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  1. F

    Betta with cloudy and red eye

    Out of nowhere, I noticed that one of the eyes on my koi betta is cloudy and red. I used general cure already but it doesn’t seem to me helping. Please help! Thanks!
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    Small Red/Pink worm parasite

    I wish but it was definitely moving in the tank and when I removed it, it squirmed much more. :confused:I’ll dose parasite meds and do some research.
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    Small Red/Pink worm parasite

    I believe one of my guppies pooped out this worm. It is the tiny dark pink worm towards the corner of the tank. Can someone identify what it is? It was moving slowly on the substrate when I noticed it. Thank you!
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    Neon Tetra with possibly parasites?

    Two of my neon tetras have large bellies and do not seem egg bound. Sometimes they are lumpy and sometimes flat. They have been like this for several weeks because I originally thought both were just egg bound. Is this internal parasites/neon tetra disease? Thanks!
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    Neon Tetra Eggs

    I did some research it does look like it could be internal parasites. I added some parasite medication and one of them looks a little better and the lump looks smaller. Luckily, they are still acting fine and eating well. Thank you for saying this! Do you have any other tips or what the parasite...
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    Neon Tetra Eggs

    Hi, I have 2 female neon tetras that definitely look like they are about to lay eggs. There are currently 2 other males in the tank and I do plan on getting a couple more soon. I was wondering how soon they will lay eggs based on the pictures. I’ve only had livebearers have babies, so I am new...
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