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  1. HutchesonJ

    Platy Momma having her babies NOW!!!

    Yeah that's what I did so far I cought 9 but while I was trying to catch them I feel like I was stressing the mom out way to bad so I got worried the yellow one that I think 🤔 is still pregnant is the only other fish in there right now and she keeps eating them and staying under her I don't know...
  2. HutchesonJ

    Is my Molly supposed to look like this?

    This is my beautiful pregnant balloon!!!
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  4. HutchesonJ

    Platy Momma having her babies NOW!!!

    Omg I'm so excited but don't fully know what to do right now my platy has been having babies almost all day I have cought 7 and put them in the breeder net... The mom is in a tank with 1 other pregnant platy 2 corydoras and 1 pleco... How do I properly save the babies??? The silver one is...
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  10. HutchesonJ

    What is WRONG???

    Yeah I will for sure look for a cheaper one... The lady at aquatic Exotic looked at some of my videos and she said it is a internal Parasite called planaria... and they have the white stringy poop coming from them but only the mollys and platys seem to get it?.. or at least them are the only...
  11. HutchesonJ

    What is WRONG???

    As for the water conditioner and temperature... Yes I always make that as close as I can and use conditioner.. But sadly there is no way I can afford the other tester 😔. And yes I was talking about replacing the gravel but that is a much better idea. I knew there is good bacteria in the...
  12. HutchesonJ

    What is WRONG???

    I have had this molly longer than most my fish in there but he came from a different pet store with 2 female Molly's and they died within the first week. Every fish I have bought from that store has died fast. (I went 3 times never again) I did the water change and going to be able to watch...
  13. HutchesonJ

    What is WRONG???

    I used the 5 in 1 test strips.
  14. HutchesonJ

    What is WRONG???

    Ok thank you so much I am always so scared to do water or gravel changes. When I do the water change can I change the gravel too?.. I had 3 platy males a pleco a glo Danio and a dwarf gourami and 2 female Bettas.. Then in my 10 gallon I have 2 platy females 2 African Dwarf Frogs 2 corydoras a...
  15. HutchesonJ

    What is WRONG???

    The gh is 180 th kh is 80 the pH is 7.0 no2 is 0 and no3 is 80
  16. HutchesonJ

    What is WRONG???

    Ok it still won't let me do the video and with how fast he is swimming around it's hard to get a picture but this is what I got...
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  19. HutchesonJ

    What is WRONG???

    I just uploaded it in live-bearers album
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  21. HutchesonJ

    What is WRONG???

    I keep trying to post a picture and video and it keeps saying I cant
  22. HutchesonJ

    What is WRONG???

    My black Molly is not acting right at all he is swimming around very fast and just looks so tight. Like he is keeping his whole body tight? I think he may have clamped fin what is the best way to cure this and first action to make? Please help!
  23. HutchesonJ

    Platys with Parasite

    The pH level is at 7.5 in both tanks. And the little and the long white stringy poop is coming out of all of the platys Yeah the lady at the store said it's a parasite and I got some Meracleanse for it I think that's what it's called. I gave them medicine yesterday and this morning I woke up...
  24. HutchesonJ

    Platys with Parasite

    The pH level is at 7.5 in both tanks. And the little and the long white stringy poop is coming out of all of the platys.
  25. HutchesonJ

    Platys with Parasite

    I went to Aquatic Exotic and they said that it's some type of internal Parasite that starts with a P I think I don't remember the name. But they have white stringy poop and kind of all look bloated I thought it was ich but she said it wasn't from the videos I showed her she said because the...
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  29. Silver Platy Momma

    Silver Platy Momma

  30. Sunshine 🌞 Momma Platy

    Sunshine 🌞 Momma Platy

  31. 10g Tank

    10g Tank

    2 female Platy one Pleco and one Louch
  32. Pleco and Louch

    Pleco and Louch

  33. LoRay


  34. Bunch of Suckas

    Bunch of Suckas

    My louch and my pleco bellys
  35. Chilling on the rock

    Chilling on the rock

  36. LoRay


  37. LoRay


  38. HutchesonJ

    Platys with Parasite

    Hello 👋, I am brand new to fish keeping and have 2 tanks one is a 30 gallon and the other is a 10 gallon I have 2 platys in one tank that I think 🤔 are pregnant? Also in that tank is a pleco and a louch. My 30g has 1 pleco, 2 corydoras, 2 African Dwarf Frogs, 3 male platys, one male molly...