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    cichlid tank...

    You might also want to put in a pair of German Blue Rams OR a pair of Kribensis, though I regard a 20 gallon as the smallest size for Kribensis.
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    i want some crabs but will they live?

    Most crabs usually need to be able to get some air. This has been true for fiddlers and red clawed crabs IME. Easily accessible rocks, wood, etc that reach up to the surface will be used. Take a look at some of the links below to read a little about them ...
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    Ram Behavior

    Any ideas on why this happened?
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    fiddler crab and dwarf frog

    I'm a little unsure of whether that would work. The fiddler might get tempted to take a hack or two at the frog if it gets hungry enough though I have never had the two together in a tank before.
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    Does Aquarium Salt Work?

    There's a good article about salt here for those interested:
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    Ram Behavior

    Yeps, they do seem to enjoy doing it from time to time. Arch their tail upwards, lower their heads and give each other some nudges.
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    Peat moss to soften water and lower pH

    I would also suggest you check with you LFS to compare water chemistry. Fiddling with you water chem can be tricky stuff. If you do decide to use it, I recoimmend you treat the water before you add it to the aquarium. Buy a KH and pH test kit to test your water before and after treatment. Keep...
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    keeping kribs alive

    How much does the water chemistry differ from you LFS and your own tank? What aacclimation time do you give the Kribs before they enter your tank?
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    PH for Kribs

    Kribs can tolerate a fairly wide range of pH values though one of the important factors is the water chemistry they were born and raised in. Lots more info here: (that needs to be updated..!)