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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. J

    Cory habrosus died today; some others seem listless or swim/lie oddly.

    @DoubleDutch - wasn't you. At all. You just came in right as I'd gotten fed up with the whole thing. It was a buildup of people ignoring the question at hand and lecturing me that I should be doing things I literally *can't* do in the short term. The problem is that I posted in *emergency...
  2. J

    Cory habrosus died today; some others seem listless or swim/lie oddly.

    If Colin T has anymore to say about what I can do, I'm listening. Beyond that, though, I'm *done* with this forum. The ratio of criticism to practical advice here is absurd. Of all the people who pointed out what's wrong with my substrate, only *one* told me what I can quickly and practically...
  3. J

    Cory habrosus died today; some others seem listless or swim/lie oddly.

    Pollution is definitely my bigger worry with the substrate. If the males are thin (the females certainly aren't!), that'd be the culprit. Most of their food goes in the sand dish, and they definitely know to go there to eat!
  4. J

    Cory habrosus died today; some others seem listless or swim/lie oddly.

    So far, I'm holding off. After the deep clean, all but one are resting mostly right-side-up, and another's gotten noticeably perkier. I didn't add anything but Prime to today's water change; no alkaline buffer. As long as parameters aren't moving too fast, and stay within a range safe for the...
  5. J

    Cory habrosus died today; some others seem listless or swim/lie oddly.

    That and the cory I thought was going to die a couple months ago and is now healthy (he had the same initial symptoms, but also jumped out of the hospital tank onto the floor, which put him in even worse shape for a while) was treated with triple sulfa, then kanamycin. I think kanamycin would be...
  6. J

    Cory habrosus died today; some others seem listless or swim/lie oddly.

    I haven't seen him post anything here? My thought is that all this talk of gravel and sand revolves around bacterial susceptibility. If it's something bacterial, triple sulfa might at least arrest their growth and give the ill cories a chance to fight off any infections, especially with how...
  7. J

    Cory habrosus died today; some others seem listless or swim/lie oddly.

    Thank you. Any opinions on whether triple sulfa might help with the immediate concern of bringing some of these fellows back to health?
  8. J

    Cory habrosus died today; some others seem listless or swim/lie oddly.

    After all, this category is supposed to be for *emergencies*, not long-term improvements, isn't it?
  9. J

    Cory habrosus died today; some others seem listless or swim/lie oddly.

    I actually have diagnosed OCD, FWIW. It's not attention to detail I'm complaining about, Bruce. If either you or Uberhoust has any useful advice, go ahead. Otherwise, why are you posting? At least I can act on *something* that Byron is saying. My point is that I didn't come here either to be...
  10. J

    Cory habrosus died today; some others seem listless or swim/lie oddly.

    Literally *everything* else I've read says keep nitrate low, with a reference of under 40ppm for most and under 20ppm for sensitive species like cories. & if you can get it lower, good. Sometimes it's been at 5ish, and that usually gets compliments, not "it's too far above zero". I'm looking to...
  11. J

    Cory habrosus died today; some others seem listless or swim/lie oddly.

    I understand you're sharing your knowledge and experience, and that tone doesn't come through over type. No worries. I gather you specialize in Amazon River Basin fish? It's exactly the shrimp and snails that I worry about if I let kH fall to 0 and pH below 6.5. There's a website I used to...
  12. J

    Cory habrosus died today; some others seem listless or swim/lie oddly.

    Also, my understanding is that such acidic water as you'ryou're recommending is only necessary for characin reproduction, not adult general health.
  13. J

    Cory habrosus died today; some others seem listless or swim/lie oddly.

    OK, I've removed the mopani and scrubbed it down with a toothbrush under hot bathwater; I now have it soaking in a bucket of Prime-treated water to bind any chlorine compounds. I've also removed any other fungus I can see, mostly by removing java moss and combing through it. I'll also do a good...
  14. J

    Cory habrosus died today; some others seem listless or swim/lie oddly.

    I'd be happy to use something that increases kH without pulling pH up to 7.5; just not sure that exists. I don't want an acid crash if kH is exhausted, though.
  15. J

    Cory habrosus died today; some others seem listless or swim/lie oddly.

    My kH falls to 1 w/o alkaline buffer. The lfs also adds this bc local water is so carbonate-soft. gH stays btw. 6-7 at all times, which is where I like it; any lower would be bad for the shrimp. Vern the betta is shockingly mild-mannered, and the cories will swim right up by him. I worry more...
  16. J

    Cory habrosus died today; some others seem listless or swim/lie oddly.

    It looks like I can't upload the mp4s, but here are a few photos. They do have a sand dish where they can eat and rest if the gravel begins to irritate their barbels.
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  22. J

    Cory habrosus died today; some others seem listless or swim/lie oddly.

    PS. Tank temp. kept at 78F; daily 5-10% water changes w/Prime & alkaline buffer to keep kH up at 3.
  23. J

    Cory habrosus died today; some others seem listless or swim/lie oddly.

    Hello! I found one of my eight C. habrosus dead on the substrate at the back of my tank today. :-( About half lie on their sides frequently or swim oddly. Got them 8 months ago; they were the first fish I put in after cycling. When the strange behavior first happened a couple months ago, I...
  24. J

    Female ADF - unusual eyes: pre-shed or infection?

    Hi, all! More ADF concerns. My younger female has had her eyes for the past day, and I was wondering whether this is normal pre-shed, like a snake in blue, or a sign of infection? She's acting normally. Picture attached (forgive the algae, see below). I've been doing ~8% water...
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  26. J

    ADF sudden death. Any suggestions to prevent in future?

    Well, that's certainly depressing. At least I used the right med for the first poor little guy - gave him the best chance I knew how.
  27. J

    ADF sudden death. Any suggestions to prevent in future?

    PS. I know for almost certain that it *wasn't* chytrid that killed the first one, since the others would have tested positive if it were - crazy contagious, after all. What *would* you recommend as a general anti-fungal medicine? The same lamisil bath I've seen recommended for chytrid?
  28. J

    ADF sudden death. Any suggestions to prevent in future?

    Thanks. I'll be careful to keep the gravel vacuumed and step up water changes. I actually just wiped down the tank walls today, along with those. I'm glad to know the pellet wasn't likely the problem, as they've been recommended to me for the shrimp (I am breaking them into smaller pieces...
  29. J

    Hi! Josh of Michigan here.

    Good evening, everyone! I have a 29 gallon tropical community tank and registered for advice about my three African Dwarf Frogs. I also have a peaceful and curious male koi nemo galaxy veiltail betta, nine cardinal tetras (one of which I've seen use the aquarium glass as a tool to break down big...
  30. J

    ADF sudden death. Any suggestions to prevent in future?

    Hi! Please excuse the tome below, but I figure too much information beats too little. I purchased three ADFs in May for my 29 gallon planted tropical community tank: two males, one female. At first, they seemed quite content - singing, amplexus, good appetites. About a month in, one of the...
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