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  1. tyberiusj12

    Oscar Update!!!!!!

    First id like to thank everyone in TFF for all the very knowledgeable advice on how to best address the situation, and yes i know he needs a bigger tank and i promise you its coming!!!! Morning after incident i did a water change. Day 2 i fed him like normal and continued monitoring his...
  2. tyberiusj12

    Hello, noob here!! :)

    in the near future once i get a hang of it i plan on having a fish tank in every room and maybe an indoor pond of fancy goldfish
  3. tyberiusj12

    How do you clean out your tubes?? Staining? API test kit tubes that is.

    thank you!!! Does it have to be distilled water or can i rinse it out with my sink water?
  4. tyberiusj12

    Update on my Pimelodus Pictus

    i heard you can just put a net or small fabric over your pump and itll prevent fish or small shrimp from being sucked up. id hate to have search through a bucket of fish poop to find a transparent shrimp xD
  5. tyberiusj12

    Under filtration

    Wow so very knowledgeable!!!! and very well explained even allowed a nooby such as my self to be able to comprehend such expert level advice.
  6. tyberiusj12

    How do you clean out your tubes?? Staining? API test kit tubes that is.

    okay, fi you dont mind me asking in conclusion what have you learned about the API testing kit tubes? i get mine in pretty soon so id like to know how to properly maintain them.
  7. tyberiusj12

    My Oscar Jumped out of his Tank!!!!!!!!

    understood ill be following ur page, u were a recommended source for my oscar
  8. tyberiusj12

    My Oscar Jumped out of his Tank!!!!!!!!

    thank you ill be researching all my fish needs so they get the proper amount of space to grow.
  9. tyberiusj12

    My Oscar Jumped out of his Tank!!!!!!!!

    thank you for your kind words and i think you are cool dude as well!! Did you just assume my gender O.O-kidding i love the oscar look however im more of a goldfish kindve guy so i was planning on getting 2 100gal and 2 55gal and keeping the 30gal i have as well as the 5gal for bettas. but i...
  10. tyberiusj12

    My Oscar Jumped out of his Tank!!!!!!!!

    1 i gave the other oscar to a friend, which went to a 30gal tank bc like you guys said he outgrew the tank. the 5gal is very temporary just buying me enough time to upgrade. but ive donated 2 plecos and my oscar due to size. Teenagers buying fish isnt ideal bc of limited room space lol
  11. tyberiusj12

    My Oscar Jumped out of his Tank!!!!!!!!

    i have a lid on all my tanks!!! but yes xD he will be getting a new home soon but great idea i got to hide my knife and axe collection xD
  12. tyberiusj12

    My Oscar Jumped out of his Tank!!!!!!!!

    an upgrade will be coming soon i didnt think moving him from his 30gal tank to a 5gal with one other small m8 was a bad idea but now im aware of the issue.
  13. tyberiusj12

    My Oscar Jumped out of his Tank!!!!!!!!

    dont worry about it, i take constructive criticism very well! and i appreciate you worrying about my fish community!! i know the current living situations arent ideal at the moment and there will be a major upgrade in the future but this is all the space i have at the moment, and i cant do...
  14. tyberiusj12

    My Oscar Jumped out of his Tank!!!!!!!!

    yes the photos were taken after the tragic event. but he appears to be fine atm. its a 5 gallon :( i do plan on getting him a larger tank, he was originally in the 30gal but him and his roommate (black molly) were bulling the other fish so i moved them both into the 5gal where the redcap orando...
  15. tyberiusj12

    My Oscar Jumped out of his Tank!!!!!!!!

    he attacked me the first time i attempted to hand feed him so ever sense weve always just played around when i feed him pellets. he appears to be perfectly fine (morning after) comes to the top when i approach and doesn't appear to be hiding i plan on doing a 50% water change including...
  16. tyberiusj12

    Enlarged Belly on my Pimelodus Pictus

    i know and its a small one, ima wait till i get a 55-60gal and see if i can make a badass one with that large of a tank. o.O
  17. tyberiusj12

    Water Chemistry

    Thank you so much!!! one thing about researching on your own, on a new topic is finding the credible people. Fun fact i learned how to do water changes from watching 'aquarium co-ops' videos. now a pro recommended him as a credible source now hes my primary source. :) I was definitely planning...
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  19. tyberiusj12

    Enlarged Belly on my Pimelodus Pictus

  20. tyberiusj12

    Enlarged Belly on my Pimelodus Pictus

    Thank you so much for your very kind words!!! im trying honestly. since i started focusing more on them everything has just started to make more sense and i stopped or continued to do so much more! i based weather i was doing a good job, if they were dying or not, not based on water...
  21. tyberiusj12

    Update on my Pimelodus Pictus

    thank you so much!!! i dont have either prawn nor shrimp so i will feed them both and see if they life it!!!!
  22. tyberiusj12

    Update on my Pimelodus Pictus

    thats awesome!!!!!! im so excited to introduce them to new foods. thank you so much prawn/shrimp and peas sweet!!!!
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  25. tyberiusj12

    My Oscar Jumped out of his Tank!!!!!!!!

    me and my Oscar were playing around like normal. id put my finger over the tank and hed jump to catch it. we did it about 3 times then the forth time instead of jumping straight up he came at an angle and flew out the tank landing in between the wall and my mini fridge. but he hit a wooden axe...
  26. tyberiusj12

    Update on my Pimelodus Pictus

    I appreciate your comment!! so i have a problem with over feeding my tank, i drop 2 small pinches of flakes into my tank and it all appears to be eaten and whatever's left my pictus comes and cleans up. i put a pleco wafer in before i go to sleep for my pleco and my upside down catfish. i have...
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  30. tyberiusj12

    Update on my Pimelodus Pictus

    First off i want to thank @B0B from Australia & @HoldenOn from Texas for their very knowledgeable advice. it has been 4 days since my Pimelodus Pictus Catfish grew a very large underbelly most likely caused by the excessive amounts of NO3(avg 180) in my tank. They both advised me to do a huge...
  31. tyberiusj12

    Water Chemistry

    First thank you so much for the very reply!!! oh i thought that as well but after thinking about how i cleaned all the gravel and filters, that it could be possible but now im unsure, my new water testing kit comes in on the 27th. but ill be taking a water sample to a LFS I have 2 unknown...
  32. tyberiusj12

    Hello, noob here!! :)

    thank you for the welcoming as well as all the info!!!
  33. tyberiusj12

    Hello, noob here!! :)

    400gal dream lol but before i invest into that i want to be 5years fatality free also MTS: Multiple tank syndrome correct? lol Edit: OMG its a real thing lol
  34. tyberiusj12

    Hello, noob here!! :)

    I've actually owned my tank for about a year and 9months, however ive only kept the fish because they were peaceful. i never took the time to learn about them nor study how to keep them alive. i guess you can say ive been very lucky since i got them. i bought the 5gal package that came with...
  35. tyberiusj12

    Water Chemistry

    i highly appreciate your very knowledgeable feed back!!! when i first bought my fish i was aware that they grow however i was informed they only grow to the size their habitat allows. at the time and up to just a few days ago (1yr-8months) i didn't have the mindset nor the time to really learn...
  36. tyberiusj12

    Water Chemistry

    so the actual problem is the over populated tank. now i understand NO3 is high because the ammonia levels are high so too make up for that i must do constant water changes or get enough live plants to combat the NO3, but im glad to know that there is sufficient amount of good bacteria to turn...
  37. tyberiusj12

    Water Chemistry

    2-3 is possible however am i doing 50% changes including a full cleaning of the gravel or 20% a quick drain and replace?