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  1. Indigodragonfire

    What kinds of fish to get?

    Yeah I'm getting everything else friday!
  2. Indigodragonfire

    What kinds of fish to get?

    I got the test strips in early.I think it's all in ppm.I was told to test again in 24 hours but here's the first one Gh 300 NO² 0 NO³ 10 KH 40 pH 6.8
  3. Indigodragonfire

    What kinds of fish to get?

    I'll be back on here thursday and friday with that water test!
  4. Indigodragonfire

    What kinds of fish to get?

    I'm testing my water on the 13th and 14th but if the water conditions are right we might go for lots of live plants with neon tetras and shrimp.I gotta cycle the tank I'm researching that right now,but after I test the water we are getting the tank so probably friday
  5. Indigodragonfire

    What kinds of fish to get?

    I didnt realize there were so many choices
  6. Indigodragonfire

    What kinds of fish to get?

    I found several varieties of shrimp,including some pretty neat blue ones he liked.
  7. Indigodragonfire

    What kinds of fish to get?

    I talked to my fiance and he found out about all the colorful shrimp you can get so we may decide to go for a more shrimp safe fish.So,one type of fish and then maybe 5 to 10 shrimp?What kind of fish wont kill and eat shrimp?
  8. Indigodragonfire

    What kinds of fish to get?

    Maybe some shrimp or snails?
  9. Indigodragonfire

    What kinds of fish to get?

    Ok so a lot of the fish my fiance likes need bigger tanks.I suggested ti him we start small and when we move and have space for a bigger tank in a few years we can try those other fish.He wants a beta fish,we are gonna put it in a 10 gallon.I know beta cant be kept with other beta,but are they...
  10. Indigodragonfire

    What kinds of fish to get?

    I think I'll start with maybe 2 kinds of fish.My old tank had tetras and soemthing else I think and I did ok
  11. Indigodragonfire

    What kinds of fish to get?

    How about some zebra danios maybe?or some sort of tetra.I had good luck with tetras before
  12. Indigodragonfire

    What kinds of fish to get?

    Well I'm not sure if they can be kept with ither fish and I've heard they are hard to sex as juveniles which is how they are sold. I'm just trying to decide what species to start with first
  13. Indigodragonfire

    What kinds of fish to get?

    I guess that's a good place to start after I get that water testing done.I can go through that list
  14. Indigodragonfire

    What kinds of fish to get?

    I was reading that they dont need snails because they are different than other puffers.But they do need a variety of frozen and live food,and arent as compatible with other fish.If I'm doing a 10 gallon I'd like to have more than just some puffers in it.I did find some other fish he seemed...
  15. Indigodragonfire

    What kinds of fish to get?

    I've heard they are harder to keep than some fish
  16. Indigodragonfire

    What kinds of fish to get?

    I ordered the water test kit.Talked to roommate and we are getting a 10 gallon instead.My fiance apparently loves pea pufferfish but I'm not sure if we could manage those.He thinks they are cute and chubby,maybe I can find something else he thinks is cute?
  17. Indigodragonfire

    What kinds of fish to get?

    I'm going to get stuff to test my water soon if I can find it.On amazon maybe?and I am considering a beta!I'll hop back on here after I've tested our water.
  18. Indigodragonfire


    I found some information on my city's water!
  19. Indigodragonfire

    What kinds of fish to get?

    I found some information on my city's water!
  20. USER_SCOPED_TEMP_DATA_orca-image--572947788.jpeg


  21. Indigodragonfire


    I'm about to go check,but I will say I had very good luck with those one silver tetras with the 3 stripes.They never died,stubborn little fish.
  22. Indigodragonfire

    What kinds of fish to get?

    And thanks,it's the username I go by just about everywhere.I really like dragons and my favorite color is indigo!
  23. Indigodragonfire

    What kinds of fish to get?

    How would I even figure out what water conditions are here?
  24. Indigodragonfire

    What kinds of fish to get?

    Yeah my fiances last fish had some sort of parasite that ate a hole through them.Not cool:(
  25. Indigodragonfire

    What kinds of fish to get?

    Oh shrimp and beta are a great idea!My fiance used to keep ghost shrimp so has a bit of experience with some shrimp.I was actually planning on this being a suprise for valentines day this year,he is moving in with me and we had planned on his cat that passed joining us.I talked to his mom and...
  26. Indigodragonfire

    What kinds of fish to get?

    My fiance had his 18 year old cat pass away recently and my elderly rats also passed.I decided to get back into keeping fish.What kinds of fish need smaller tanks and are easiest to care for?I used to have a 20 gallon full of some kind of tetras and occasionally other fish as a kid but it's been...
  27. Indigodragonfire


    Hi I'm Indigo!I used to have a 20 gallon freshwater tank years ago and recently decided to get back into the hobby after some of my other pets passed away recently.I'm here to learn and decide what kind of fish I might be interested in!