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  2. Flowerfairy13

    🐶 POTM VOTE NOW - May 2024 Pet of the Month

    Ok I’ll go first! Maybe I will have some luck this time 😅 Here’s Belle, my 5 year old Cocker Spaniel x Poodle. She is my first born child, and has taught me so many things (mainly patience). It's hard to sum her up in a few short paragraphs, as she is so full of personality! I got Belle as a...
  3. Flowerfairy13

    Hybrid strain

    Wow! Beautiful 😍
  4. Flowerfairy13

    Male or female gourami

    It’s a female! See how her dorsal fin is rounded at the end? Males have a longer, pointed Dorsal fin - I have attached a photo of a male for reference. Beautiful fish ☺️
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  6. Flowerfairy13

    FLEAS!! GAH!

    Cat fleas are actually different than dog fleas, and cat fleas are so much harder to get rid of! Definitely try to keep your pupper away from the cat for now if you can and focus and getting pixie and your house flea free.. adding apple cider vinegar to pixies bath water can help kill any fleas...
  7. Flowerfairy13

    FLEAS!! GAH!

    Diatomaceous Earth is AMAZING for flea control in your home 🎉 it’s great for fabrics, bedding and carpets.. sprinkle it onto the carpet and give it a hoover. The spiky particles of the diatomaceous earth puncture the evil little fleas and kill them! Baby brain has taken over my life here so I...
  8. Flowerfairy13

    Help identify this rainbowfish :)

    Thank you so much Colin! That is really good to know, especially that they will all hang around happily together! There are other rainbows in the tank with him so good to know he isn't lonely :) I didn't realize they had such a big requirement for plant matter in their diet. Do you have any...
  9. Flowerfairy13

    Help identify this rainbowfish :)

    Thanks Colin!!! It doesn’t look like any rainbow fish that I can find online. I wanted to try and find more because I know rainbows in general do better in schools but I’m not having much luck!
  10. Flowerfairy13

    HELP! Very urgent Betta fish help

    Poor little guy :( Did you do a full test panel? I know you said you added conditioner yesterday but if you have the test kit at home it would be good to run a full panel of tests and let us know what the readings are? I probably won't be able to offer much advice but I know the more experienced...
  11. Flowerfairy13

    What's the difference between Pink and Pink Flamingo Guppies?

    Sorry to derail your thread, but @emeraldking I would LOVE to see your website. Your guppys are always so beautiful! Would you mind giving me the link to your site? Sorry again to derail!
  12. Flowerfairy13

    Betta fish fin clamped and bloated?

    Hi All, My Betta is acting strange and I am not sure if there is a need to worry or not. TANK INFO; Size 60L Around 3 months old. Set up with established filter media from another tank. Planted with Sessiflora, Althernanthera Reineckii, Java Moss, Cryptocorne, Monte Carlo and Duckweed. Gravel...
  13. Flowerfairy13

    Fish Keeping & Pregnancy?

    Wowzer!!!! 🙈🤣
  14. Flowerfairy13

    Fish Keeping & Pregnancy?

    Yes that’s true unfortunately! It makes me laugh a little, as I was being discharged from hospital with my daughter after my last c section, the nurse gave me a big talk about how I can’t do any lifting or anything strenuous etc.. then she proceeds to hand me my 2.5kilo daughter in a 3 kilo car...
  15. Flowerfairy13

    Fish Keeping & Pregnancy?

    Thank you! That is good to know! Baby 100% has to be born via c section due to previous complications so it’s good to hear from someone with post surgery experience ☺️
  16. Flowerfairy13

    Fish Keeping & Pregnancy?

    Thank you! ☺️ I have some gloves arriving today, so I will be sure to use those! And my friend is going to help me with water changes for the next few months! ☺️
  17. Flowerfairy13

    Fish Keeping & Pregnancy?

    Thank you so much!! Funny you mention fish TB - that’s actually how I realised I was pregnant again 🤣 the night before I took the test, I spent hours researching fish tb and had fully convinced myself I was going to get it and spiralled out of control! 🤣 the next day i actually said to @rebe...
  18. Flowerfairy13

    Fish Keeping & Pregnancy?

    I would be so lost without you 🫂 🐠
  19. Flowerfairy13

    Fish Keeping & Pregnancy?

    Thanks you very much! ☺️
  20. Flowerfairy13

    Fish Keeping & Pregnancy?

    Thank you so much! ☺️ thankfully I don’t seem to be as sick this time around!!! The only thing that is repulsing me at the moment is the worms 🤣 I started my own black worm tank a few weeks back before I knew and now the thoughts of them makes me sick 🤣 but the fish love them so I will have to...
  21. Flowerfairy13

    Fish Keeping & Pregnancy?

    Thank you so much Colin ☺️ super helpful as always!!!! The only thing I have a question mark over is the other half doing water changes for a bit - hell is more likely to freeze over 😅
  22. Flowerfairy13

    Fish Keeping & Pregnancy?

    Thank you so much ☺️this is actually my second baby, but with my first I only had one tank and was definitely more negligent with maintaining the tank than I am now! The research is very conflicting, most people are saying wear gloves and it should be fine!
  23. Flowerfairy13

    Fish Keeping & Pregnancy?

    Ok so, I am aware this is a very random question! And I am not even sure that this is the place to post it. But I said if anyone will know, it is the geniuses on this forum! I have recently found out I am pregnant, very early days. My first thought was the fish and the tanks!!! Does anyone on...
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  25. Flowerfairy13

    Shrimp Lollies

    That makes sense - although maybe Agave might be better than Gelatin. Thank you!! I thought Shrimp Lollies were really popular!! I live in a small Irish town where tropical fish keeping barely exists so I thought if I knew about them surely EVERYONE knew about them:lol:
  26. Flowerfairy13

    Shrimp Lollies

    Yes so it's essentially a long wooden skewer with dried food stuck to it and the shrimps pick at it. They are just really fun to watch because they strip them clean so quickly and they are so cute with their little picking motions!
  27. Flowerfairy13

    Shrimp Lollies

    Hi Everyone 👋 Just wondering does anybody have any good tried & tested recipes for homemade Shrimp Lollies? I bought some this week but they were crazy expensive (€15 for 6 lollies!!!) So I think it would be better to try and make some myself! Thanks so much in advance!
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    Berried Shrimp.jpg

  29. Flowerfairy13

    🐶 POTM VOTE NOW - March 2024 Pet of the Month Contest

    This is Belle, my very sassy, very cheeky but VERY loveable cockapoo (cross between a cocker spaniel and a standard poodle). Belle is 5 years old and she was my first love! She has been by my side through everything. Belle is 100% convinced that I am merely her service human, and my purpose on...
  30. Flowerfairy13

    Looking for opinions

    Hello everyone 👋🏻 I am working on a little project with my friend @rebe! We would really love your input on 2 questions. “What is the number one thing you wish you were told when you first started fish keeping?” AND “What do you feel is the most beneficial thing you have learned in your time...
  31. Flowerfairy13

    Liquid Fertilizer & Shrimps

    H Hello 👋 Thank you so much for your response! Good tip with the seaweed sheets, I will try and source some of those. Also, I would be very interested in hearing how you made your own fertilizer, if you wouldn't mind sharing with me? Sounds like you really know your stuff! I am finding...
  32. Flowerfairy13

    Liquid Fertilizer & Shrimps

    Not on my shrimp tank. For my shrimp tank I don't have any heavy root feeders in there so I just use Seachem Flourish. In my bigger tank which has Amazon Swords I use root tabs in addition to Flourish.
  33. Flowerfairy13

    Liquid Fertilizer & Shrimps

    Thank you so much! Good to know that it is safe to use once it is the correct doseage!
  34. Flowerfairy13

    Liquid Fertilizer & Shrimps

    Hi Everyone! I wanted to ask peoples opinions on using liquid fertilizer in shrimp tanks. I have a 60L planted tank containing around 30 mixed Neo Shrimp and 1 Male Betta. It is planted with Sessiflora, Montecarlo, Cryptocorne, Java Moss & Frogbit. I have been using Seachem Flourish once a...
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    60L Tank.jpg

  36. Berried Shrimp.jpg

    Berried Shrimp.jpg

  37. Blue Velvet Neocaridnia.jpg

    Blue Velvet Neocaridnia.jpg

  38. Flowerfairy13

    Planted tanks

    The tank in your second photo is absolutely amazing :fish:
  39. Flowerfairy13

    Planted tanks

    This is my 60L tank, has 1 Betta and some Shrimps & Snails. Planted with Monte Carlo, Java Moss, Sessiflora, Cryptocorne and Frogbit :) No C02 machine, I just use Flourish once a week :)
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    60L Tank.jpg
