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  1. T

    stocking ideas

    thank you! will get just some endlers later on
  2. T

    stocking ideas

    thanks, currently planning 6 or more male endlers and a dwarf gourami.. would this be suitable? could i add shrimp?
  3. T

    stocking ideas

    it is around 132 mg/l however the site does not operate well for me unfortunately.
  4. T

    stocking ideas

    thanks for the reply i will look into it
  5. T

    stocking ideas

    i also forgot to add but in my region within the uk water here is naturally very hard aswell
  6. T

    stocking ideas

    Hi all i currently have a cycled 28L tropical tank with some sand and live plants hoping to make it more heavily planted in the future. I wondered what nano community tank recommendations you had? Please let me know as i have considered a few options such as endlers but would like a combination...
  7. T

    Sudden Growth or lump on balloon molly!? Help!!

    Hi everyone. I have a 100L (28 US gallon) planted tank. I have 3 mollies (one passed), 3 guppies, 3 kuhli loaches and 6 flame tetras all in good health despite one as of late. The water parameters are all clear and I have reduced water changes as I am currently housing 3 guppy fry in a nursery...
  8. 8D479441-81BD-4B0C-9519-B5EAEFBE8D68.jpeg


  9. 6BA548AE-413A-48E7-A754-869869802BD0.jpeg


  10. 8F0E1B82-44C4-47F1-AD13-0F2E52E40C10.jpeg


  11. 3FC81FAA-358F-472A-9603-A05B800C085A.jpeg


  12. 2BF3DB6D-E1B8-412C-9D00-6C36BAB4CE8A.jpeg


  13. T

    Is my Molly pregnant?

    Hi everyone. Flump unfortunately passed away a few days after of unknown causes. She was pineconing and simply stopped swimming after bloating. I believe she was constipated however we had seen her excrete.
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    Is my Molly pregnant?

    Hi everyone, recently set up a 105L or 28 US gallon planted tank with fluval strat as a base layer with aquarium sand on top with 6 or so various plants and a driftwood centrepiece. I cycled the tank for 10 days atleast before adding 4 mollies, waiting a week and adding 6 flame tetras and three...
  15. BF48DA16-5482-467D-B319-047CF586C8A1.jpeg


  16. ABBFC776-F630-4EEE-B68B-76E74BDBC009.jpeg


  17. EB4AA8FF-018C-4AFC-B9DA-C627BC89A95A.jpeg


  18. FF1AB519-6C13-489D-A12C-ABC6DA494C57.jpeg


  19. T

    Is my tetra bearing eggs or sick/infected ?

    I also forgot to mention the tetra often stays low at a corner of the tank but often comes out for food or a swim which also led me to believe it could be pregnant. This is my first tropical set up and would appreciate any advice given!
  20. T

    Is my tetra bearing eggs or sick/infected ?

    Hi everyone, recently set up a 105L or 28 US gallon planted tank with fluval strat as a base layer with aquarium sand on top with 6 or so various plants and a driftwood centrepiece. I cycled the tank for 10 days atleast before adding 4 mollies, waiting a week and adding 6 flame tetras and three...
  21. CAAEC51D-E528-45E2-8FE7-D3E01D4DAC59.jpeg


  22. 57B73E8D-A891-4461-8363-BFFAC0AA50D7.jpeg


  23. 9EC8E0BF-685E-4D29-A671-BB9154E157B1.jpeg

