my two dominant males tend to go off and do their own thing now and again. By and large, Tropheus will "school". :)
  12. BrownBullhead

    Update: The Infamous Zebra Pl*co [l-046] Colony From Aquabid

    Honouring the superstition of certain fish keepers.
  13. BrownBullhead

    Update: The Infamous Zebra Pl*co [l-046] Colony From Aquabid

    Perhaps this article will shed some light on the export status (present & future) of L-046...
  14. BrownBullhead

    Update: The Infamous Zebra Pl*co [l-046] Colony From Aquabid

    Update: The Infamous Zebra Pl*co [L-046] colony from AquaBid Some of you may have been following with interest the AquaBid auction that was for 13 x "adult" and 10 x "fry" of Zebra Pl*co [L-046]. There was much speculation about the validity of the auction, the identity of the seller, etc...
  15. BrownBullhead

    Pictures: Assiniboine Zoo (winnipeg) July 5 2005 (157 Pix)

    Pictures: Assiniboine Zoo (Winnipeg) July 5 2005 (157 pix) NOTE: I was sorting through my pictures this morning and realized I hadn't shared these with anyone, not even family, so here goes... Well, I moved to Manitoba (from Toronto) in April 2000 and by July 2005 I figured I was a bit overdue...
  16. BrownBullhead

    Pictures: Tropheus Moorii "nkonde"

    Krib Crazy: 24" x 48" footprint, 30" high, 150-gallon.
  17. BrownBullhead

    Pictures: Tropheus Moorii "nkonde"

    Pictures: Tropheus Moorii "Nkonde", Colony of 16 Further to my recent threads about TROPHEUS MOORII "NKONDE", my water parameters, buffering, etc., here are the 16 Tropheus Moorii "Nkonde" that I wrote about. In the 8 months I have owned these guys they had several tank moves, including...
  18. BrownBullhead

    What Is The Ph, Gh, And Kh Of Your Water?

    Again, my concerns lay more with the fact that I was (a) feeding the same foods; and (B) adding the same buffer/salt to the water with both the Kiriza and the Nkonde... but where the Kiriza bred liek rabbits, I barely see any signs of such with the Nkonde. I did not watch pH and such at that...
  19. BrownBullhead

    Water Parameters In My Tropheus 150-gallon... Feedback Req'd

    My Tropheus are F1 from Ford's Fantastic Fish and he had purchased them from a dealer in Ontario somewhere in 2002. I am not sure what parameters Mr. Ford kept his fish in. I will have to get in touch with him.
  20. BrownBullhead

    What Is The Ph, Gh, And Kh Of Your Water?

    Actually, I had never had ANY breeding in my life until Tropheus! I found my Kiriza spawned without ANY special conditioning on my behalf! My Tropheus get a variety... Wardley Cichlid Pellets... HBH Super-8 Veggie Flakes... Nutra-Fin Spirulina Sticks... HBH Super Colour Pellets... more stuff I...
  21. BrownBullhead

    Water Parameters In My Tropheus 150-gallon... Feedback Req'd

    Yes, the water retains 99% (so it seems) of it's "buffering" capacity after such treatment. Unless I was to go several weeks without water changes, I find that the water does indeed stay fairly stable. Per the above, we have fairly "hard" water compared to our neighbours in Winnipeg (our water...
  22. BrownBullhead

    What Is The Ph, Gh, And Kh Of Your Water?

    After a few replies to that thread where I originally posted it, I surmised by writing... fishing4exotics: I am guessing you are concluding that the breeding abilities of the fish concerned may have been permanently damaged or even eliminated during the process then, huh?
  23. BrownBullhead

    What Is The Ph, Gh, And Kh Of Your Water?

    fishing4exotics: Same buffering process (similar water parameters thereafter?) though with the SeaChem items even when the Kiriza were breeding. I am just thinking my ratio is off or something else is screwy I don't know about. My Nkonde had a near-death experience a while back where I found...
  24. BrownBullhead

    Water Parameters In My Tropheus 150-gallon... Feedback Req'd

    TAP WATER: pH = 8.0, drops to 7.8 or 7.6 within 2-3 days... General Hardness [gH] = 180 mg/L (CaCO3) = 10.1 dH° Carbonate Hardness [kH] = 230 mg/L (CaCO3) = 12.9 dH° BUFFERED AQUARIUM WATER: pH = > 8.6 (the chart shows progressively green shades, then blue... mine is purple!) General...
  25. BrownBullhead

    What Is The Ph, Gh, And Kh Of Your Water?

    Isn't pH in Lake Tanganyika 9.0+++ ? Like I said my tap-water comes out at 8.0 and sometimes drops to 7.8 or 7.6 after settling... and my KH seems very high compared to alot of people who I see post on the forum, so I would imagine my buffering capacity would keep the pH just below 8.0, but I...
  26. BrownBullhead

    What Is The Ph, Gh, And Kh Of Your Water?

    Matty: I was curious to compare tap-water versus the water I have in my Tropheus 150-gallon aquarium... see this thread I just added:
  27. BrownBullhead

    Water Parameters In My Tropheus 150-gallon... Feedback Req'd

    This post is sort of a "follow-up" to my "What's the pH, gH, and kH of your water?" and "A question re: filtration, water changes, and Tropheus sp." posts... Approximately 36 hours after yesterday's tank maintenance on the 150-gallon which was consisted of a 50% water change, completed by...
  28. BrownBullhead

    What Is The Ph, Gh, And Kh Of Your Water?

    I've got a bit too much time on my hands tonight so I decided to "test" samples of tap water here... and... I'm curious to know the water parameters of people local to me and people far away and compare my local water to yours... I then thought it would be interesting to compare what fishes we...
  29. BrownBullhead

    A Question Re: Filtration, Water Changes, And Tropheus Sp.

    A question re: filtration, water changes, and Tropheus sp. I feel a li'l sheepish, dumb, whatever, in asking this question, but I am quite curious to see the opinions I will receive, so here goes. For an "established" (running longer than 6 months) aquarium, 150-gallon, filtered by a Rena...
  30. BrownBullhead

    Pictures: Tropheus Black "kiriza"... Fry Count Is Now *17*&#

    The fry were eating the same flakes, pellets, granules, etc. that the adults were eating. Fry were growing like crazy since August and then a bunch died. Ah no worries... just wanted to update on the fry. I will write more later. :)
  31. BrownBullhead

    Another Proposal... Two-tier Rack... Made Of Wood!

    To those who send me private message asking "How's the stand coming" and such forth, I've decided to hold off for now. Long term, I may still sell the 150-gallon that is in the space where the "rack" was going to go, but if I do any more aquairum related stuff, I was thinking I would like to...
  32. BrownBullhead

    Pictures: Tropheus Black "kiriza"... Fry Count Is Now *17*&#

    Well, things have definitely taken a turn for the worse... after getting well over 30 fry... I ran into the proverbial wall, and I'm still not sure what happened. I noticed in recent weeks that the number of fry showing themselves from the rocks at feeding time had decreased A LOT. I figured...
  33. BrownBullhead

    :( :( Tropheus Moorii Nkonde (near) Disaster... :( :(

    In retrospect, there was a couple of variables from my normal routine I would have employed... I didn't insert a pump & airstone this time, and I had also closed the lid completely while I was working, thinking that i could reduce stress by eliminating light and visuals of my movements. I...
  34. BrownBullhead

    :( :( Tropheus Moorii Nkonde (near) Disaster... :( :(

    So as per the venting, I had 10 males and 9 females... It ends up I lost 3, not 2 as previously stated... now here's what bites... lost 1 male and 2 females... so down to 9 males and 7 females. *grumble* So much for breeding in this colony! :( I had 25 when I got the colony in May... lost 6...
  35. BrownBullhead

    :( :( Tropheus Moorii Nkonde (near) Disaster... :( :(

    :( :( Tropheus Moorii Nkonde (Near) Disaster... :( :( The 55 which is a "temporary" setup for my (formerly) 19 T. Moorii Nkonde was accumulating waste in some tight spots, so I decided to rip it down, drain off 50% of the water and re-build it. I moved my 19 Tropheus to a 20-gallon cooler that...
  36. BrownBullhead

    Another Proposal... Two-tier Rack... Made Of Wood!

    For what it's worth, I now found out that the sales associate I spoke to at Wearing Williams misunderstood what I was asking about... and it turns out that the "EZ-Rect" Shelving does not stop at a maximum of six foot high corner posts. In fact, it appears quite modular in design. What the...
  37. BrownBullhead

    Another Proposal... Two-tier Rack... Made Of Wood!

    Here's the diagrams for Revision v3.b... Notice the 2x4 all "on edge". Anyway... how do you think 2 x 70-gallon would do on this rack? Click the thumbnails to see the images. You may need to "maximize" your browser window the thumbnail opens in, particularly if using Internet Explorer...
  38. BrownBullhead

    Pictures: Tropheus Black "kiriza"... Fry Count Is Now *17*&#

    Well, I had to do a major cleaning on the 150-gallon... alot of accumulated waste on the bottom... damn hard to clean the 30" deep tank... that is a major reason why I want to sell it... Anyway, I caught all the Tropheus Black "Kiriza" fry I could find... and it turns out I now have a total of...
  39. BrownBullhead

    Another Proposal... Two-tier Rack... Made Of Wood!

    Tolak: In my original drawing I think you were looking at that as if it was the front (viewing) of the rack... when in fact that was one of the shelves, viewed from above, that the aquarium would sit upon. Please see my revised documents for further explanation. My inspiration for the notching...
  40. BrownBullhead

    Another Proposal... Two-tier Rack... Made Of Wood!

    This is revision 2-a to my plans for a wood aquarium rack. Please note, as some of you haev been suggesting, I CANNOT place the 2x4's "on edge" with the 1.5" edge facing sky, as opposed to my current "flat" design with the 3.5" flat side facing sky. If I do this, my cabinet shelve space will...