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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. M


    No I do a 50% water change including vacuuming the gravel every 4 days and it has been keeping the nitrates down but this time they sky rocketed
  2. M


    I measured my tap water last week and the reading was 20ppm and I tested my water after a change it was down to around 20 to 30 ppm and usually after I do a water change and test it its never this high and it hasn't been this high in a really long time I have barely any fish due to them all...
  3. M


    I brought some hornwort for my tank I was told it would reduce my nitrates however after doing a water change and adding it in 24 hours later my nitrates are higher at 40 to 80 ppm where as before they were 30 to 40 and needles keep floating everywhere what can i do why is this happening can...
  4. M

    Fish keep dying

    Perfect thank you so much
  5. M

    Fish keep dying

    I've just tested my tap water and it's no longer showing as zero its now showing as what looks like 20 ppm so my old testing strips must have been rubbish so my tank is showing slightly more then my tap water, does this mean its still to do with my tank not my tap water? I usually do a 25%...
  6. M

    Fish keep dying

    Is the pH OK at 7.4? And I've just ordered some api water conditioner I've been using aqua safe so for now I've had to use that until the api one is delivered
  7. M

    Fish keep dying

    I've just posted new test results there's no driftwood in my tank and my nitrates are down too 30ppm
  8. M

    Fish keep dying

    So my new testing kit came today and these are the results I did a 50% water change last night too
  9. 20220209_140522.jpg


  10. M

    Fish keep dying

    Thank you 😊
  11. M

    Fish keep dying

    OK thank you 😊
  12. M

    Fish keep dying

    So by adding a pre filter would I just need to clean this when I do water changes and the main filter when it really needs it? The instructions state to fill with fresh water when I clean the filter is this correct? I've only ever had internal up until now lol so I'm a little unsure with this
  13. M

    Fish keep dying

    OK perfect thank you 😊 I'm due a water change today so will do a 50% change today which probably is the cause as I get dead fish out as soon as I see them and I feed them a small pinch twice a day so no over feeding either how often would recommend cleaning the external filter? I do that monthly...
  14. M

    Fish keep dying

    Perfect will do this thank you 😊
  15. M

    Fish keep dying

    I do my water changes once a week and I do around 25% each time
  16. M

    Fish keep dying

    Hi i don't have any pictures of the plants but the fish I've had are guppys platies and neon tetras that's it the plants were for beginners on the website. My fish had no symptoms I'm just finding them dead that's it and no this has been happening on and of since the beginning of September time...
  17. M

    Fish keep dying

    Ah I didn't realise all of these things I've been using testing strips which seem to be rubbish so I've just ordered a new testing kit the liquid ones to make sure I'm.getting the right readings thanks for tour advice I will check those now and get back to you also the readings I'm getting are...
  18. M

    Fish keep dying

    My testing kit doesn't have ammonia I've just ordered a new one for that reason
  19. M

    Fish keep dying

    Hi 👋 Thanks for your prompt response. My pH level is 6.5 nitrite is 0 total alkalinity seems to be zero chlorine and chlorine is 0 and my general hardness is 250 and nitrate is between 50 and 100. According to my testing strips apart from.the alkalinity they are all within normal parameters...
  20. M

    Fish keep dying

    Hi I'm in need to some advice I have a tropical fish tank I've had four fish die in the space of 2 days I've tested my water and the only thing that's low is the alkalinity I'm also struggling with my nitrate levels nitrite is fine but nitrate won't budge no matter what I do levels I change my...