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  1. G

    Guppy with protruding lump

    Forgot to mention that the water is green as I treated the tank with Sera Omnipur when I noticed she was lethargic. Parameters are all within a good range, perhaps general hardness is a little too high. The tank has been cycling since March of this year
  2. G

    Guppy with protruding lump

    Hello, I’m afraid my favourite guppy has become quite ill. I’m fairly certain at this point that it’s probably fatal, as it has gotten a lot worse over the past 8 hours. I’m wondering what might be the issue so I could potentially save the other guppies in my tank. I’ve attached photos - I took...
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  6. G

    What kind of fry is this?

    Hello! My guppy gave birth about a week and a half ago (possibly another one gave birth after that). All the frys look similar in size and colour, apart from the ones from the more recent birth, which are a bit smaller. There is however 1 fry that is black and much chunkier than the rest and I...
  7. G

    Restocking after illnes

    The k you for your advice! I did only one round of treatment 3 weeks ago, but no sign of illness since then, so I assume your answer still applies :)
  8. G

    Restocking after illnes

    Would it be necessary to clean out and bleach the tank entirely? Wouldn’t that stress out the remaining fish, as this would also break the cycle?
  9. G

    Restocking after illnes

    Hi, I have a 115l tank that currently houses 5 guppies and a molly. 3 weeks ago I had an outbreak of what I assume was saddleback disease and lost 3 guppies to it. A molly died too, but showed no visual signs of saddleback, so I think she might’ve passed from stress, as the male molly was...
  10. G

    Guppy bouncing around tank

    It’s not red, more a translucent or white colour. I’ve attached a video of the molly, but they all occasionally have this kind of poop.
  11. G

    Guppy bouncing around tank

    I’ve also noticed some very stringy, hair like poops and read it could be parasites/infections. Would the salt help with this too?
  12. G

    Guppy bouncing around tank

    Thank you for your advice! I’ve done as you’ve instructed and the female guppy already seems much much better and is swimming almost normally. The male molly I have seems a bit sad though, he started hiding behind the filter or at the bottom now too. He comes out when I feed them and looks...
  13. G

    Guppy bouncing around tank

    Thank you for the thorough explanation! She’s always had this colour, but the previous female that died did become a bid more yellow on her last days. I did a 30% water change yesterday, would it be okay to do the 75% today? Will the salt affect my Zebra snails? I’ve also noticed that one of...
  14. G

    Guppy bouncing around tank

    Thank you so much for your reply! Would you recommend treating them with something? She doesn’t seem to be bent in real life and she does have periods where she’s swilling somewhat normally and she’s still eating.
  15. G

    Guppy bouncing around tank

    Video of Guppy Hi! Thanks for your reply! I’ve attached a video above. Ammonia <0.02 (this is the most precise my test can read) Nitrates around 10 Nitrites are at 0 oh is between 7.6-8.0 Chlorine around 0 KH 6 GH/DT/TH >7 I added the additional 2 females as the local aquarium shop told me...
  16. G

    Guppy bouncing around tank

    Hi all, I’m pretty new to having aquariums and I’ve noticed some strange behaviours. I have a 115l tank with 5 female guppies, 3 males, 2 mollies and 2 zebra snails. The tank has been running for 6 weeks and I’ve introduced the fish gradually. Last week one of the females became sick - she...