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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. D

    Question about Brazilian Pennywort

    I've had some previous issues with Brazilian Pennywort. I went through a cycle where I would plant it, it would be fine for a few weeks, but then it would become uprooted. The stem below the substrate died/melted. So I trim it off, replant, and then the same thing happens. After I do this...
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    Stunted Plant Growth

    Hello, I have a Marble Queen Radican Sword. The leaves don't grow much more than 3 or 4 inches, they lay flat horizontally rather than growing upwards, and they die with age. That being said, it will grow new leaves at about the same rate they are dying. This has been going on for about 6...
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    Baby Amano Shrimp

    The baby is in the red circle
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    Baby Amano Shrimp

    I bought 6 or 7 (adult) Amano shrimp a few months ago from a local store with no ideas or hopes of them breeding. However, within the last week I've found 3 tiny/baby Amano shrimp. I've read that Amano shrimp are one of the hardest shrimp species to breed, so I'm a little surprised. My tank is...
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    Which poops the most?

    On a per animal basis, which species produces the most waste out of these 4 -- nerite snail, amano shrimp, otocinclus, or neon tetra? Or would you say there's not really a clear winner?
  7. D

    Quantity of Fish for 20 Long?

    He didn't say to avoid them, but he did say they have differing water parameters - which to me is an implication that one fish could be a better fit for my tank than the other. I just didn't want to make assumptions!
  8. D

    Quantity of Fish for 20 Long?

    Okay, thanks. Sure, the GH is 150 ppm and PH is 7. Based on that, you previously recommended Paracheirodon innesi and @AdoraBelle Dearheart recommended the Danio margaritatus. So do you think I should avoid the Danio?
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    Quantity of Fish for 20 Long?

    Based on previous recommendations, Celestichthys margaritatus and Paracheirodon innesi were a few I was considering. Any thoughts on an appropriate quantity for my tank size? Thanks!
  10. D

    Quantity of Fish for 20 Long?

    My tank dimensions are 35.43" x 11.81" x 11.81" and it holds about 21 gallons. I've decided I want to go with a 1-species tank of fish that are about 1" in size. I have a few options I like that should fit my water parameters, but I'm more hung up on quantity right now. I've heard 12 is a good...
  11. D

    Fish ID?

    Now I'm curious - why did you change and what's your current dream fish?
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    Fish ID?

    Thanks everyone - that's very helpful!
  13. D

    Fish ID?

    I saw this fish at the store, and it was labeled as a Green Fire Tetra. After more research, it looks to me like this is actually a Green Neon Tetra. Can someone confirm what fish this is?
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  16. D

    Snail ID?

    Can someone ID this snail? I have Tiger Nerites, but this guy popped up recently. Is this cause for concern?
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  18. D

    Can you ID this fish?

    thank you! that's what it was
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    Can you ID this fish?

    I saw this at the store today, and the rep was busy helping someone else so I didn't get a chance to ask what this fish was. Any idea what this fish is? The picture doesn't do it justice, but it had a really nice orange color.
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  21. D

    50g planted tank

    Wow, nice tank! What are the fish with blue heads and red tails? Are those all neons or is it different species?
  22. D

    Blue Fish?

    I wondering a little bit more about this comment. Gourami seem to be quite prevalent in the hobby. When you say "avoid dwarf gourami", does that include some of the other species of gourami such as Red Fire/Flame and Honey Red? I think these are still considered "Dwarf Gourami", but wanted to...
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    Opinion on Activated Carbon?

    I'm a newbie, and one of the things I'm trying to sort out is whether to use activated carbon in my filter. There seems to be some differing ideas, some saying it can lead to unhealthy fish (hole-in-head?) and it doesn't do much, while others seem to use and recommend it for every tank b/c it...
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    Film at Top of Water

    Gotcha, thanks. I only have a 20 gallon and didn't really want a second filter, but sounds like it worked out for you so I'll think that over
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    Film at Top of Water

    I'm in the process of cycling my tank, about day 25 or so. No fish yet, and I added a light number of plants about 10 days ago or so. The water clarity was looking great until a few days ago, when a thin white film began to cover the top of the water. I have a (HOB) Seachem Tidal filter, and...
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    Length of Roots exceeds Depth of Substrate

    Not a dumb question. Actually when I planted them, they naturally wanted to make a U-shape rather than dig horizontal, hence them sticking up. I didn't try to force them down. Gotcha, thanks!
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    Length of Roots exceeds Depth of Substrate

    Hi, I recently bought a Queen Sword plant, and the roots are about 4 inches long. Unfortunately, my substrate is only about 2 inches deep, so when I planted it the roots are coming upwards out of the substrate. I've posted a picture below for reference. Is this something for me to be...
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    Sand Vs Gravel? Yes, this conversation again. Lol

    Wish I would have read this about 3 weeks ago 🤦‍♂️
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    Blue Fish?

    Thanks Byron - out of curiosity, how many gallons would be good for those larger blue tetras?
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    Blue Fish?

    I didn't get a response based on the last post on hardness. I tested with strips and can confirm I have hard water, it's reading about 150 PPM and a neutral PH of 7 Does anybody have recommendations based on those water parameters? I still prefer blue, but I'm curious what fish work well with...
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    Blue Fish?

    Thanks for the response, that's good info -- does this give you what you're looking for?
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  34. D

    Blue Fish?

    Hi, I'm new here and also new to aquariums. I just got a 20 gallon long tank and plan to stock with freshwater fish. With that size, I'm sure I have limited options, but if possible I'd like to have some fish with a blue color that pops. Blue is my favorite color, that's the only reason why...