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  1. C

    Spasms, frequent gill scratching, and lost appetite following Prazipro dosage

    I can certainly relate to them being tough, having previously seen a killie going through an intestinal bloat, 2 weeks without food & swim bladder issue, plus a rectal prolapse and still managing fine afterwards. PraziPro+metronidazole really do not seem to be working very much at all for me, so...
  2. C

    Spasms, frequent gill scratching, and lost appetite following Prazipro dosage

    Along with that, I would also like to know if it would be safe to use for 0.5~1cm juveniles.
  3. C

    Spasms, frequent gill scratching, and lost appetite following Prazipro dosage

    I am getting the gut feeling that this is oodinium and the improved condition of the sick male is not due to PraziPro but due to metronidazole that I had added coincidentally. In retrospect, the initial increase in flashing occurred after dosing metronidazole, not after dosing PraziPro. But why...
  4. C

    Spasms, frequent gill scratching, and lost appetite following Prazipro dosage

    Update: I checked very carefully the body surface, and took some slime and scales of fish from main tank. They don’t seem to have much of anything on there, just small bacteria. There are no external signs or symptoms on skin, only the gills it seems like. Fortunately, the scratching behavior...
  5. C

    Spasms, frequent gill scratching, and lost appetite following Prazipro dosage

    I'm certainly going to check it tomorrow after the lights go on, I'm not very confident with my eyesight at the moment and the tiny sizes of these fry certainly don't help. Though I have to say, I have not yet lost a fry (not to brag), if that helps to clear the possibility of oodinium. I don't...
  6. C

    Spasms, frequent gill scratching, and lost appetite following Prazipro dosage

    My water hardness is actually almost 0, using the test kit it's near the detection limit. Water change is 30~50% every 3~5 days. I have not had an issue with cloudy water or ammonia/nitrite/nitrate so far. Main tank is 56L and has 12 clown killifish including the male that I am quarantining...
  7. C

    Spasms, frequent gill scratching, and lost appetite following Prazipro dosage

    So actually the gill scratching is observed in very early stages of fry, that are around 3 weeks old. Because I have not lost a fry or a fish despite having gill scratching (or at least I hope the initial batch death were not due to gill disease, though I could be wrong), until now I assumed...
  8. C

    Spasms, frequent gill scratching, and lost appetite following Prazipro dosage

    Another panic moment. Since purchase of these killifish half a year ago, they have always had occasional gill scratchings, but I have decided to delay treatment until all of the fry are housed with adults, which is planned for next month. However one of the juveniles is bullied and now sick...
  9. C

    Rotifer infection in gut?

    I did a little research on this and indeed there doesn't seem to be such an internal fish disease. They are huge. It would have been so horrifying.
  10. C

    Rotifer infection in gut?

    Yes, very sure they're rotifers having grown inside fish gut! Took out the feces before it even fell onto the floor. I'm just going to assume they came from the flake food. It was marine algae flake and probably just happened to be loaded with cysts.
  11. C

    Rotifer infection in gut?

    Has anyone encountered this before? It seems to be a sessile rotifer. This was a fresh fecal sample taken from a fry, which is asymptomatic. Should this be treated, and if so would flubendazole work.
  12. C

    A chunk of gill cover went missing

    Okay. Good to know that the risk of infection would go away eventually! It would be worrying if it never healed. There hasn't been any problem so far. I am adding bacteria to help with the cycle since this is a temporary tank that I set up for the fry a few days ago. I think it would be...
  13. C

    A chunk of gill cover went missing

    Hi. My killifish fry, which measures about 1/2 inch, choked on java moss and got trapped in it so I decided to remove them except they dashed straight out of the moss just when I opened the tank cover. A part of the gill cover got cut off, maybe about a quarter of it on one side and I can see a...
  14. C

    The effect of flubendazole on bacteria filtration cycle and plants

    Thank you guys! I have ended the treatment and confirmed all fish to be worm-free. Finally, they have a clean gut.
  15. C

    The effect of flubendazole on bacteria filtration cycle and plants

    Okay. Can I also ask what dose you used to treat if you could remember, and how many days in between each cycle. I can't tell if the nematode is egg-laying or live-bearing, though it looks like the most typical roundworm with no special feature and no longer than a millimeter long and invisible...
  16. C

    The effect of flubendazole on bacteria filtration cycle and plants

    I am about to start flubendazole treatment for my tank of clown killifish which are infected with intestinal worm. My plan is to have the treatment going for an entire month, since I cannot identify precisely the species of this intestinal parasite and do not know their life cycle. The fish...
  17. C

    Strange disease on clown killifish

    Went back after some Epsom salt. Thanks! Definitely less treatable than I thought. Bath is probably not sufficient to treat for short term
  18. C

    Strange disease on clown killifish

    Hmm, from what it sounds like from the pet store employee it definitely seems the fish was inbred but I feel this is still due to the parasite. The poop is still abnormal, with it being sticky and hanging down for a while before falling down. I can still see a few flagellates here and there so...
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  20. C

    Strange disease on clown killifish

    So the clown killifish that is recovering from intestinal protozoan after it has started swimming normally again is now having a prolapse. I started to feed it medicated food after it started eating again thinking that it would help eradicate the pathogen from its system. Could that have been...
  21. C

    Strange disease on clown killifish

    I am just so glad that I tried! Actually the sick female that was on the verge of dying, is swimming completely normal now. Possible the male individual with gill/dropsy symptom had also been suffering protozoan infection for a while going unnoticed. I think it seems less likely now that there...
  22. C

    Strange disease on clown killifish

    OK. Thank you both for the input so far. I'm glad that the female has escaped from the brink of death, it never acted normal since arrival, and I was really alarmed when it transmitted gill disease/dropsy to its tank mate. I will keep updating if there's anything more from the sick male with the...
  23. C

    Strange disease on clown killifish

    Okay. The bumps are internal, and to me the area around it seems bloodshot, where I can see some blood vessels around the mouth area here and there. Also to my surprise the female killifish with protozoan is responding to metronidazole and has begun to eat! For about 5 days it was floating...
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  25. C

    Strange disease on clown killifish

    Here are some photos of it. There is a pinkish lump right at the tip of bottom lip. Actually, I have seen this in clown killies of other fish keepers. I ask them about it, and they say they too have lost several fish it so I think it seems to be an issue with some recent breeds.
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  29. C

    Strange disease on clown killifish

    And sorry for double-posting but in case of protozoan infection (since a different tank mate has started to show a symptom), do you think that it would be worth treating the whole tank with metronidazole. The tank has live plants and floating plants. I'm also worried that it would disrupt the...
  30. C

    Strange disease on clown killifish

    Okay. I think that there's little doubt that this particular individual was dying from protozoan infection but again my gut feeling tells me that something else might also be going on. Actually this morning, I found that one of the males (from the different pet store) was developing a bump below...
  31. C

    Strange disease on clown killifish

    That makes a lot of sense. I think the metronidazole treatment happened way too late and the fish could be dying from the internal organ damage. Now that I think about it maybe it did have some sort of infection around the head area, probaby due to weakened immune system. I guess a ton of...
  32. C

    Strange disease on clown killifish

    It's definitely good to know that there are diseases beyond the most common ones in the hobby. It just doesn't seem to fit in with any of the descriptions where I searched online. When I got the killies I just thought wow that bump on the mouth is strange. At first I suspected it had to do with...
  33. C

    Strange disease on clown killifish

    Well this is still somewhat informative! From what I’ve heard from the pet store employee, this isn’t a wild-caught individual, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s transmissible from mother to offspring through generations as I clearly suspect from one of the fry. Do you mind sharing, what...
  34. C

    Strange disease on clown killifish

    Hi there I’m Sue new to the forum. (Long wall of text ensues!) I’m wondering what this disease might be that’s affecting one of my killifish. Couple of months ago I started a new aquarium and got 5 clown killies (siblings from a same breed) from an online pet store. The day that I got these...
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