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  1. C

    Strange disease on clown killifish

    That makes a lot of sense. I think the metronidazole treatment happened way too late and the fish could be dying from the internal organ damage. Now that I think about it maybe it did have some sort of infection around the head area, probaby due to weakened immune system. I guess a ton of...
  2. C

    Strange disease on clown killifish

    It's definitely good to know that there are diseases beyond the most common ones in the hobby. It just doesn't seem to fit in with any of the descriptions where I searched online. When I got the killies I just thought wow that bump on the mouth is strange. At first I suspected it had to do with...
  3. C

    Strange disease on clown killifish

    Well this is still somewhat informative! From what I’ve heard from the pet store employee, this isn’t a wild-caught individual, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s transmissible from mother to offspring through generations as I clearly suspect from one of the fry. Do you mind sharing, what...
  4. C

    Strange disease on clown killifish

    Hi there I’m Sue new to the forum. (Long wall of text ensues!) I’m wondering what this disease might be that’s affecting one of my killifish. Couple of months ago I started a new aquarium and got 5 clown killies (siblings from a same breed) from an online pet store. The day that I got these...
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