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  1. ogelthorpe

    Alternative to Pygmy cories

    Thanks again for the guidance! Will look him up
  2. ogelthorpe

    Alternative to Pygmy cories

    Thanks man and appreciate all the advice so far. I don’t mind saying that I live in Halifax so if you have any suggestions where to find Pygmy cories that would be great
  3. ogelthorpe

    Alternative to Pygmy cories

    Sure thing. Temperature is about 78 degrees and pH is 7. Do t know GH and KH offhand but water in our city is considered very soft if that helps. Using same filter that came with the tank - Fluval flex 9 gallon tank. Substrate is fine black sand and tank has artificial plants and a piece...
  4. ogelthorpe

    Alternative to Pygmy cories

    Hello all, Looking for an alternative to Pygmy cories for my 9G fluval flex. Spoke with my LFS peeps and apparently they are very hard to come by where I live. I have 10 ember tetra and looking for something (other than shrimp or snails) to pair with them. Any thoughts?
  5. ogelthorpe

    How long to wait before adding more Ember Tetra

    Correct. Tank was cycled prior to the first 7 embers going in. Thanks again for the tips!
  6. ogelthorpe

    How long to wait before adding more Ember Tetra

    No live plants at this time. Fake plants, driftwood and stone on black sand substrate
  7. ogelthorpe

    Stocking Recommendation to go with Ember Tetras in 9G Fluval Flex

    Yeah good call. Think I will stick with the embers and Pygmy cories
  8. ogelthorpe

    How long to wait before adding more Ember Tetra

    Hi all, Added my 7 ember tetra to my 9G Fluval Flex a few days ago. As per suggestions on this site, going to build up the school to 12. I used an already cycled filter from another tank on this new one so how long should I wait before adding another 5 embers? No signs of ammonia, nitrites or...
  9. ogelthorpe

    Stocking Recommendation to go with Ember Tetras in 9G Fluval Flex

    So 12 embers and 12 or so Pygmy cories. I like that combo - thanks man! This will all work in the 9G flex?
  10. ogelthorpe

    Stocking Recommendation to go with Ember Tetras in 9G Fluval Flex

    Thanks for this. I do indeed have a fine sand substrate so pygmies would work great. What other “dwarf Cory” species are there? Hasborosus? How many Pygmy Cory or dwarf cories could I have in this setup?
  11. ogelthorpe

    Stocking Recommendation to go with Ember Tetras in 9G Fluval Flex

    Hi everyone, I have a 9G Fluval Flex that I just added 7 ember tetra to. Thinking I might add another couple embers and then looking for other stocking suggestions. Any ideas?
  12. ogelthorpe

    Male or Female Dwarf Pea Puffer?

    Hi all, Please see photos attached - is this a male or female dwarf pea puffer?
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  17. ogelthorpe

    Tank Mate Suggestions for a Single Pea Puffer in Fluval Flex 9 gallon

    Hi everyone, I see many differing opinions online regarding whether or not tank mates are a good idea to keep with a single pea puffer. I have one in a 9gal Fluval Flex with sand substrate, densely planted and with spider wood and stone. Lots of hiding places. Curious to hear your opinions...
  18. ogelthorpe

    Fluval Flex 9 Gallon - Number of Guppies and Pygmy or Panda Cories?

    Ok thanks for the advice. Any other cleanup crew you would suggest?
  19. ogelthorpe

    Fluval Flex 9 Gallon - Number of Guppies and Pygmy or Panda Cories?

    I meant to add that they are all male guppies and only looking to add more males
  20. ogelthorpe

    Fluval Flex 9 Gallon - Number of Guppies and Pygmy or Panda Cories?

    Hi everyone, I've started a second Fluval Flex 9 Tank that's cycled and I just added 4 Fancy Guppies yesterday. Wondering how many guppies I could eventually stock it with along with the number of pygmy or panda cories I might be able to add in the future as well (sand substrate is in place)...
  21. ogelthorpe

    Pea Puffer Stopped Eating, Not Moving Much and Barrel Rolling

    Hi all, I have 3 pea puffers in a 10g and one of them stopped eating a few days ago, is breathing heavy, not moving much and I saw him barrel rolling this morning. I've had them for a couple of months and have been religiously monitoring water conditions, weekly 30-50% water changes, weekly...
  22. ogelthorpe

    Pea Puffer Tank Mates

    Hey everyone, I've got 3 pea puffers in a fluval flex 9 and all is going great! Was thinking about changing my substrate from gravel to sand and maybe adding some kuhli loaches. Do you think this would work? I've heard it might be best to keep them in a species only setup but would love to...
  23. ogelthorpe

    Pea Puffer Tank Maintenance

    Hello everyone, I have a few questions about tank maintenance for my Fluval Flex with 3 Pea Puffers. Any help would be greatly appreciated: 1. How often should I gravel vac the substrate (gravel substrate)? Once per week? I've had the puffers in for almost a week and have been testing my...
  24. ogelthorpe

    Cleanup Crew for group of 3 pea puffers

    Good point. It’s keeping my nitrate levels way down!
  25. ogelthorpe

    Cleanup Crew for group of 3 pea puffers

    It’s been setup for about 6wks and fully cycled. Just added the puffers a week ago.
  26. ogelthorpe

    Cleanup Crew for group of 3 pea puffers

    Thanks for this. No live plants at this point. Just fake ones.
  27. ogelthorpe

    Cleanup Crew for group of 3 pea puffers

    Hello - I have a 10g with 3 pea puffers. Heavily planted and doing really well but have only had the fish in for about a week. Have some algae and biofilm growth and wondering if there are any good suggestions for bottom dwellers or other cleanup crew? I’m mindful that the puffers may go after...
  28. ogelthorpe

    Fluval Flex 9 Gallon Aquarium with Fake Plants (Beginner) - Stocking Suggestions?

    Thanks for all the help. Heading to the LFS today so looking forward to it!!
  29. ogelthorpe

    Fluval Flex 9 Gallon Aquarium with Fake Plants (Beginner) - Stocking Suggestions?

    Thanks guys. Sounds like maybe a school of chili or some other micro rasbora and a snail might be the way to go. Do you a few pea puffers would work instead?
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  31. ogelthorpe

    Fluval Flex 9 Gallon Aquarium with Fake Plants (Beginner) - Stocking Suggestions?

    Thanks for this. Do you think I could do some bottom dwellers with the shoal? ie: kuhli loaches or pygmy cories?