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  1. R

    pregant guppy struggling to give birth

    she sadly passed away but im very confused. how much can fish pause the birth process?
  2. R

    pregant guppy struggling to give birth

    she just gave birth to other 20 babies!!!! im so so sad i dont want her to be struggling with giving brith and internal problems as well :(( it's been more than a week since she gave birth the first time, i guess she took a break? im not sure how it works
  3. R

    pregant guppy struggling to give birth

    thank you for replying. is there any way i could've prevented this? was it because of her pregnancy or from something else? the red started showing one or 2 days after she gave birth, is there anything i could've done to save her before the red appeared?
  4. R

    pregant guppy struggling to give birth

    thank you. it's been a week and she's still the same. i think that im going to leave her in the aquarium until she passes so i wont stress her further, i believe it doesnt affect the other fish, right? what should i do with her?
  5. R

    pregant guppy struggling to give birth

    hello, my guppy just gave birth to 32 babies and unlike my 2 other female guppies who also gave birth and are now fine, her belly is still big and her scales are flakey. she gave birth 4-5 days ago and she doesnt seem well. i dont know what to do, she also has some red marks on her body
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