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  1. B

    Ram cichlid injury/illness need help identifying!!

    Hey guys, it’s been a bit but I’m back lol. I’ve been super busy the last 6 months travelling and moving house and my fish have been in the care of my parents. I see them every couple weeks and they do water changes for me every now and then. I am home for a few days and noticed a big white...
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  5. B

    Should i add anything to change my water parameters?

    Thank you very much for the input guys. I'm happy to keep species only happy in soft water. I love rams so that's a plus! I have read over and over again how low KH (mine is 2 dH) will make pH swing wildly and stress your fish. I've been keeping my tank for around 2 months now without issues in...
  6. B

    Should i add anything to change my water parameters?

    So i finally got enough cash together to buy myself an ADI freshwater master test kit and KH and GH test kit. I immediately tested the water out my tap which is rainwater and the water in my tank. So the fish tank pH was 6.4, KH 2-3 dH and GH 2 dH. pH out the tap is 6.6 and KH and GH...
  7. B

    Is it possible to sex my German Blue Ram

    Thinking of getting my GBR a mate. Not sure if its possible to sex yet. Check the picture attached 😁
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  9. B

    Should i add another blue ram(blue ram help)

    Thank you so much for your insights! I just found it super strange because the ram had been so happy for the first weeks and only from a couple days ago started hiding/acting strangely. Ive been doing water changes with cold water and the ram has been responding fine. Today i can report it is...
  10. B

    Should i add another blue ram(blue ram help)

    So I added fish to my tank(60L capacity)around 6 weeks ago now. It had been cycling for probably 2 months before then with some guppies to get the cycle going. I added 6x harlequin rasbora, 1x GBR and 6x peppered corys(plus a guppy i couldnt catch) My tank is quite heavily planted with...
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