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  1. kurtjs

    Fertile? Infertile?

    Update....6 have hatched. I noticed some fungus growth on a couple of the bigger clusters of eggs So i removed them to be safe. Still have a good amount in the tank
  2. kurtjs

    Fertile? Infertile?

    Hi I have had a couple different corydora lay eggs. Most of the eggs in top square are from Thursday and the eggs in bottom square are from today. Some mixed in I'm sure. There is actually 75-80 eggs in total. This is my 4th spawn, tried different ways of hatching. Current method is a 3.5...
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  4. kurtjs

    Aquascape ideas

    I'll take any input I can get. My current tank is in a spare bedroom but this new one is going to be in the living area. I want it to be something people see and like, not some boring, dull tank. I even researched plants that are native to both parts of the world my fish will be from haha...
  5. kurtjs

    Aquascape ideas

    Hello all, I'm in the planning stages of a new tank. I'm most likely getting a Waterbox 30 gallon. I'm going to have corydora and pseudomugil rainbows. That's what I currently have but will expand.. I have an idea where I want the sand to slope on one side or or back corner. Like my current...
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  7. kurtjs

    Which species of pseudomugil

    Thanks! I have both Gertrude and paskai. So either way, she'll be happy now. I was so excited when I saw the tank of gutrudes at my shop (shark reef in Tucson AZ). I remember being mad that I bought a guppy that wasn't a guppy, but she became one of my favorites, even being so simple. The...
  8. kurtjs

    Which species of pseudomugil

    Hello, anyone able to identify this female? It's a pseudomugil but unsure what species. I'm pretty sure it's a spotted blue eye (Gertrudae). Bought her a while back (as a female guppy) haha pretty soon realized it was not. After months of looking my shop finally got some in for added 3 more...
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  12. kurtjs

    Tank upgrade

    Hello all, I think I'm finally ready to upgrade my tank from a 10g to a 29g, I think it will greatly help me keep the water parameters under control. And give me more plant/fish options. I plan on it becoming a love plant corydora/ rainbowfish pseudomugil tank. With a pleco. I currently have...
  13. kurtjs

    Red neon blie eye pseudomugil

    I got them appx a week ago. They had the 3 and were getting more so I took them, they all looked fine to me at the time. I did a salt treatment approximately a month ago, I'm pretty sure i followed the instructions you gave ti another person. Would UT be bad to do it again so soon? It worked...
  14. kurtjs

    Red neon blie eye pseudomugil

    Good evening, I bought 3 paskai pseudomugil rainbows last week. I think they are red neon blue eye phudomegil. Maybe same fish? But that's besides the point. Two of the 3 are doing great, swimming thought the tank, getting food, all that good stuff. But one seems droopy. Most of the time he...
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  20. kurtjs

    What is this?

    Here's the pic.
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  22. kurtjs

    What is this?

    My plants and even rocks all have this on them. Not sure what it is. Like a clear build up. Anyone know??? Fresh water aquarium with sand, live plants. Nitrites 0 Ammonia 0 Nitrates apps 20 or a tad more. Doing a water change now. But this stuff looks weird. Algae? Fungus?
  23. kurtjs

    Help identifying and removal?

    Thank! I'll give that a shot. I thought more light for the plants but 12 hours seems a lot now that I'm thinking. My idea was pretty much sunrise to sundown. Would you gradually reduce the time? Like 1 hour at a time for a few weeks each?
  24. kurtjs

    Help identifying and removal?

    I read that seacem Flourish Exel is helpful for removal due to the Co2...ever heard?
  25. kurtjs

    Help identifying and removal?

    I'm not sure exactly what range my lights have with my lights. They are led though, white. I have the 20 gallon top fin kit. Worked well so far. I think I might leave lights on too long. Probably from 7am to 7pm. The plants are all growing well. Especially the pkats with broader leaves.
  26. kurtjs

    Help identifying and removal?

    Hello everyone, I have two issues...a black almost fuzzy algae on one plant, and dark spots on some of a seperate plants leaves. I fertilize very little with fluval grow+ once a week or bi weekly. Nut no other plant treatments are used. When I first got plants a while ago I did add root tabs...
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  30. kurtjs

    Possible ich... single white spot on fin

    It's weird, I've been monitoring her and it's like it cha he'd shape/got smaller less dense.
  31. kurtjs

    Possible ich... single white spot on fin

    She has been bothered a little bit by another platy as she has got more pregnant. I wonder if that caused a little injury to her?
  32. kurtjs

    Possible ich... single white spot on fin

    Hi, while checking in on my fish today (mainly my pregnant platy) I noticed a white pot on her tail fin. She was also rubbing it on the sand/plants. A couple days ago I had. 25 nitrite level but after a couple water changes thats fixed. Amonia and nitrate are good. Not sure if it's ich or...
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  36. kurtjs


    Yeah I think it was really planting the plants that disturbed something. I’m hoping the roots start to go and that is supposed to help it in the future. I did a 70ish percent change this evening and waited about 15 mins, checked and the levels are looking really good compared to the morning. I...
  37. kurtjs


    Early on I went from gravel to sand. I have about 2-2.5”. With the sand I just hover the top. But when I was planting my live plants I was digging in there, with the root tans also. That might have caused a problem with dead spots I think they are referred as. I have 4 corys and 4 swimmers...
  38. kurtjs


    Did a big change. Used some conditioner as normal. And some safe start based off other research. Pretty small amount. Numbers look a lot better. I’ll check it in the AM and go from there
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  40. kurtjs


    That’s better. I’ll check it tomorrow morning again see how it’s doing