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  1. T

    Hello. I need help with my betta.

    Just to update: He is eating egg yolk. I took some Metroplex and mashed it into the yolk of a hard boiled egg. I'm very excited. He's getting some nutrition and some medication.
  2. T

    Hello. I need help with my betta.

    It's interesting you mentioned that medicine for external issues is used on the throat. The Polyguard, an external medicine, I gave him seemed to help him a little. On Monday, when I gave him a small flake and he only spat out a portion from what I could tell. It was much to begin with. I...
  3. T

    Hello. I need help with my betta.

    Thanks. I removed the carbon filter when I put in the seachems polyguard. I have used some frozen bloodworms that I thought out. He ignored them. Do you think that metroplex would help with a throat infection? I know these medicines work best when mixed with food and I've heard that there's...
  4. T

    Hello. I need help with my betta.

    Here is another go. I'm basically just using indoor lighting. I don't know if these pictures are any better but I took a few. To me it looks like it's at the bottom range
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  8. T

    Hello. I need help with my betta.

    Should I get something to lower the ph?
  9. T

    Hello. I need help with my betta.

    It has been at least a week. Though yesterday, he bit some flakes and burped out I believe a little bit. I have never seen his poop. I normally feed him 5 pellets daily. On the scales I don't believe so. Polygaurd has sulfathiazole, malachite green, nitrofurantoin, quinacrine, and...
  10. T

    Hello. I need help with my betta.

    Here is a pic from when I took it with the Tetra 5 in 1(for the chlorine). The ammonia tube test I will redo as soon as I get home.
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  12. T

    Hello. I need help with my betta.

    Here are some pics I took. I can't differentiate between color shades that well. For chlorine I used dipstick. It looked good.
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  18. T


    I have been keeping fish on and off for about 25 years. I currently have a betta. I prefer the red ones. My first one was red and I loved him(RIP Gilmore). I am here to learn. My fish I have right now is ill and I am dealing with confusion on the best way to go about treating him. Thanks for...
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  20. T

    Hello. I need help with my betta.

    He hasn't eaten in over a week. He either ignores food(pellets, daphnia, bloodworms) or bites and spits(flakes). His tank is 6.5 gallons The tank is heated to 80F It is filtered. The tank is 6 months old. I checked Ammonia, Nitrate, Nitrite, and PH using API Masterkit. Checked out okay.(I...
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