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  1. BarbsandGobies_expert

    Shimmering Rosy Barb?

    I usually feed them in the evening, It's just I was going to bed an someone turned it off but I hadn't fed them yet so that's how it happened. But thank you, probably should spread feeding out a bit
  2. BarbsandGobies_expert

    Shimmering Rosy Barb?

    Thank you, I do usually phase them into the lights on/off but I had forgot to feed them.
  3. BarbsandGobies_expert

    Shimmering Rosy Barb?

    Hi guys, weird thing happened today, I have 3 Rosy barbs one female, 2 male. I turned my light on and for a second I didn't recognise one of my males. He looked completely white I even thought it was the yellowish female. I realise that fish discolouration is a thing but that's not the case he...
  4. BarbsandGobies_expert

    🐡 FOTM VOTE NOW - December 2024 Fish of the Month Contest(Any Fish)

    Hey everybody, this is Niska, my Bristlenose Pleco (Ancistrus cirrhosus). I named her this because of the suited origins of the name that denote a river or rapids. I thought this was suitable as the species originate from fast flowing streams. I got her from a tiny fry but she's now about 3...
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  7. BarbsandGobies_expert

    Just to say hello

    Id say there worth the investment, very hardy fish but your right they need space to play. I have many barbs now ( hence the name) but they get on well with many different tetras, danios varied species but ensure you make up for the size difference.
  8. BarbsandGobies_expert

    Advice about Kribensis

    I'm used to dealing with livebearers. I had a Mollie fry for ages it was so cute. Weird though cause it's alleged parents didn't last very long.. got them from a bit of a dodgy fish shop tho ( although I didn't know that at the time) I don't go there anymore 😅
  9. BarbsandGobies_expert

    Advice about Kribensis

    Thanks, I did know that was the process but I just... Long day 😂😂😂
  10. BarbsandGobies_expert

    Kribs and water changes

    Oh thanks thats helpful good to know. Hey btw, this isn't related but I can't change my details on my account. Is it easy to edit or do you have to go into the app?
  11. BarbsandGobies_expert

    Kribs and water changes

    I have heard that some people only use it when setting up a new tank. Maybe that's why 😅
  12. BarbsandGobies_expert

    Kribs and water changes

    Hey so what do you use? Prime? I use prime and another type of conditioner. Anti - Algae formula and ammonia and nitrate digest. ( Not all at once) 😂
  13. BarbsandGobies_expert

    Kribs and water changes

    Oh I didn't know that, thanks
  14. BarbsandGobies_expert

    Kribs and water changes

    Well, it sounded to me that they were concerned about whether they would be stressed during water change and although stress coat makes tap water safe it also reassures the fish if they are stressed.
  15. BarbsandGobies_expert

    Advice about Kribensis

    Okay thanks, forgot they had to lay them to be fertilised.
  16. BarbsandGobies_expert

    Kribs and water changes

    Hi, literally did the same thing. My Kribs were fine after water change. Just make sure to add stress coat.
  17. BarbsandGobies_expert

    Advice about Kribensis

    Hey, I'm new to keeping Rainbow Kribs and want to know about their breeding tendancies. I have 2 females which I purchased because I have long fined Barbs in the tank and apparently males can get aggressive towards them when mating. Basically, one of them has a pink belly that is slightly...
  18. BarbsandGobies_expert

    Water issue with my guppies

    Hi, I wouldn't worry to much. You can do all you can do but guppies are not very hardy fish at all and it's really just luck in whether they settle in your tank. I would purchase some Ammonia digest just in case. If you like colorful fish I would suggest Barbs. They are very hardy and really...
  19. BarbsandGobies_expert

    Platy Pregnant?

    Hi, it may be nothing I have had many fish with larger bellies mainly because they are growing. The head cranes out from the body and there abdomen stoops down. If not, platies are livebearers so the best thing you can do is get a place to hide for them so there not eaten. I kept a very happy...