Search results

  1. StripySnailGirl04

    Can female Rosy Barbs become male??

    Hello! (its been ages since i was last active) I've come here to ask a question because I have observed that over the past few months, my female rosy barb has developed the colouring just like my male one. She is much more bright and vivid, her fins are partially black but also chases around...
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  6. StripySnailGirl04

    What sort of snail?

    Provided you don't have any small fish as well in the fish tank, you could get assassin snails to eat the pest snails, though this could take quite a while. I would like to add, if you are looking for algae cleaners, nerite snails are much better and also don't reproduce at all in fish tanks...
  7. StripySnailGirl04

    What sort of snail?

    Hello, From a distance, I think that it's a bladder snail. Definitely a pest snail though.
  8. StripySnailGirl04

    Yellow opal pingu

    Beautiful fish! When I saw "Pingu" I thought of this one:
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  10. StripySnailGirl04


    Thank you! Definitely cleared up a few things about fish tanks :)
  11. StripySnailGirl04


    Hello, I am a person that typically uses litres to describe the volume of my fish tank because I am not familiar with any units outside of the metric system. Many people on this forum use gallons and I have an approximate idea on the volume one may be describing. However, I went on the TFF...
  12. StripySnailGirl04

    More Nerite Snail Eggs

    Even more new zebra nerite snail eggs... that will never hatch! I wonder who laid them, Humbug or Coco Shadow?
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  15. StripySnailGirl04

    Show us your cat/s!

    I really want a cat but I'm allergic to them :(
  16. StripySnailGirl04

    :rip: :byebye::byebye:

    :rip: :byebye::byebye:
  17. StripySnailGirl04

    Last tetra died today-

    Last tetra died today-
  18. StripySnailGirl04

    Facebook down

  19. StripySnailGirl04

    Cardinal Tetra needs Help (unsure of what to do)

    This isn't a new fish and I haven't had new fish for at least 2 years so it must've been something in the tank for a while that only infected the tetra now because it has new wounds?
  20. StripySnailGirl04

    Cardinal Tetra needs Help (unsure of what to do)

    Is it possible to cure it in any way? Any medicine you would recommend? I just realised that it has white dots on its fins 😔
  21. StripySnailGirl04

    Cardinal Tetra needs Help (unsure of what to do)

    Hello, Yesterday, I found my last cardinal tetra stuck behind the filter with half its tail gone and an injury on the side. However, it was still alive. I let it out into the tank and turned off the lights to prevent the other fish from attacking it (I normally do this if they become...
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  24. StripySnailGirl04

    Tetra really swollen! Help!

    Thank you! It appears that the scales aren't sticking out and I think at this point it is unlikely that the tetra could be treated. ☹️
  25. StripySnailGirl04

    Tetra really swollen! Help!

    Hello, One of my cardinal tetras are really swollen. It started a few days ago but the situation is really bad right now. It also can't swim properly and is breathing very heavily. It seem like it is very stretched and the scales are starting to come off. If it has constipation, this is very...
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  28. StripySnailGirl04

    Sparking some Motivation Journal

    Not an interesting update but I rearranged some anubias that has become adrift. Hopefully I can install the java moss wall within this week. Cocoa Shadow the snail: The snails are very active today, and have moved around the tank quickly within short periods of time. Humbug is hiding in the...
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  30. StripySnailGirl04

    What are you doing today?

    Today I am very excited but a bit nervous because I am taking part in a maths competition today. It is my first time but I really want to see the questions lol
  31. StripySnailGirl04

    Windows 11 - Is everyone able to download?

    Slightly off topic: My school upgraded to windows 11 and none of the teachers know how to use it properly, let alone windows 10. The format is just ugly and I really don't see the point unless windows 10 will be "no longer in service" or something like that. I like Windows 7 the best, I'm...
  32. StripySnailGirl04


    I'll have a try tomorrow, thank you!
  33. StripySnailGirl04


    Is there anything you would recommend me to do? If I get a supplement, what would it supplement? And will my nerite snails eat the algae or do I need to get rid of it in a different way?
  34. StripySnailGirl04


    On the part of fish and tank size, you will be disappointed. I have 1 leopard danio, 2 rosy barbs and 2 cardinal tetras all in a 40 litre tank. I am considering giving the rosy barbs away but the danio and tetras are very old for each species so will probably die quite soon anyways. I don't use...
  35. StripySnailGirl04


    Hello! What is this on my plants? There are lots of black patches and spots on a few leaves in my tank? Is this some sort of algae? Also, there seems to be some debris accumulating on the plants (I don't know what it is) and my nerite snails aren't willing to clean it :angry:. Does anyone know...
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  38. StripySnailGirl04

    Sparking some Motivation Journal

    Update: The java moss wall kit arrived today! I'll get started with it this weekend. All the anubias are still alive and not dying which is a good sign. Some pictures:
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